
Monday, May 26, 2014


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On Saturday, I ran 12 GLOOOOOOORIOUS MILES! I did it for no reason other than I just felt like running! I decided to do my favorite 12 mile route that starts and ends at my house. It was quite warm out, so I filled up my hydration pack, loaded my mp3 player with pod casts, and hit the asphalt!

But I snapped a picture first!

I would like to show you my route! I snapped a picture every mile on the mile. Central PA is quite hilly and beautiful! (There are some hiiiiiiiills on this route!)

Mile 0.0 - Home sweet home!

Mile 1 - Still in the neighborhoods

Mile 2 - A brief period of shade!

Mile 3

Mile 4 - The picture doesn't do the hill justice

Mile 5 - Another hill, hard to tell!

My normal spot I stop to pee- overgrown. So I didn't stop, for fear of snakes.

Mile 6 - Selfie time! I look like I'm scuba diving...

 My stats so far...

Mile 7

Mile 8 - The view from the bridge over the PA Turnpike

Mile 9 - Alpaca farm!

Mile 10 - Not so pretty

Mile 11- The walking bridge over Route 15 back to my neighborhood

Mile 12- Home sweet home and a baber boy waiting for me at the window!

The final stats!

My original plan was to just take it easy but as I fell into my comfortable pace, I decided to try to push myself. I am really happy with my time! I am also happy that I didn't wear my knee brace and my legs felt really strong the whole run and for the rest of the day. It was so freaking hot out, though! I drank my entire hydration pack and wished I had more!

I hope you enjoyed the picture play-by-play of my run. The only thing that would have made the run better is if one of you were with me to share the experience!

What would we talk about if we went on a run together???


  1. Lovely! One day I want to be able to just head out the door and go for miles :) It seems like such a perfect release and "me-time".

    1. That is exactly what it is- me-time. I feel like running is my adult version of "going outside to play."

  2. Beautiful! I hate when you try to capture hill pictures because it never works and makes it look you're a big baby, there's an 8% grade on my street and it looks like nothing in photos. I have never had a running chat weirdly enough, I have only run with a friend a handful of times and we just ran with our music side by side.

    1. That is weird! Chatting makes the time go by so fast... but so does music :)

  3. It's a North Face Sailfin. I really like it!

  4. The trees and grass are all SO GREEN!

    It's annoying how hills and bridges never look very big in pictures >:(

    If we ran together we wouldn't talk because I would be gasping for air trying to keep up. But afterwards we could talk about Christmas, Jelly and Cecil!

    1. You know every time I put those colorful cat overlays on my Garmin pictures I think of you!!!! :)

  5. what a great run! so pretty, makes me miss running up north...sigh...

    love all the pics

  6. I can't wait for the day when I live in a house and can just step out the door and run! That bridge looks super cool and would keep the run interesting. So glad your knee is feeling so well!

    1. Thanks Courtney! When I first moved to this place, I felt really bound by highways and felt like the longest run I could do would be about 6 miles around my neighborhood.... but then I found that walking bridge that goes right over the highway! BOOM now the possibilities are endless!

  7. I love alpacas! They are so cute. Man compared to where I live it looks like massively country to me! I love all the green space. Around here...what's that? Looks so pretty...well except of course for that one. :) Cute house too!

    1. Hehe Thanks Tonya! Yes, it is VERY country! :) Good for running though. But then again, so is the beach !

  8. I'm trying to decide if those cat stickers are on your Garmin or if you added that to the image lol either way I like it. I also like that you doooo look like a scuba diver runner. Congrats on your time!

    1. lol I overlay them onto the image but it would be easier to just put real stickers on- it would save me some time. :)

  9. What a great idea!!!!! It looks like you have a beautiful route!!!!! Sweet!!!!!

    OH! You can totally do the post about things you wish you had known! That is the beauty about blogging...we get inspired from so many people! :) :)

    1. Oh good thank you! :) I just always feel like I need to ask because I don't ever want to insinuate an idea is my own when in fact you got me thinking about it too :)

  10. First off...we would be running in Gettysburg...which WILL happen, eventually, lol. I will probably be gasping for breath trying to catch up with you, but when I'm not, I'd probably be incessantly talking about my dogs, and you about your cats. 1 crazy dog lady running + 1 crazy cat lady running = 2 crazy runners!

  11. You had a gorgeous run! I'm totally stealing this idea for my next long/semi long run!!! ;)

    1. Do it! We want to see some gorgeous Canada scenery!

  12. This is a really awesome idea! It's so beautiful there. I think I may have to visit.

  13. I love this post. I read it last week but bookmarked it to comment on when I had time haha! I love seeing what your route was, and what you get to see when you're running. That one bridge is sooo pretty!!! I may steal this idea when I go running this weekend!!

    1. Do it! I love seeing where other people run, especially if the scenery is way different from where I live. :)
