
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thinking Out Loud: The best first day back from vay-cay!

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Thank you to Amanda @ Running With Spoons for this Thinking Out Loud link up!

We recently got back from a last minute vacation in Colorado! We had a blast, but it is always nice to come home. I had the best "first day back from vay-cay"...

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1. I slept until 10:30 am. That's a whopping 12 hours of sleep! When I woke up, Jelly was on my feet and Chrissy was on my face. I missed my babies and they missed me!

2. I spent some time catching up on emails, blogs, bills, and all the jazz. It felt good to have my life in order again!

3. I had an EPIC full body strength training workout at the gym. I hadn't lifted in a week because I certainly wasn't going to spend lots of time in the hotel gym. Oh, good news! I PR'ed on dumbbell chest press- 30lbs! I feel like I could go a little higher but I have no one to spot me and I don't want to die at Planet Fitness.

4. I did some major grocery shopping.

Yes, there is ice cream in that picture!

5. I decided to continue my Colorado tradition in Pennsylvania and made mojitos! Which means I learned how to muddle without a muddler. (Ice cream scooper.)

6. I tended to my garden. It got HUGE over the past 6 days! My tomatoes have gone completely rogue!

7. We didn't do any shopping on Colorado, so I did some online shopping. I got myself a pair of socks and Paul a shirt for his birthday. Don't worry, he doesn't read my blog so he won't see this!

Loyalteeshirts                              Save Our Soles

8. I folded all the laundry in the world! (Okay, the house, but close enough!)

9. We finally watched the season premiere of Big Brother! I have a bunch on my DVR and I would plow through them all in one sitting, but since it's a show I watch with Paul, I have to wait until he is "in the mood". I can't wait to be caught up so I can go online and read the message boards and really get the inside scoop!

What do you like to do when you get back from vacation?
Do you watch Big Brother? (No spoilers, please!)
Do you like mojitos?


  1. I thought you weren't buying ice cream anymore! :) I'm l like you when I get home from a vacation. I need time to get caught up on a lot of things. When I went to Iceland earlier this year I was so pissed I had to get up early and hit the ground running with an unplanned project. I felt thrown off. I don't watch BB and I've only ever had one mojito I think.

    1. Haha obviously I am weak! Got some peanut butter ripple and chocolate marshmallow :)

  2. I love doing laundry when I get back from a trip. It makes me feel so accomplished and settled in.

    Maybe taking some time off from lifting helped you PR! You're like Superwoman!

    1. I think that is what it was- time off!

      I am sure you will LOVE doing laundry now ;)

  3. Welcome back from vacay. Wow that is a lot of sleep but totally sounds fantastic. I need one of those days to catch up on blogs and what not, I feel like I missed so much. High five for the garden growing like crazy.

    After vacay I love doing all our laundry. I hate the sight of all that dirty laundry sitting there. I have an obsession with clean laundry lol.

    1. You can come live at my house as long as you bring your obsession of clean laundry!!!!! :) I gotta do some more today. How are all my running clothes dirty again, it hasn't even been a week!?

  4. When I get back from vacation I get overwhelmed and try to do a million things really fast. I really hate that feeling! Sleep and a good run always help though. I bet your rest from weights helped you get that PR! Works out nicely :)

    1. You are probably right, I am sure the rest helped! :)

  5. When I get back from vacay I like to get into my own bed and stay there for a looooong time. There is nothing like your own bed!

    I also like to listen to Cecil cry for the first 24 hours (*sarcasm*).... he has legit separation anxiety issues and even though we get a cat sitter for vacations he goes completely nuts the first night we're home. I love that he loves us but it makes sleeping tough the first night back. Adam thinks we should get him one of those thundershirts but I don't think he would let me actually put it on him! The vet suggested pills but I just can't dope up my cat!

    1. What is a thundershirt?? I agree, don't dope the cat! I bet it is cute/funny all that meowing. I hate leaving my kitties too, even though we have cat sitters. I just try to tell myself, we have gone away before and we always come back. So they KNOW we come back.

    2. It's sweet until it's 3am and it's still going on nonstop!

      A thundershirt is this little tight shirt that you can put on a cat or dog that makes them feel comforted. It's tight 'like a hug' so they feel happy or something like that. It was made for dogs that get scared during thunderstorms but can also be used for dogs/cats that have separation anxiety issues.

  6. You have made me want mojitos now. I may have to make myself one tonight :)

    1. I am already sick of them! I had one every night for 5 days straight and now I want nothing to do with rum lol. It's so me....

  7. Post-vacation laundry is the WORST. I love those socks you ordered!

    1. Thanks! They came yesterday! They are the fanciest socks I own.

  8. When I get back from vay-cay I love to sleep in my own bed :) Then I get up and do the laundry. I also try to make sure we have some food in the house before we leave because I hate coming back and have to go grocery shopping. I hate grocery shopping in general. When I was little I would stay in the magazine aisle and read "J14" and "Bop" while my mother shopped!

    1. I don't remember J14 but I totttttttally remember Bop and BIG BOPPER!! Hahaha. Yeah I hate coming home to no food- that happened to us this time around!

  9. When I get home I love sleeping in my own bed and cuddling with my labrador!
    I don't watch Big brother but my parents are addicted to it!

    1. It's the BEST show! I bet your lab misses you when you're gone. :)

  10. Same here, there is no place like home!

  11. You have inspired me to go to the grocery and buy some ice cream tonight, thank you haha! I used to watch Big Brother because my ex loved it, but since breaking up with him I haven't kept up with it. I have to admit it was a pretty good show, and always kept me entertained!

    1. It is weird how good that show is! We are watching it right now, I looooove it.

  12. Oh I love getting home from vacation and getting groceries, doing laundry and using all of "my" things. :) congrats on the new PR! You are so strong. I've been trying to do a pull up at the gym and I suck! Any tips??

    1. It is fun to be back in your own house and using your own stuff. Pull up tips... Does your gym have an assisted pull up machine? If so, use it! Twice a week, do 3-4 sets of assisted pull ups. As the reps become easier, lessen the assistance to make it harder. Also, get yourself to the "up" position of the pull up, hang there as long as possible, then slooooooooowly lower yourself down. Lowering yourself in a pull up is an eccentric motion and your muscles get the most gains for the eccentric motion. So "practicing" your pull up could be 3-4 of times of just hanging there and lowering yourself down. (You could install a bar in your house for this!!!! You and your man could have pull up comps!!!!) LAST, whenever I attempt pull ups, I make sure it is the first lift of my workout. I warm up, and then I try the pull ups. I know if I do them in the middle or last that I won't be able to do any because I will be tired! So make sure you are all rested up when you try to do one. Just keep working on your back and doing assisted pull ups and you will eventually be able to do one.

  13. I always need to take a day off after vacation to get my life in order! I need that waffle sandwich from your last post in my life!!
