
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Boo hoo, this is my last Weekend Wrap Up of the summer. Today I go back to.... WORK. You know, that thing most people have to do 12 months out of the year.

Seriously, I had a very relaxing summer and like always, I am feeling recharged to take on the new school year. I had a great weekend. Here is what I had going on...

I was humbled on Saturday morning by a food called brussel sprouts. I hadn't had them in awhile, but Friday night, I ate a whole box of frozen brussel sprouts. "They won't bother me this time," I told myself. Oh, how cocky I was. Saturday morning, shit went down. And when I say shit, I literally mean POOP. Sadly, as much as I love brussel sprouts, I just can't eat them unless I want to almost puhp my pants the next day. It is so sad, but it is what it is...

Boy did I have some weird dreams this weekend! I dreamed...

1. I was eating meatloaf with Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino.

2. I was starring in a music video for the song "A Whole New World" from Aladdin. 
In my dream, Michael Jackson was the singer.

3. I drank a Diet Coke. 

4. I put one mini Twix and one Oreo in my mouth at the same time and couldn't chew them so they got stuck in there.

Remember how I said I barely socialized this summer and didn't get to reconnect with all of my friends? Well, better late than never! On Saturday night, two of my friends (who happen to be fellow music teachers) came over for a much needed girl's night on my back porch. I wish we got together more often because I am telling you, we really figure out LIFE when we are together!

You know your eyebrow wax was a failure when afterwards, you have to pluck your eyebrows. I am never going to Holiday Hair again. This is really sad because normally they do such a nice job on my eyebrows and it's only $8. I also got my hair trimmed and layered a bit. The length is still there, it is just cleaned up a tad. Next job: Covering the roots! Hopefully, by the time you are reading this, I have already done it!

I have a confession. I started watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Not only that, but I actually like the show. My DVR is now set to record the series. The good news is I will always have trashy TV to watch. The bad new is I will always have trashy TV to watch.
What was going on with you this weekend?
What is your favorite trashy TV show?

Did you have any weird dreams lately?


  1. I hear ya on the brussel sprouts, girl. I love them yet they don't love me back. Ugh.
    Sounds like a really fun weekend. I love girl's nights! I am glad you had that time with them. We mostly do things with couples but I make sure to get in my girl time, too. Our weekend was a ride/farmer's market/picnic in Boulder on Saturday followed by a swim in the lake with our dog then complete veg out. Sunday we went to lunch and bowling! Then Rick had to leave for Winter Park for a job up there so I watched The Five Year Engagement. No judgement on the Kardashians. I got sucked into watching Chloe and Lamar for a season. Right now I am really into the shows on the Food Network that showcase the different food carts around the country. I am obsessed with food carts and we seriously lack them in Northern Colorado.

    1. What a great day in Boulder! I was telling my boss about our Colorado trip today and he was fascinated by my altitude stories! Ah, Chloe and Lamar... any idea why they broke up? Did you see it coming??? :)

    2. LOL...well, I got totally sucked into it and was deeply saddened when he cheated on her. I really liked him :) Foolish me....

    3. I can't believe he cheated on her! Mo' money, mo' problems.

  2. I have never had my eyebrows waxed. I think it's because I'm secretly afraid of the pain. I do tweeze which can also be painful if you pluck the skin...ouch! Since Robin Williams passed away I've been seeing the Aladdin cartoon everywhere! I bet that's why you dreamed about singing Aladdin songs!

  3. Silly question: you don't actually eat the Brussel sprouts frozen do you?

    I love getting my eye brows waxed. Now when I look back at high school and college pics I think "why didn't anyone introduce me to eye brow waxing earlier"... I could have used it! Enjoy your week back at school!

    1. No they were not frozen! Haha, I realize the way I worded the sentence was a bit ambiguous. :)

  4. I've only had my eyebrows waxed once, which is a crying shame since my eyebrows need it. I don't like pain though and Adam says he couldn't tell the difference (although he may just be a kind person).

    I sadly like Keeping Up with the Kardashians too. I don't watch it very often, but when I'm bored and it's on I will watch way too many episodes in a row!

    1. I have a unibrow and the thickest eyebrows ever if I don't keep them under control. I even trim mine!

      Glad I am not the only one that gets sucked into the trashy Kardashian family! I just heard today Kim is releasing a new book of all selfie pictures called "Selfish". INDEED!

  5. Your weird dreams are awesome! I can never remember my dreams unfortunately. I've been getting my eyebrows threaded lately. It hurts though, my eyes water every time!

    1. I will have to look up the threading because while I've heard of it, I don't know what it is!

  6. I have such a skewed vision of the world. My entire social network, including my mom and dad and grandparents, are all teachers. I actually forget that everyone else has to work during the summer. My brother just got a job in advertising and he works 5 days a week, every week, so when we visited him we had to wait until he got off work. In JULY! I've never been more confused in my life! ;-)

    Also, I spent all day with my two best teacher friends. We really do figure out life when we're together. They are the best people I know.

    1. I am glad you got to spend time with your teacher friends! Teachers are wiiiiiise people. :)

  7. Favorite trash TV show? Survivor.
    My eyebrows need to be groomed too--I just do it at home...
    I think we are ready for a little structure from the school year in this house--

    1. I LOVE SURVIVOR!!! I have not seen all the seasons. Right now we are watching Cook Islands. We just got done with Vanuatu and Palau.

  8. Certain foods are instant-laxatives for me, too. I eat them when I know I need to help move things along lol!

    1. It's glad to have go-to foods for a natural remedy for constipation!

  9. Hooray for fun with girl friends!!!
    Hope your first day back at work went well!!!
