
Sunday, July 27, 2014

10 Reasons I Love Facebook (And 5 Reasons Paul HATES it!)

Some people HATE Facebook (cough, Paul). I like it! I don't like everything about it, but for the most part, it is a good thing in my life. Let's focus on the POSITIVE today, people! It's all about reasons I love Facebook! We'll save Paul's hate speech for tomorrow... That's right! He has finally agreed to write a guest post for Meg Go Run! Stop by tomorrow for that!

But now.... 10 Reasons I love Facebook...

1. It allows me to stay connected with people that either live far away or I don't have time to get together with.

Like Kim!

2. I get to see pictures of your family vacation, your night on the town, or child's first day of school.

3. I get to learn interesting things about myself. Like my Old Person name is Myrtle.

4. I love getting annoyed by certain people's posts. I don't hide the posts. I keep reading them... just to be annoyed.

5. It gives me an arena to pimp my blog.

6. I have an outlet for posting cute cat pictures.

7. Facebook lets me know when it is your birthday! That way, I can act like I remembered on my own.

8. Funny memes. They are EVERYWHERE!

9. It's a place I can ask advice on a myriad of topics and get several different answers within minutes.

10. Facebook helps me procrastinate.

Be sure to stop by tomorrow and learn why Paul HATES Facebook!

Why do you love/hate Facebook?


  1. I do love Facebook and sometimes I love to hate Facebook. I think I have mentioned before, that especially around election time -- any undeducated posts about politics and people's right to marry who they want (i.e. they should be denied this right) -- I can get pretty fired up. Yes, I sit here at my computer and judge. There, I said it.

    1. Oh my word, me too! I totally judge people's character by their politics. If I find out they don't think everyone has the right to marry, or women should not have birth control covered by their insurance, I look at the as a person TOTALLY different. Can't help it.

    2. LOL--I know, Meg...I can't help it either!!

  2. I love Facebook. It's where I get a lot of my news and pop culture updates, and I can stay in touch with all my friends from college etc. But the worst is when you friend someone from work or a friend-of-friend you met once and realize they're batshit crazy and everything they post offends you...I need to stop doing that and start purging my list lol.

    Hooray for Paul writing a guest post!

    1. Election season is a good time to do some cleaning out of the friends!

  3. I love Facebook for the reasons Ali posted above! However, anyone who posts political updates that I disagree with gets their posts blocked :) I used to try to respond in thoughtful ways (after my heart rate calmed down), but I have come to realize it's just not possible to reason with most people when it comes to politics. Idiots will be idiots :) :) :) :)

    Adam doesn't have a Facebook! He didn't have a MySpace either!

    1. Idiots will be idiots- I love it! Paul and I just had this conversation today.

  4. I like FB because I've been able to catch back up with so many people from my high school and college!!! People who have a new status every 30 minutes or so drive me crazy - no one's life is that interesting that I need to know every detail!!!

    1. I often wonder how people used to keep in touch with old friends without FB! I mean, there are people I care about from HS whole live far away or I just don't have time to see often- it's nice to still feel connected with them and know what is going on in their lives. And yeah- most people who post ALL the time are really annoying. But I have one friend who does post A LOT but I like it. :)

  5. I do like Facebook, but I liked it better back in the day before every person, organization, and company had one. And I'm definitely with you on the political rants, etc. So many people get hidden from my feed.

  6. I remember when it was just for college students. That is when I joined. Now my G-ma is on FB! But I am glad she is on FB :)

  7. I thought facebook was 'cool' until my mom got an account. Then she added every single friend of mine, who she may have met maybe once. Then I discovered everyone had a facebook account and even some pets! I also keep certain people on just to get annoyed by their posts, what is that? LOL.

  8. I seriously have a love/hate relationship with FB. I love staying connected but hate everything else about it :)
