
Monday, August 18, 2014

I have to comment on the ALS ice bucket challenge.

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The previously scheduled Me Go Run Weekend Wrap Up will be posted tomorrow. 
I have something I need to get off my chest...

I'm going to talk about the ALS ice bucket challenge today.

I am very annoyed. I am annoyed with the plethora of Facebook posts and snarky comments asking if the ice bucket challenge has actually raised any money for ALS. Comments such as "People dump buckets of ice water on their heads to get out of donating $100? That's a bad message! You should donate the money!"

First of all, a quick Google search will tell you that in the past few weeks, donations in support of ALS research has increased. By a lot.

From the article: "Donations to the ALS Association have spiked. As of Sunday, the association said it had received $13.3 million in donations since July 29, compared with $1.7 million during the same period last year. It said there were about 260,000 new donors. (With a spate of celebrities and business executives joining in over the past few days and pledging contributions, that number is expected to rise.)"

That's just one organization, but dang that is a huge increase in money!

No, not everyone donates. A lot of people can't donate $100. But they may take the challenge and nominate someone else who does donate. You see? In some crazy way, it works. And if you didn't know what ALS was before this brou-ha-ha, hopefully you know now. 

It's just amazing to me how many people hate on something that is intended to do good in the world- by raising awareness and money for ALS.

Yes, I took the challenge. I also donated the $100 that very same day. But I didn't go flaunting that on Facebook. Maybe I should have.

So dump the water, don't dump the water, donate money, don't donate money... You certainly shouldn't feel bullied or less than because you don't donate or don't take the challenge to support this particular cause. I know while Americans can be highly self-absorbed, we are also very generous. There are many, many wonderful charities out there that people may choose to support. It doesn't have to be this one.

Just stop hating on something that is clearly doing something good and will hopefully help those suffering from ALS.
Any and all comments are appreciated, just please keep the conversation respectful.


  1. Totally agree! At first I thought it was silly, but on Friday when I heard how much money had actually been raised I changed my opinion. Plus, I started watching some of my favorite athletes take the challenge and the videos are fun to watch!

    1. It IS silly... but in a well meaning, contagious type of way. I had fun watching the celebrities do it! George Takei just did one that is funny.

  2. I have seen this challenge going on. There was also something similar going around this spring where people where nominating others to take the "polar plunge". I think it was for a local fundraiser. I'm such a baby about jumping in cold water and was just crossing my fingers that no one mentioned my name...haha!

  3. Great post! I don't know if this is true but I think the main purpose of the "ice bucket" challenge was to promote awareness and to get people talking about ALS. Yes, donations are greatly appreciated but I think the real point was to talk about it.
    I have very mixed emotions about this but it is great to know that conversations are being started about it.

  4. YES. Thank you for posting this. My friend who nominated me for the challenge had a very close aunt of hers passed away from ALS, so I was honored that she picked me to do the challenge. I did the challenge and donated money but didn't feel the need to tell the whole world I donated. Also, some people may not be able to afford to donate to charities so this is a great way for everyone to be involved and help spread awareness.

  5. I had no idea why people were dumping ice water over their heads! I had to google it!!! LOL. Now it's everywhere I look! I'm glad it's for a great cause.

  6. Great post! I love how much money and awareness this has raised!

  7. People will always find a way to hate on something popular. I think most people who are doing the ice bucket challenge are STILL donating. Im bummed I haven't been nominated yet! :( I would do the challenge, and I would find a couple bucks (OK maybe more) to donate, and Im on a very tight budget and I'd still do it. My Uncle just died of ALS. It's a horrible disease, and I think it's great how it's gone viral, and find myself spending hours watching people dump water on their heads. BTW the latest negative thing I've seen about this is people complaining that we are in a drought, and that children in africa would LOVE to have a clean bucket of water to dump on their heads. Oh c'mon people! Geez!

    1. LOL I know the wasting water thing. My friend actually jumped in a lake so she didn't waste water. That was a good idea! But you are totally right and Paul said the same thing- people love to hate things that are popular. I wish I had known, I would have totally nominated you!!!!

    2. Also, I am so sorry to hear about your uncle. It must be difficult to see all this awareness and money being raised just to have people poo poo it when it is to HELP people suffering like you uncle did.

  8. Yeah you tell 'em!! But seriously.... people on Facebook who are whining about it asking if it's even making a difference clearly haven't been watching the news/reading any articles at all. It's pretty obvious that it is making a difference and it issssss raising awareness. Yay!

  9. I wrote a post about the ice bucket challenge, too. My win point is that I'm not a participator - it just isn't my thing to do the challenges, games, play-along things on FB. I agree that the posts help raise awareness but half the ones I watched this weekend were kids who then nominated other kids -I'm not sure if they totally got the concept behind why they were even dumping ice water on their heads - maybe/hopefully!!!

    1. I agree! I am sure some of them are just doing it to post a funny video of themselves online. Hopefully at least some of those kids who don't know what ALS is at least googled it and got an idea. I actually didn't know what it was until about two years ago when I found out one of my piano student's dad was suffering from it. When his mom told he he had ALS, I had no clue what it was. Enter, Google. I had heard of Lou Gehrig's disease but didn't know anything else at all. Sort of embarrassing!

  10. YES. I get the challenge alone seems stupid, but SO MANY MORE PEOPLE are now aware and are donating!!! I'm a big supporter of it!

    1. If it gets the Ali seal of approval, then I KNOW it's a good thing. :)
