
Monday, June 16, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up!

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GOOD NEWS: I finally figured out how to schedule my blog posts! If I have my post ready the night before, it will be up at 5:00 am. I can't believe it took me over a year of blogging to figure this out. WELCOME TO 2014, MEG GO RUN!!!

Here's what I was up to this weekend...

I shamelessly slept until 10:30 am. I awoke to the fourth day in a row of cloudy, rainy weather. School is out, so I was officially on Summer Vacation Day #2, but it sure did not feel like summer yet.

I balanced my sleeping with a very tiring workout at Planet Fitness. I was afraid it was going to be crowded with annoying high school and college students, but for some reason it was not! Here is what I did:

A few things to note about this workout:

1. I should not have done the HIIT first. It was an "I feel fat" cardio session. I still have those from time to time.

2. I can't do squats with heavy weights and I can't lunge at allso I am stuck on the leg extension and hamstring curl machines.

I had to take so much time off of lifting lower body after my surgery so even doing the "easy" machines is a challenge for me. But whenever my quads are burning, I think of this picture as inspiration:

That's me. I'm my own fitspiration.
I think of this picture every time my legs are burning but need to power out 5 more reps.

When I got home, one of the things I refueled with were 2 ingredient cookies, a recipe shared with me by my friend Kristen @ Family, Food and Running. Here is the recipe:

Beware, your house is going to smell like banana bread if you make these!

This picture isn't great, but it gives you an idea.

Friday was one of those nights where Paul and I couldn't figure out what to do. The conversation went something like this:

Megan: What do you want to do today?
Paul: I don't know, what do you want to do?
Megan: Want to go mini golfing?
Paul: Sure!
*Starts to rain*
Megan: Eh, I don't want to risk it.
Paul: Movie?
Megan: There's nothing good out. Want to go out to eat?
Paul: We have so much food here.
Megan: My back hurts anyway and I feel cruddy because I got my period today. Let's just stay home.
Paul: Okay.

So we stayed in, played cards, watched Orange is the New Black, and cuddled the kitties.

My workout Saturday was an easy 5 miler around my neighborhood. The weather finally felt summery!

That afternoon, we celebrated Father's Day with my family at my brother's house. This is what we had for dessert:

That's ice cream in between the cookies.
And you can't tell, but that cookie is as big as a coaster!

I got a whole pack of the  "just the cookie" part of the Oreo from a discount grocery store. They are HUGE- not tiny like a normal Oreo.

I have a few ideas of what to do with these. Most involve ice cream...

My niece was entertainment, as usual!

I didn't get any pictures with my dad! But I wrote about him in yesterday's post and there are lots of pictures there!

I had a wonderfully hot, easy run on Sunday. I call it sports bra weather! I am slowly but surely getting my sports bra tan back.

We celebrated Father's Day by grilling on the back porch with Paul's parents. Of course I didn't take any pictures, so you will just have to imagine us eating grilled salmon, roasted cauliflower, and crazy rice.

That night, I went to see my friend Randy in his improv show. He's in a group called the Oxymorons and they perform in the Harrisburg area. They are hilarious, so if you are ever looking to do something different, check them out!

I saw this on Facebook this weekend and had to share, especially because I got a huge scratch on my belly, courtesy of Christmas.

Christmas and Jelly hope you had a relaxing weekend!

Did you celebrate Father's Day with your dad this weekend?
What would you do with those giant Oreos!!!???
Ever see an improv show?


  1. I really need those giant Oreo cookies, I hate the inside of Oreos so this is perfect for me, I'll just stuff it with coffee ice cream! And I love the quote about your pets struggling away, I'm always picking my dogs up and smashing myself into their fur and saying cute stuff to them but they are pretty much just trying to leap out of my arms the whole time. They just don't understand ;)

    1. They were an exciting find for sure. I am kicking myself for not buying more. I mean, they're Oreos, they'll last forever, right!?

  2. I'm going to have to make those two ingredient cookies! So easy to make and they sound delicious. I unfortunately did not get to celebrate with my dad yesterday, but I'll see him this Sunday for a late celebration!

