
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

What I STUFFED IN MY FACE Wednesday.

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It's no secret I do not like WIAW. I have my reasons. Such as...

1. It's TOO MUCH FOOD to look at! Every. Single. Blog.

2. Some of these people only eat like 1,000 calories a day! (Or claim to.)
I get hungry just thinking about that.

3. I can only see so many pictures of snack plates, tiny spoons, mason jars, 
Lara Bars, and overnight oats before I'm bored.

If I did a WIAW, it would need several installments because I eat A LOT of food. Courtney @ Running for Cupcakes agreed with me, so she and I decided to do something new called... "What I Stuffed in my Face Wednesday". No frills. Pics of everything. Not just the good, but the bad and the ugly, too. Courtney did her's last week, but I didn't get around to mine until now!

This is what I ate yesterday. I know it's hard to tell exactly how much of something there is, so I have provided my approximate measurement of how much food is pictured.

My pictures are NOT good. I could blame it on my crappy camera, but even if I had a nice camera they'd be crappy anyway. I am not displaying my food on pretty white plates. This is a come as you are event for my food. And with yesterday being a work day, most of my food came in Tupperware!

Here you go my friends! WHAT I STUFFED IN MY FACE WEDNESDAY... the good, the bad, and the ugly!!!

5:50am- Breakfast #1
 6 oz iced coffee with 1 tbsp creamer, 3/4 c. shredded wheat cereal w/ skim milk.

I have to eat before I go to the gym or I don't have energy for my workout. 
Also, I have found when I skip Breakfast #1, I can never get ahead of my hunger for the day!

6:40am- Workout! 
45 minutes on the arc trainer (fast pace- I felt the burn!)

7:55am- Breakfast #2
1.5 c. Special K Protein Plus cereal w/ skim milk

10:20am- Snack #1
1 c. plain fat free Greek yogurt w/ 1 tbsp strawberry jelly mixed in


I ate it during 2nd grade music class. 
They understand that I get easily hangered, so they don't mind!

12:05pm- Lunch
1 c. frozen broccoli and about 7 oz chicken breast. Lots of salt. (Not pictured.)

This is my lunch every freaking day.

1:00pm- Snack #2
A small apple (I wished it was bigger!)

4:00pm- Snack #3
1/3 c. trail mix.

I totally could have eaten dinner when I got home from work
but I had piano lesson to teach so this had to do!

6:00pm- Drinky Drink
5 oz merlot. Then 2 more oz.


Wine and cards with Paul is a nightly ritual after piano lessons!

7:15pm- Dinner
5 oz chicken breast, chopped celery, tomatoes, yummy pepper, light ranch dressing, some tortilla chip crumbles, and when I ran out... some buffalo chicken pretzel crumbles. And lots of spices!

I call it a "Protein Crunch Bowl!"
Honestly, I would normally have sweet potatoes or quinoa rather than
the chips and pretzels but I didn't have any made and I was too hungry!

9:00pm- Dessert!!!!
Strawberry ice crean and chocolate pudding pie

I didn't eat ALL that, but I did eat out of the cartons so I can't accurately show you
how much I ate. Prob 1 c. ice cream and 2/3 of what's left of the pie.

This is what happened to the rest of the pie when I was putting it away.
Sorry Paul!!!!!! :o(

9:9:30 pm- Pre-bed snack
More trail mix. A good handful. I was too tired to take  pic!

WISIMFW was approx...

2000 calories
29% Fat,    42% Carb,    29% Protein

That's it, folks! I'm boring and eat a lot of the same things every day. 
My dinners and desserts change, but everything before that is pretty much the same daily

What did you stuff in your face yesterday?
Do you ever eat the same thing for a meal or snack over and over again?
Do you track your calories and macros?


  1. I've recently been strong-armed into switching to 1% milk instead of skim and it tastes like freaking creamer to me. (Apparently full fat milk is GOOD for you now, according to "experts" but I just can't see myself going fuller fat than 1%. How do people do it?!)

    Anyway, this cracks me up. It's so honest! If I took pics of all my food any day of the week, you'd all see what a terrible eater I am. It would be no surprise why I'm not an elite runner hehe.

    1. I think my pictures and "presentation" are way worse than my food choices haha! Except for maybe dessert. I will never, ever give up dessert!!

  2. I eat the same breakfast every day and switch between 3 lunches. It's boring, but I like it and it works. I go nuts with dinners ;)

    1. Eating the same things is definitely easier, for sure.

  3. NOOO the pie!!!

    See, this is better than what I ate Wednesday. It's just your normal food. That's what's interesting to me, not the pinterest creation you ate because it's WIAW.

    I try not to count calories because I struggle with balance when I do that, but we did WW+ for a while and I found it helpful. I would like to start counting protein/carbs/fat (macros I guess) now that I"m training, does it get easier as you go? (and learn the numbers for various items?)

    1. I was so sad about the pie, too! I track my cals and macros on It will break it down for you, no computation needed on your part. Pretty much any item is already in their system, and if you cook something (say a soup) you can enter the ingredients and create a recipe for it, so it's in the system. If you want to track that kind of stuff, I'd try mynetdiary!

  4. You crack me up Meg! Actually I am super impressed that you go to the gym before going to your teaching job! That's dedication.

    1. Oh I love getting it out of the way first thing! Plus Planet Fitness would be a madhouse if I went in the evening.

  5. I usually eat the same stuff over and over again but lately I've been all out of whack because A) I've been away and eating out a lot, and B) I haven't been running but have still been rungry a lot. After weighing in this week since my trip (and for the first time after my month off from running), I realized I need to scale it down a bit, lol.

    1. It's so tough when you travel and can't eat the way you normally do! I totally understand that.

  6. Your note about the 1 apple is seriously making me laugh out loud! :D

    I usually have the same breakfast/lunch every weekday and then some random thing for dinner. It's just easier to reach for the same thing every day when you're on the go!

    1. It is a TON easier! And plus, at work I am so hungry that I don't really care what I eat. It's fine if it is bland and healthy. :)

  7. I've been tracking my calories lately. I've had the same breakfast and lunch for the past 3 days. I did not eat anything interesting yesterday, not in the least bit. My most enjoyable foods though were a Larabar and I'm trying to learn to love herbal tea.

    1. I don't think I ever had a Larabar. Are they good?

  8. Hahah love it!! I think we need to start a revolution! That poor, poor pie... so sad.

  9. My heart is breaking because the pie fell! Haha but I'm glad you documented it. LOVE the idea of WISIMFW!

    1. I know I felt bad for my hubby because I was saving what was left for him!

  10. I never do What I Ate Wednesday because everyone would be so bored. I eat exactly the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day. I love it and I don't get bored. Some days, I am excited to go to sleep just so I can wake up and eat my breakfast. It's dinner where I go nuts. And I agree with you, I will NEVER give up dessert!

    1. What do you eat for bfast that you are so excited for?

  11. I always have to eat before I work out, it is usually small but I have to have something!!!!

    1. I can usually run on an empty stomach but I cannot lift!
