
Monday, March 10, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Happy Monday, everyone! I hope this week is calmer than last week. Seriously, I don’t know what was going on, but work, life, everything was just crazy!

I hope your weekend was awesome! Mine was crazy busy! So busy in fact, that I must leave you with a list for my wrap up, rather than a well thought out blog post. Forgive me!

Some wonderfully random/awesome things about this weekend...

1. MY RUNS!!!

Friday- 3 miles on treadmill
Saturday- 4 miles OUTSIDE
Sunday- 5 miles on the treadmill

No running Monday and Tuesday, I PROMISE! It's time to think about a Boston plan... I want every single run that happens to be for the PURPOSE of Boston. I want to run it. I just have to figure out a way to get from 5 miles to 26.2 in.... 6 weeks! (I have not ruled out walk/running it. I always forget about that... people walk/run shit all the time. Why not me!?)

2. Improv Comedy! We went out with some friends on Friday night to see our friend Randy in an improv show at a local winery. The improv troop is called Safe Word, and they are HILARIOUS!

3.Wally World!! I got to go on a super romantic Wal Mart date with my hubby. Seriously, I like running errands with him!

4. Dinner Party!! We got to have dinner at our friends' house. There were babies, kitties, salmon, and scotch. The makings for a wonderful evening!

5. The Book of Mormon!!! (Perhaps the most exciting event besides my runs!) At the last minute, I scored FREE tickets to see The Book of Moron in Baltimore- complete with a pre-show champagne brunch. A friend was unable to go and gave the tickets to me because she knew I love theater. Seriously, how do you repay someone for that!? The show was CRAZY GOOD. It was hilarious, I liked most of the songs, and just feel so inspired by the talent I saw on that stage. Oh, and I got to go with my friend Maren!! Icing on the cake!

The last time Maren and I saw a show together was Wicked on Broadway in 2006!
I don't know how she found this old pic of us but here we are... 2006 at Wicked and 2014 at BoM!

Did you have any good runs this weekend?
What is your favorite musical?
Ever been to Baltimore? I only live about an hour and fifteen minutes away!


  1. Back before the Nationals existed, my dad used to drive us to Baltimore a few times every summer for O's games. Now I only go once every year or two to do dorky aquarium dates and such ;)

    1. They have an AWESOME aquarium! My hubby loves the aquarium. :)

  2. I'm jealous of your awesome weekend! My favorite musical is Les Miserables, but I also LOVE The Secret Garden.

    1. I never saw The Secret Garden but Les Mis is great. I have not been able to bring myself to watch the movie, though.

  3. All time favorite musical? Grease. I played Jan in an rep theatre production of it when I was 15. If driving through Baltimore counts, then I've been there, lol.

    1. I loved Grease when I was in HS! That's awesome you got to be Jan- she is a funny character!

  4. 6 weeks before Boston?! Good luck!! One of my best friends is from Baltimore so I've been there a few times- it's always a lot of fun!

  5. LOL.....I love reading your posts Meg! Gotta love Wal-Mart. ;)

    I can't even tell you how excited I am to read "Boston Plan!!!!" :D

    1. Heather, it's going to look quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite different from your Boston Plan hahaha! Yours is a PLAN. Mine is "What can I pull out of my ass to be sure I don't injure myself!!??" We will see....

  6. Ahh I'm so jealous that you got to see Book of Mormon. It's been on my to-do list for far too long!

    1. Well when it comes to your area you've gotta do it. It would be worth every penny!

  7. I am so jealous of your Book of Mormon viewing! I really want to see that one. I cannot choose a favorite musical. The favorite musical that I was a part of was RENT. I couldn't have asked for a better cast and crew and we got closer than any cast ever has. I miss those days.

    1. I was in Rent as well! It was def one of my favorites to be a part of. Did you do that in HS?

  8. My friend Dave and I went to NY and scored lottery tickets to the BOM for $25 a piece. Front row center!!! It was the most awesome thing and show ever! So wrong...yet so right. So glad you got to go!

    1. Oh WOW I would have loved to have been that close!!!

  9. Wow, what a fantastic weekend! My fingers are tightly crossed that Boston works out for you. And how cool to get those last-minute theater tickets. I don't know if I can pick a favorite musical... after every one, I leave the theater saying, "That was the BEST ever!" Ha.

    1. Omg I know what you mean! There are so many good shows!

  10. I was thinking how fun that comedy club must have been but then I saw you went to BOM show! Wow, you did have a fun weekend!

    I have been thinking of you since post knee surgery and been wondering what your plan was for running Boston. I am in a similar situation and have a race the weekend after Boston and wondering if I even have time to train properly. I would love to walk/run but this course has a strict time limit and I don't know if I would make it.

    1. Do you know what the time limit is? I can't seem to find it! I am still considering Boston. If I can get through my three 5 mile runs this week and a "long" run of 8, I am going to continue w/ the plan I made for myself. I am going to post it soon... but I think Boston is still a small possibility for me! However, only if I am well. I don't want to run it if I'm not 100%... well, okay maybe I'll run it if I'm 85% :) I'd like to know more about what you're experiencing... I'll look for an update on your blog!

  11. It looks like you had a fabulous weekend Meg!!!!!!! :) :) Congrats on all your awesome running! YAY! :)
