
Friday, June 13, 2014

A Day in My Life

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It’s been quite a long time since I’ve done a “Day in My Life” post. This is one of the last opportunities for me to do one before I am done with work for the summer, so I figured I’d squeeze one in before I’m on my “Summer Schedule”. (Note: I am officially off for summer vacation. This re-cap is from a day last week!)

Here we go, a Day in my Life- 6/4/14

Tuesday was a lifting day, so my alarm went off at 5:15am. Christmas immediately started crying for his breakfast, and Jelly had already been scratching the closet doors, so I fed the kitties before I did anything else.

They don’t get their food on a silver platter but they do get it on a red platter!

Then I poured myself an iced coffee and woke up while posting my blog for the day and checking emails. Then it was time to get dressed for the gym.

Goodbye Chrissy!

Be good today, Jelly!

I arrived at 6am sharp! Planet Fitness is nice and chill at this hour.

As you can see, my workout was just a hodge podge of upper body exercises. I was giving my lower body a rest day in preparation for a long trail run I had scheduled for that weekend.

I always shower at the gym to save time. I also eat breakfast in the car.


Milk w/ vanilla protein powder (I normally have chicken but it wasn’t on sale this week and I refuse to pay $2.99 a pound if I don’t have to.)

Coffee! (A splurge!)

Somehow, I got to work a little early. We are expected to be there at 7:55am. Here are some pictures of my classroom. It’s nice and bright and big.

I teach K-4 general music at a public school in Central PA. It was the second to last day of school, so my classes for the day were full of “fun” activities… Music Jeopardy, Instrument Memory, Jingo… stuff like that.

The “Thank you for being my teacher” cards had just started rolling in...

For my garden! What a cute idea!

I was feeling a bit anti-social, so for part of my lunch break I read a little bit at my desk.

I love Dan Savage and I really liked this book!

Teachers are allowed to leave work at 3:40pm. Some stay late to do work, but I always leave on time because I usually teach piano lessons after school at my home starting at 4pm. That day, I had lessons from 4-6pm.

Where the magic happens.

It was a little bittersweet because one of my students who I have been teaching since she was 6 years old had her last lesson. She is now entering high school. I can’t believe it! But she has grown into an independent musician and she will have those skills throughout her whole life. My work is done.

By 6pm I was pretty hungry, and what better thing to do when you’re hungry but make hot chocolate brownies!?

Paul and I played cards for a while. During our match, we had to take a quick break to frantically shut all of the windows. A huge storm had blown in complete with thunder, lightning, downpour, and hail!

This was my weird dinner: Lettuce topped with pasta salad, ground turkey, and ranch dressing. In Tupperware because we did not have a bowl big enough for my appetite.

While we ate, Paul and I watched a Seinfeld and an episode of America’s Funniest Home Videos… because that’s what old, married, 31 year olds do…

Dessert. Living dangerously and eating straight out of the pan.

You’re a little late, Chrissy!

I went to bed a little later than I wanted to- around 10:20pm.

That was my day! Not super interesting but Tuesdays never really are!
Do your fur babies eat off actual plates?
Did you ever take piano lessons or play an instrument?
Ever try hot chocolate brownies? These had marshmallow fluff in them!


  1. I took piano lessons from 6-18 :) I haven't touched a piano in 10 years though which is a little embarrassing... My pups eat out of dog bowls but we totally let them lick our plates clean regularly and Stevie will take things straight of yogurt containers, glasses, ice cream pints, you name it.

    1. Lucky puppies! I sometimes give Christmas little tsps of milk from my cereal an my hubby gets mad.

  2. Whenever I see you or Ali post pictures from your classrooms it brings me right back to my school days! I kind of miss it!

    Cecil has his own little plate, but of course he eats off of ours too because he is a total mooch. We never disciplined him as a kitten so now he just jumps right up on the table and grab whatever he wants off our plates. When we have guests over, we pretend that's not normal... but it is.

    1. lol same thing happens to us when company is over. Christmas is on the counters, dining room table, and we pretend he is being bad and showing off for company haha. We made the same mistake- no discipline as a kitten.

  3. Those hot chocolate brownies sound AMAZING! I am now craving brownies, lol. Christmas is just so stinkin adorable! My doggies don't eat off of plates, but they DO eat out of people bowls!

    1. Because dogs are people too, right??? I bet you could mix some marshmallow fluff in with normal brownie mix and make them hot chocolatey. :)

  4. Wow this truly was behind the scenes. No running talk and I didn't even miss it lol

    1. Oops I guess I did share a day I didn't run! hehe

  5. I love the milk in a wine glass!

    I need to read Dan Savage's's on my list! Maybe I'll finally get around to it this summer!

    1. You will LOVE it. And then look up his dining room table discussion that he spends the last chapter talking about. You can watch it on youtube. I love Dan's voice, I don't know why.

  6. I commend you for getting up at 5:15 am to work out! You are one dedicated athlete. The only time I get up that early is if I have a race or I am going to the airport...haha.

    Oh, and I wanted to comment this on your post yesterday but I forgot: If you write your posts ahead of time, do you know that you can automatically schedule your posts to publish? This way you can set it for the same time everyday if you wish. Let me know if you need help with it.

    1. I do need help with that! I have googled how to do it but it never works for me. I will message you later on today after I try again so I can describe to you exactly what I do when it doesn't work, and maybe you will be able to tell me what I am doing wrong.

    2. I FIGURED IT OUT!!!! I had set the date and time, but never hit publish. I thought if I hit publish, it would publish right away. Nope, I realized I have to hit publish for it to publish when I set it to. My world has changed.

    3. Glad you figured it out. I did the same thing for Weeks, and was wondering why it wasn't working. Yup, I didn't hit publish for the same reason you mentioned.

  7. I think my favorite part of this post was the milk in a wine glass. Makes it look classy. :)

    I'm pretty impressed that you manage to leave work on time every day. School for us gets out at 3:20 and I'm always there until at least 4:30. I need you to give me lessons in how to get stuff done. But not right now, because it's summer. :)

    1. lol sometimes I feel guilty about leaving on time, but this is my philosophy: There will always be more to do. I could stay after school for 2 hrs every day and still have things I could get done or improve upon. So I may as well go home when the bell rings so I'm recharged for the next day! (That and I'd work through my lunch before I'd stay late.)

  8. I love your cats names!!
    I didn't realize you were a music teacher - very cool. I have 2 good friends who both teach elementary music!

    1. That's awesome! Thanks, I love my kittie's names too :)

  9. I would love to see a snapshot of your day, Karen. I think you should do it. :)

  10. I love the cat photos and the Gone Running sign on your door! I'd really love to have your energy to hit the gym super early, work all day and bake brownies when you get home! Oh and teach piano!!! You're a rock star!

    1. I don't have a choice on Tuesdays. Tuesdays are my least favorite day. I don't mind Mondays because Mondays = NO LESSONS. Done at 3:40pm. YAY!

  11. i can't imagine trying to teach anything to the little guys. let alone music! you are my personal hero.

    1. No way, music is EASY to teach for one reason alone- EVERYONE loves music. :)
