
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July 8th is a Very Important Date!

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July 8th is a very important date!

1. It's Kevin Bacon's birthday!

2. It's Tammy & Jeff's anniversary!

3. It's the day I banned Weis Markets!  (I have since lifted my ban.)

4. It's my birthday!

Now that I'm in my 30s, birthdays aren't that exciting. That's okay, I had a lot of awesome birthdays!

1986 - 4th Birthday
I had cake, so clearly I was happy!

1988 - 6th Birthday
I don't know who that girl is but she clearly hated me.
She was probably jealous of my stylish pairing of a denim dress and a denim jacket.

1990 - 8th Birthday
I remember that awesome New Kids on the Block t-shirt!

1995 - 13th Birthday
That's Sherrie, my best friend growing up. 
We dressed like twins and people accused us of being lesbians. 
I didn't even know what a lesbian was, I just wanted to 
dress like my friend and have a secret handshake!

Again, my 13th Birthday, but I think this picture needs some explaining.
First of all, we were doing a "hands free" candy scramble.
Second, it looks like my head it up my brother's ass but it is just the angle of the camera.
Third, I will not name the friends in this picture as I want to protect their identities... One of them is probably reading this right now and is thanking me for allowing her to remain annonymous!

2003 - 21st Birthday
That right there was my very first alcoholic drink.
They tell me it was called a Purple Hooter.

So, I turn 32 today. Which probably sounds old to anyone ten years younger than me, but sounds young to anyone ten years older than me. The truth is, I like being in my 30s. It's nice to feel a bit established in my life. And I still feel like I am young! Well, until I hang out with people who are actually young!



  1. Happy Birthday Meg! I love how you have photos from birthday's past. I don't think I have any from my childhood...not at least that I know of. That is a hilarious picture of the cranky girl! You should totally submit that to the ellen show! LOL

  2. Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day :)

  3. Happy birthday!! Eat cake and enjoy it!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a fabulous day. I am 42 and let me tell you, each year gets better. I don't know how and I heard people tell me that my whole life, but it is so true. As for an aging body, well, let's just say you find ways to work out smarter, not harder and you "find new ways" of getting things done. It's all good....

  5. Hope you have a great day! I will be 48 and although I hate the number I know I am still probably 28 at heart... if I knew then what I knew now! :)

  6. Happy Birthday Meg!!!! Have a fabulous day!!!! :)

  7. Happy happy happy birthday! I hope your day is amazing!!! Old is a state of mind, and you certainly are not old. Even though I am only 26, pretty much all of my friends are 33 and 34. I don't feel as though they are 8 years older than me at all! Have a beautiful day!

    1. I would def rather have older friends than younger friends. You seem pretty mature... I am sure you wouldn't have time for normal 21-22 yr old drama!

  8. Happy Birthday! One of my very best friends from High School has a birthday today too!

    ( and I find it funny that I have an aunt Tammy and she is married to a guy named Jeff) And even more ironic, he works for the Weis Markets

  9. Happy Birthday! Awesome photos, I will have to ask my mum if she has any photos of my past birthday. They will be fun to look at!

  10. Love it! And we are the same age! Have an amazing birthday, those pictures are so cute :)

  11. Happy Birthday!! I hope you have an awesome day :)

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :)

    I hope that you are having an amazing day and Paul + the kitties are showering you with love and attention!

    I was reminded of how old I am every time I talk to my new intern. It's annoying but I am glad to be making more money than we pay her, hahahaha. The advantages of being old!

    1. Making more money is def a good thing about getting older. Although my salary has gone up in the past 10 years, somehow my take home pay is the same. Stupid insurance.

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you have a great day. I'm impressed that you waited until you were legal to have your first drink.

    1. Oh my parents had me scared to do ANYTHING wrong! I spent my college years in my dorm room watching forensic files so it wasn't that hard. I'm sure it would have been harder if I had been popular and went out all the time.

  14. Happy Birthday! Yup, 32 seems young to me! :)

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You're so lucky to share it with Kevin Bacon! I hope you had a wonderful day!!!

    1. PS: I'm glad you were born because your blog makes me happy!

    2. WOW that is like the best compliment ever from the gal I have a blogger crush on!!!!! :) :) :) <3 <3 <3

  16. Happy Birthday!!!!

    I hope you are having a wonderful day filled with lots of love and fun!

  17. Happy birthday!!! I thought my 30s were good but so far my 40s have been even better!!!