    1. You will really like them. And yes they are super easy- I don't make things that are hard or time consuming haha.

  3. What is this insanity?! I had no idea you could buy just the cookie part of Oreos! I hate the middle stuff but love the cookie part!

    I have trained Cecil to love hugs. For a while after I picked him up to hug him I would give him a treat afterwards. Now when I pick him up for a hug he purrs like crazy ... and as soon as I put him down he runs to the treat drawer ;)

    1. I got them at a discount grocery store! They were bulk packaged by the store. The only thing I can think of is Oreo makes them for their Oreo ice cream sandwiches but had to get rid of some so they sold them to this store.

      I should have trained my kitties the way you trained Cecil! My kitties normally love cuddles but when they decide they want down, it is OVER.

  4. Sleeping in until 1030, that sounds amazing. I think leg workouts are all relative. Some people are good runners but don't lift a lot of weight. As long as your legs burn you know your getting a good workout and that's all that matters. Friday night sounded a lot like Mrs and I every weekend lol. Those huge oreos look delicious. Can't beat grilling on father's day, we did the same.

    1. I know for me lifting has made me a faster runner. I am mad at myself for not starting sooner than I did! Glad to know we're not the only married couple that are too indecisive and lazy to go anywhere haha.

  5. OMG giant oreos. I've just ordered peanut butter oreos and can't wait for them to arrive! It's so awesome that you can use yourself as your own fitspiration - keep up the leg workouts and you will be back to full strength/quadzilla status in no time ;)

    1. Wow peanut butter Oreos? That sounds awesome. Quadzilla- I love that! I need a tank with that on it. :)

  6. For some reason, no matter how easy or hard I go on leg day, the next day my legs are ALWAYS sore. That's why I love leg day. I love love love that you use yourself as fitspiration. We all should do that!

    1. My ASS gets sore on leg day. Or, as I tell Paul, "my undercarriage" hehehe. I didn't want to come of as into myself, but I just love that pic of my legs. I am sure it is the angle and the fact that I was tan because normally my legs just look like blobs. But whatever, I keep thinking about that pic!

  7. Ha I love the conversation you had with Paul about doing something. I do that with myself all the time. You have a much braver sweet tooth than I do. I love that stuff but can't go anywhere near it without gaining a lot of weight. I'm glad you are taking one for the team...and I'll stick with my sad but delicious one tiny piece of dark chocolate for the day. BTW that banana and oats thing looks freaking awesome and I'll have to try that. Looks so easy, plus healthy and delicious!

    1. Yes, do the banana oat cookie if you are trying to keep on track. They really do smell like banana bread. I have been eating them after a workout. :) I'm working my way through the Oreos but once they are gone- THAT'S IT. I am not buying anymore.

  8. THOSE BANANA COOKIES ARE MY FAVORITE. I haven't had them in awhile--thanks for reminding me of them. I love that you're your own fitspiration lolol that's awesome. Also, I can't squat with heavy weights either so don't feel bad!

    1. I am at the point where I am going to eat so many of those cookies I'm going to need a break from the soon. :)

  9. I'd like to check out that improve show. Looks like fun! Oh, and you do some killer workouts!

  10. omg! those cookies! i don't know what i will do with them, but i know that i need them in my life PRONTO. love it.

    1. They are divine and so quick and simple. I don't make shit that's hard.

  11. At first I was like, what's the point of creamless Oreos? But now I've seen the light!

    Okay, that blue box about hugging your animals? I call it SQUEEZELING. Like cuddling and squeezing together. I hold Archie in my hands and give him a million kisses and rub him on my nose...he loves/hates it! hahaha.

    1. Squeezeling- that is perfect! I squeezel Jelly all the time!

  12. I made those cookies on Friday evening added peanut butter and chocolate chips... oh so delicious! I don't even feel guilty eating them. :)

    1. I was thinking of adding peanut butter! Glad to know that works. :)

  13. I know, we got to baby-sit her yesterday and had a BLAST. Uncle Paul and Aunt Megan brought their A-game as far as entertainment value, that's for sure.

  14. Oh that oreo ice cream sandwich looks divine!!

    That's a great leg motivational picture!

    I was giggling at your conversation with Paul since it sounds a lot like one that Matt and I might have on any given
