
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Embrace the Suck

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A running coach of mine once said, "Anyone can run and feel good."
Let's make that an even more general statement shall we? Anyone can workout and feel good. It's supposed to feel good. But if you want to improve yourself, it's going to have to suck at least some of the time. It's these moments of suckiness in which our bodies really improve! We break our muscles down, but they build up stronger.
For instance, I know I am not making my biggest gains from my first 9 (assisted) pull ups that are easy-peasy. It's the last 3 I squeak out with my butt cheeks clenched that are really making me stronger.
Not every workout should suck. But if you want to improve, if you want to push yourself, it needs to suck sometimes! If you run the same route at the same pace everyday, you will not get faster. If you lift the same amount of weight for the same number of reps every lifting session, you will not get stronger.

Here are some variables you can play around with to make your workout suck a little bit more:
shorten/eliminate rest periods
I was doing a Deck of Cards workout at the gym the other day. I had just done a full body lifting session and wanted to throw some plyos in at the end. I wasn't even a quarter of the way through the deck when my legs and arms were shaking and sweat was dripping off my nose and onto the mat. 10 burpees, 15 jump squats, 5 more jump squats, 30 mountain climbers... no rest in between- augh!! It sucked, sucked, sucked. But it was fine. It was over in about 20 minutes. And now I feel stronger!
How often do you purposefully make your workout "suck" a little?


  1. Not near often enough! lol. Sometimes I feel like I'm a lazy runner.

    1. You are joking, right!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????? :)

  2. I like to go to that "edge" when I work out. I know that I'm working just 10% harder, but without going to a place where I will injure myself.

    1. It is good that you"know thyself" and listen to your body. My knee has not been allowing me to push myself like I used to be able to. Someday!

  3. I make sure to go to the gym and lift with Adam at least one day a week. I prefer going to the gym / running alone, but just by looking at me Adam will know if I'm ready to increase my weight on certain lifts. If it were up to me I'd probably stick with the same weights for far too long!

    1. You are luck you have Adam to keep you accountable :) I really wish Paul and I could go to the gym together, but right around the time I started lifting is when he was unable to do weight training anymore. He still teases me about how he had been pushing me for YEARS to start weight training.

  4. It is so easy to fall into the trap of doing what is the most comfortable. Lately, I've been trying to add something new, a new move, a new weight, more resistance, more speed, to my workouts each day. It's not always fun, but I think I am seeing some new results!

    1. That is awesome. That should be added to the list- just doing something NEW you are not used to.

  5. Running has definitely taught me to deal with being uncomfortable; discomfort means growth!

  6. I'm all about embracing the suck - I think that it is the only way we get faster and stronger! Great post!

  7. such a good reminder to not avoid the things that hurt! sometimes i wimp out and just "enjoy" my workout.

    1. Enjoying is okay too! That is what I did today... 8, easy, enjoyable miles. :)
