
Friday, May 16, 2014


Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...I have been wanting to make a garden for several years now, but by the time I would remember I wanted a garden, it would be too late.

Up until Saturday, I didn't know anything about gardening. Now, I know maybe... 3 things about gardening? I know that I am supposed to water it every day. I know I am supposed to check my tomato vines to make sure they climb up the tomato... wire thingies. (I don't know what the wire things are called.) I also now know that you plant the ACTUAL SEEDS from inside a butternut squash.

See!? I'm almost an expert now.

The tiny little bed which will hopefully yield some squash!
Who wants to come cut it for me?

This year, I remembered I wanted a garden in time to actually make one. Luckily, my parents know all about gardening. They came over on Saturday to help me. I started digging the garden bed the night before but my dad helped me make it longer and wider. While my dad and I did the grunt work, my mom went to Stauffer's to get the plants, herbs, and seeds we needed.

Mom took charge. Dad shoveled. Paul provided iced coffees.

They brought soil, fertilizer, landscape timbers, and most of the tools we needed for the day. (True story: The night before they came, my mom asked me if I had a shovel to start digging the garden bed and I had no clue whether we had a shovel or not. We are not "yard work" people!)

We're keeping it small to start. It's about 16 feet long and 2.5 feet deep.

Fertilizer on my shorts. "I puhped my pants!"

It took three hours, but by the end, we had lots of yummy things planted:

4 tomato plants
4 pepper plants
butternut squash

My friend Bree gave me some sunflower seeds and brussel sprout seeds too. I will plant the brussel sprouts in August and the sunflowers I already planted on the other side of the yard.

Later that day, Paul and I went to Lowes to get some chicken wire to keep the bunnies out. I went to put it up the next day but realized the roll I bought was only 5 feet, not 25 feet. Oops. Had to go back Monday and get the right stuff. I only cut myself once when putting it up!

The only thing left to do is get rid of the poison ivy that is growing through the fence from our neighbor's yard. There is A LOT of it. Two years ago, there was only a little bit of it, but I still got poison ivy so bad while I was weeding one day. I had to go to the doctor to get meds to make it go away. It was torture. So this is the plan...

I'm going to wait until my neighbor is not home and then 
spray all of the poison ivy and anything around it! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Do you have a garden? What do you plant?
Any tips for my first stab at gardening?


  1. We don't have one currently but we do keep chives, basil, cilantro, and parsley in planters because I like fresh herbs. We hope to have a bigger garden when we move!

    1. I bet you love putting those herbs on your pizza :)

  2. I would love to have a garden but truth be told, I know I wouldn't take care of it. I barely water the plants in my house! Good luck with yours though. I hope it supplies you with lots of yummy veggies this summer!

    1. The only reason I think I will take care of it is because I have off in the summer and have no excuse not to!

  3. You are so grown up and domesticated! Even the biggest houses in London rarely have gardens, so I think it will be a while before I have one of my own - which, frankly, is a good thing considering I can't stand gardening!

    1. I don't know if I will like gardening. I do like veggies and eating, so hopefully that counteracts any gardening annoyances!

  4. Love the garden! I wish I had one, but we live in a condo. I have been thinking about buying those "wall gardens" but I don't think it would be the same, plus you can only grow herbs which isn't that fun. I want to grow cantaloups. I spend a fortune on them every summer!

  5. Great garden. Parents to the rescue, don't our parents know everything lol. I may steal some ideas from your pics, fiancé wants a garden.

    1. I know, right? I would never have known what to do without their help!

  6. good job! my mr. does all of the gardening. i don't have a clue how to keep things alive. i do love going out there and getting fresh herbs for cooking though :)

    1. That's nice your hubby does it and you get to enjoy :)

  7. Oh I love your garden! I might try planting some herbs. :D

  8. Hhaha your gardening knowledge sounds a lot like my gardening knowledge, but I'm SO jealous! Fresh veggies are the best.

    1. You need to rope someone into helping you make one like I did :)

  9. I used to have a garden at school for my gifted students. We grew organic cucumbers, jalapenos, tomatoes, bell peppers, strawberries, and was so fun to make homemade organic salsa when it all grew. Now I want to plant one again!

  10. This is awesome, Megan.

    I look at a plant and it suddenly dies. Heck, I would make a cactus die.

    1. Well we're almost one week in and everything is still alive! Oh and I got out of watering it 2 days in a row due to rain :)

  11. I'm so jealous... we decided not to do a garden this year, even though we both love it. We're planning to start the whole yard (it's completely empty right now) and didn't want to just hurriedly slap in a garden and then have to deal with it while we leveled, got in sprinklers and sod, etc. -- especially if we ended up wanting to move it a little in the future. So I will live vicariously through yours. :)

    1. Oh it will be nice to have a brand new yard though!
