
Monday, April 7, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Good Monday morning to you all! I hope you had a fabulous weekend! The weather here was great and I had just the right amount of friend time, family time, and laying around in my bathrobe time. What more could one ask for in one weekend? Here's what I was up to...

The work week seemed like it lasted forever, so I was extremely excited when Friday rolled around! My workout was upper body strength training- chest/shoulders/triceps. I threw in some of my glute exercises I do on the mat. No "real" lower body strength training for me until May! (I have decided!)

After work, the hubby and I had a few errands to run. Then we played cards. Just a normal wild and crazy night in the Michael-Cooney household!

I made an angel food cake and peeled the entire top off and ate it before dinner. I love eating all the crispy parts right when it comes out of the oven!

When we ate our "real" dinner, we watched The Mindy Project, which was back after a long hiatus. It was terrible. We're about to "office" that show. (When we quit a show after we invest A LOT of time into it, we say we "officed" it. That's because we quit The Office when there was only one season left. You'd think we could have sucked it up and just finished off the series, but no, we hated it too much by that point!)

Something very strange happened on Friday night. Paul and I went to bed AT THE EXACT SAME TIME. People, this never, EVER happens.

On Saturday morning, I got my last "long" run in before Boston- 10 miles on the rail trail. I don't think there is any point for me to run more than 8 miles at a time between now and Boston. I think 8 will be next weekend and then it is a major, major TAPER! (Wait a second, I feel like the past 4 months have been a taper for me!) You can read all about my 10 miler here.

Then it was time to celebrate (belatedly) my mom's birthday! We met my parents, grandma, brother, sister-in-law, and niece at Duke's. No sooner had we got done with our crab pretzel appetizers (DIVINE) than the power went off and we had to leave. Bummer!

We ended up ordering out from somewhere else and just going back to my brother's house for some family time. Miss Ellie stole the show, as always!

That girl!

Grandpa teaching Ellie to march.

On Saturday night, we had dinner and played games at Bob and Rachel's house. Bob's food is always delicious! We played some rousing games of Catchphrase, Guesstamation, and Cards Against Humanity.

The two winners of the night...

Which one would have you chosen?

Sunday was another gorgeous day! I really wanted to run, but couldn't decide if I needed to run or if they would just be junk miles. I ended up deciding to run 5, and I felt great. However, my dichotomy did inspire me to write a post about "junk miles". Look for it later this week!

Then I dropped my hubby off at the disc golf course so he could get a few holes in. While he was having fun, I braved the customer service line at Wal Mart to return something. As soon as I walked in the store, I was SO HAPPY I had run those 5 miles earlier or else I don't think I would have been as calm and serene as I was!

Our Sunday night was capped off with.. what else... card games. But seriously, that's a perfect evening for us!
Have you ever "officed" a show?
Do you go to bed at the same time as your partner?
Which would have you picked- incest or opposable thumbs?


  1. Oh I livd that term: "officed," lol. We have our shows too and I'm pretty sure we officed a few as well. Your pace for your five miles was stellar! You must be feeling great :) I also braved Walmart on was a marathon in itself!

  2. I office'd the office, too. I did watch the last episode, but it was pretty lame! I basically just watched it because it was the series finale! JP and I don't go to bed at the same time - he goes much later than me, although we're both night owls!

    1. Oh my gosh same and same with us- we watched the last episode just to watch it and Paul goes to bed way later than me!

  3. I have the reverse problem - I can never "office" shows. Luckily I don't watch much TV - maybe 2 hours per week, at most? Right now I'm watching Sons of Anarchy and I only have a couple seasons left, and I don't even know why I'm forcing myself to watch it anymore!

  4. I think I "officed" Grey's Anatomy. Not because I didn't like it but because it started coming on way too late for me (10 pm...o boy). I have only ever heard of Cards Against Humanity on your blog. I must look into that game!

    1. I also officed grey's! It started to get a little too far fetched for me. (Because it at one time was believable... haha yeah right!)

  5. I almost couldn't read the rest of your post after the whole Mindy = terrible ordeal! :( Although, if I am being honest, the show hasn't lived up to season 1 this year. I hope they get it together for next season!

    The last show I "office'd" was Walking Dead. Adam and I watched season 1 and the season 2 premiere but then quit. We *wanted* to like it so much, but finally admitted that we thought it was boring.

    1. Our favorite characters on Mindy are Morgan and Peter. I wish the show was about them!

  6. I'm so excited you are going to run in Boston! I have "officed" quite a few shows. Embarrassingly I used to LOVE the Vampire Diaries. I just couldn't take how ridiculous it got, despite having a very good-looking cast. Grey's Anatomy is another one. Once everyone slept with everyone, there wasn't a whole lot of story left and it just got stupid. I guess it's tough to keep a show fresh.

    1. I officed Grey's as well for the same reason!

  7. I love CAH. It is so funny and shocking at the same time!
    Yay for running! It is such a beautiful thing :)

    1. Yeah, that night I saw a few cards I never saw before!

  8. I also Officed The Office. The season after Michael Scott left, I just couldn't handle it anymore!!! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend.

  9. I'm always going to pick the dirty cards, so I'd call "incest", but "opposable thumbs" is pretty good for that one, too.

    1. Woohoo! Incest was mine! But honestly I would have picked opposable thumbs. :)

  10. Oh you will feel so much more free without the housewives!

  11. I've had a "junk miles" post bouncing around in my head for weeks... I'm interested to see if you write what I was going to. Haha. Angel food cake is my favorite! My grandma makes them for me whenever I'm home. She saves egg whites from Grandpa's pancakes (which she also makes from scratch, every single morning) for a week, and then makes me a cake. It's amazing.

    1. That's is funny! Great minds must think alike. (Or we're both running junk miles and feel guilty about it.) ;) Mmmm I bet that angel food cake is amazing. Mine comes from a box!
