
Friday, April 25, 2014

Best Boston Marathon Signs!

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As promised, I am sharing with you some of the best/funniest signs from the marathon course. (In no particular order.) I was unable to capture original images of them all, so I had to recreate most of them from memory! I hope they give you a laugh! I really can't say enough about how awesome the spectators were!

What hilarious signs have you seen at races?


  1. None of the races I've run were big enough for tons of signs...even the St. Pete Women's Half, which was pretty big.

    But I volunteered at a Hooters to Hooters half and a sign near me showed a naked man's torso with bandaids over the nipples that said "HOW ME YOUR HOOTERS" and multiple people flashed the sign-holder hehe!

    1. LOL I thought you were going to say they actually flashed them!!!

  2. I don't remember if I already posted this or not, but last year my sister said some of the signs she saw were : "you've trained longer for this than Kim Kardashian's marriage". And another one was "In Paul Ryan time, you're already finished". Do you remember that young politician that claimed he ran a marathon but then when someone asked him his time, he said he didn't remember? Excuse me but anyone who runs a marathon REMEMBERS their time. I guess later on he then said his time was like 2 hours and something ( ridiculously fast) later it was proved to not be true. Ok I guess I got a little off topic there!

    1. Oh I totally remember Paul Ryan and his dumbness!!!!

  3. The only race I've run that has had signs was the Princess Half at Disney, and all of the signs were Disney related.

    I do love that sign that says "at least you're not at work!" HAH! :D

    1. LOL I know! At the point in the race I was hurting so I was like hmmmm maybe not!?

  4. That sign about farting! I am such a child sometimes. And I love the Netflix one. I do marathons on Netflix also. :-D

    1. That's what I told the girl with the Netflix sign! Also, my students looooved the fart sign!

  5. I saw one that said something about chafing being badges of glory which was funny. Another blogger once posted about a guy having his pants down sign saying "keep running or I'll move the sign" which is hilarious.

  6. bahahaha! I love the pain is temporary one! BTW I gave you a shout out on my blog today!

  7. I'm really enjoying the 'at least you're not at work sign,' LOL. "Slow down I'm trying to count everyone!" was pretty funny to me on Monday as well. I found them all hilarious just may have been my delusional marathon brain

    1. Slow down I'm trying to count... I didn't see that but that is FUNNY. There sure were a lot of great signs to read. The spectators were sooooo good :)

  8. I love the Netflix one! I think that is my new favorite :)
