
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thinking Out Loud (Very, very random!)


Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Thank you to Amanda @ Running With Spoons for hosting  this Thinking Out Loud link up! Today will be very, very, random. There is not much depth to anything I am posting today. Oh well, we could all use some "fluff" every once in awhile, right!?

1. I cannot STAND the sound of gum chewing. I was on the arc trainer Tuesday morning and I seriously almost got in a knock-out-drag-down (is that the expression!?) fight with the woman who got on the machine beside me. She was chewing and POPPING her gum so loud I could hear it over top of my pod cast. I couldn't take it, but I didn't want to switch machines. With every snap of her gum, it was as if she was daring me to get off my machine. I did not. And I managed to get through my 45 minute workout without harming her.

pop, six, squish, uh-uh, cicero, lipschitz

2. I can do burpees!!!!!!!!!! Guys, this is HUGE!!! I haven't been able to do them in over a month, but last night before bed, I banged out 5, just to test things! I sort of favor my right leg a bit when I do them, but I am using my left leg too. I can't believe this... it's LIFE CHANGING. I still can't go down stairs unless I go sideways, but I can freaking BURPEE!!

3. This past Monday, my first season of co-coaching Girls on the Run started! Once a week, I get to spend time with 15 wonderful 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade girls. During the lessons, we not only play running games and train for a 5k, but we teach lessons which aim to develop mental, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual health. I think this is going to be a WONDERFUL experience for not only girls but us coaches, too!

Girls on the Run

4. A friend of mine (Don't worry, you shall remain nameless!) let me borrow her copy of 50 Shades of Grey. I have heard so many different opinions about the book. One opinion most everyone seems to agree on is that the writing is terrible. We shall see if I can make it the whole way through!

5. If you haven't checked out the #RealFitspo project over at Lift Me Up Fitness, please do so! It's such an awesome idea! I had to take part, so I am happy to announce that I was featured in their second issue! Go over and check it out!

Thanks again, Amanda, for hosting us each and every Thursday!

Did you read 50 Shades of Grey?
Have you ever gotten in a fight with someone over gum chewing?
What breakfast gives you massive gym energy?
Have you ever coached a Girls on the Run team?


  1. I am so glad you get to do Girls on the Run. Something I would def want to be a part of. One of my piano students does Girls on the Run and she loves,loves,loves it!! The girls are so lucky to have such a great coach!

  2. Haha I don't think I'd ever even open that book. Not only am I not at all interested in the story, but I cannot stand writing that bad.

    1. I didn't try it yet but we will see! I've enjoyed trashy novels before but it's been some time. Still didn't get to it yet! I played tetris on my phone before going to bed instead of reading it like I was supposed to.

  3. Im so excited that you're doing girls on the run! I can't wait to hear more about it!

  4. 50 Shades is so awful. I got the book to see what all the fuss was about and wow... the writing is so so so bad and the storyline is pretty bad too. Twilight was a guilty pleasure read for me so I thought there was a chance I might like it, but nope. Good luck making it through. I never finished!

    The sound of all chewing drives me crazy. I have to have background noise when Adam and I are eating or I would probably kill him!

    1. I can't believe it, but I loved the Twilight movies. Normally I don't think things that are super emo like that! I tried the books but by then I had seen the movies and lost interest. I saw a Dr. Phil episode about a wife who can't stand her husband's chewing!!! Paul and I are like that. One of us can't eat chips. 2 of us can, but not just one. :)

  5. I completely understand the gum chewing. I think it's disgusting! I have not read 50 shades of Grey! Congrats on being featured! That is awesome. I'm thinking I might participate in the Thursday link up sometime in the future. I got tons of randomness going on!!!!

    1. It feels like a get out of blogging free card on Thursdays!

  6. OH man I agree on 50 shades. I couldn't make it through the first few chapters. I was an assistant coach for girls on the run a couple years ago. I really enjoyed it, although the time was a little inconvenient for me so that's why I didn't do it again. Hope you enjoy the experience!

    1. Thanks Tonya! I hope I like it too. So far so good. (I mean, GOTR, not 50 shades haha)

  7. I think you may be the first person in history to ever be excited about doing burpees. I would milk that for all it was worth. "Oh, sorry, I had surgery 6 years ago, can't do a burpee!" ;-) Not really. I love to hate them.

    I go through about the first 50 pages of that book and had to stop. I couldn't handle it. I was also so confused as to how they were getting from Portland to Vancouver so quickly, then I realized that there is a Vancouver, WA as well. And I've driven through there many times. I felt too stupid to keep reading. ;-)

    1. lol I bet if you were starved for running and jumping like me you would DIE to be able to do a burpee again!!! ;) It looks like I am probably going to hate 50 shades, according to all my readers!

  8. Oh my gosh I cannot stand the sound of gum chewing and when people do that popping noise with their gum over and over again. I'm getting annoyed just thinking about it. I also hate when people chew ice. I was on a road trip with my friend and she was chewing ice and it was pissing me off so bad that I reached over and smacked the cup out of her hand. I got ice and coke all over my car but it was so worth it!

  9. Congrats on being featured - that is so cool! BURPEES FOR THE WIN

  10. Confession: That is the ONLY song from Chicago that I like. (Mr. Cellophane is good too I guess.)

    Yay burpees!! I've started doing them for T25 and I think it's really helping my core/quads!! It's so cool that you're really seeing progress with your recovery!!

    1. Aw I love ALL of Chicago! I want to play Roxie someday even though I hate her. I'm glad you're doing burpees! They are so AWESOME and get those fast twitch muscles going!

  11. Yay, for Girls on the Run! I wish we had one here but we do not :(
    Maybe when I become a full time teacher, I'll run the idea by my school!

    I have never read 50 Shades - I just have no desire. But I am one of those people who doesn't jump on the bandwagon when something is popular soooooo I'll probably read it in like 2 years and love it. Haha! I still haven't read Twilight and that was this huge thing!

    PS~ I hate burpees!

    1. PS~Checked out that blog - YOU ROCK GIRL! :)

    2. I don't blame you, burpees are horrible. Sometimes I love horrible things. So maybe I WILL like 50!?

  12. Congrats on the burpees!!! I despise gum chomping as well-grr! I've never read that book, and I thought I was the only one, lol....until now. I can't wait to check out your feature!!!

    1. I still haven't started it. Maybe this weekend. :)

  13. Ohh gum chewing -- huge nay on that one. That and hearing people sip their hot drinks really loud. Like... if you can't handle the heat, wait until it cools down! Please don't do the sip, swallow, ahhhh routine #endrant

    And I can't say that I've ever been interested in reading 50 Shades. I haven't heard good things, and the story just isn't really my kind of thing. I do love how you said your friend will remain anonymous though lol.

    1. Oh she was happy too. When I saw her yesterday she said she had to read that paragraph like 5 times just to assure herself I did not reveal her identity. I would never out someone on my blog like that!

  14. Burpees rock! A good bowl of oats with banana and almond butter will fuel me up and 50 Shades was... interesting, to say the least. I thought the writing style was terrible and so many of the same words/verbs/ideas were tossed around too often... I don't know, I would say read it before the movie comes out though :)
