
Monday, July 28, 2014

5 Reasons Paul HATES Facebook

Yesterday, I wrote about how I love Facebook. Today, it is Paul's turn! He is Meg Go Run's first guest poster. Fasten your seat belts.

And now.... 5 Reasons Paul HATES Facebook...

1. Candy Crush/Farmville - NO! I don't want to play candy crush with you. Did you not get the hint, the first 32 times I rejected your request to play this stupid game? If Farmville makes you feel accomplished, I'm happy for you. Please, just leave me out of it! I don't want a real or imaginary farm. I don't want to help you with your imaginary farm... I better stop before I piss off the millions of people who build fake farms and force other people to join in on it.

2. Facebook is a Black Hole - So, I logged on to Facebook the other day to respond to a birthday party invite. I got distracted looking at my friend's wedding pictures. His wife seems cool, I'll look at her pictures. Wow, her maid of honor is hot, I'll check out a few of her pictures. The maid of honors' brother looks like this guy I used to work with. I'll check out his pictures. It wasn't the guy I worked with, but jeez his three dogs are really cute. What?! His dogs have their own Facebook page, I gotta see that... So, three hours later, I'm on someone's page who I don't even know. I realized how much time I was wasting, and logged off. Subsequently, I missed my nephew's birthday party.

3. Food Pictures - Congrats, you ate at Texas Roadhouse tonight! That is soooooo cool. Oh, and you had seven pieces of bacon for breakfast the next morning? Good for you, and thanks for taking pictures of every meal that you eat. I really shouldn't be complaining about this. At least people don't take pictures of what they drop into the toilet every day.

4. Duck Face - Once in awhile, it's cool to do a duck face picture. Some folks really like  "pretend kissing", I suppose? Or, did you just throw a bunch of sour patch kids in your mouth? I'm not sure, let's just stop doing it.

5. I Hate Faces. And I hate books.

XOXO- Paul

Why do you love/hate Facebook?


  1. LOL--completely forgot about the game requests. OMG, so annoying. STOP the madness. And, yes, such a black hole. I cannot even imagine what more I could get done in my day if I would just log off from FB.

    1. I bet our houses would be SUPER clean and organized!

  2. hahahahahhaa! #5 is so a paul thing to say. 10 banger for that! (i loooove facebook)

    1. He was getting all sassy the other day and wrote this!

  3. Haha! I am pretty sure Adam could have written this post too! Although, I sometimes point out to him that he get sucked down his own black hole called MMA and NFL forums! :)

    I hate random friend requests from strangers and people who share stupid stuff like pictures that say, "If you agree that kittens shouldn't be killed in front of children, share this picture! Only 1 in 1,000 of you will be brave enough to take a stance on this!" UGHHHHHHHHHHH.

  4. Oh my gosh, the game invites are the WORST! I haven't talked to you in 10 years. We never message each other or comment on each other's posts or pictures. And yet, you send me 40 invitations to play Dragon Fight or some stupid junk. *Rant over*

    1. Wouldn't it be great if FB had a button that would his ALL game requests?

  5. I think I agree with both of you on all of these. Overall I find facebook to be pretty annoying between the time suck and everyone's pictures. I even find my own pictures obnoxious on facebook. I think it's impossible to not be obnoxious on facebook! Plus the game requests are super annoying and I have no clue what they are anyway!

  6. lmao...okay Meg, you need to get Paul to stop by more often. His searing sarcasm is hilarious!

    I agree about the game invites. I play some of those annoying games but I REFUSE to connect them to FB because I don't want to bother my friends. Just as bad...quiz results. What color is your soul? What song describes you? What's your personality? No one cares.

    1. LOL there have been a lot of quizzes going around lately. We've been stuck in the hospital for 6 days so I have took most of them. I know my old lady now, how much of an asshole I am, the percentage of redneck I am, and what breed of dog I am (German Shepherd.)

  7. I LOVE this post! I love Facebook, but this post could convert me to a hater!

    1. I'm glad I built up some facebook hate for you Kim! As much as these things annoy me, I will admit that I love facebook as well. Hey, tell lil' B I said hello!


  8. All so very true. I feel about selfies the same way about duck face and food posts. If it's extra special-like you are standing in front of the Grand Canyon and NO ONE is around and you need to take a selfie, then fine, but this every day you behind the wheel of a car stuff has got to stop! :)

    1. Good point Tonya. Selfie of yourself, everyday-- no. Selfie of yourself in front of the Grand Canyon-- yes. There is a time and place for Selfies. Let's follow these rules.


  9. HaHa - I actually love Candy Crush - but I never send out requests! It is one of my stress release things - perfect when I have to wait for someone!!!

  10. OMG....LOL. I pretty much have coffee coming out my nose! I vote that Paul do more frequent guest posts!! LOL. I'd like to copy/paste his ideas of farmville and candy crush to my personal facebook status, ;)

    1. I'll try to do some more rants for yall'. It's fun!


  11. Hilarious!!!!!! :)
    "I hate faces and I hate books." Oh mannnn!!!!!
    PS~Texas Roadhouse is one of my fave places :)

  12. I loved this post! HAHA! Paul, you need your own rant page! I concur with you about facebook being a blackhole! Hate it!
