
Sunday, March 9, 2014

I'm so high right now!

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This is going to be short and sweet because this weekend has actually been crazy so far! But I have something to share with you...

Yesterday, I ran outside for the first time since early January!!! (I didn't even remember how to turn my Garmin on, that's how long it has been!)

4 miles.

36 minutes.

Up and down hills.

It was a GORGEOUS day! Almost 50 degrees and mildly sunny. It felt like springtime for this Central PA gal who's been stuck in a Polar Vortex for the past several months!

I started the run with headphones in, but it didn't take long until I ditched them. I did not want to zone out. I wanted to soak in every wonderful sight, sound, and feeling there was to be had on my first outdoor run in what seemed like forever.

When I was at 3.9 miles I really want to aim for 5 miles. "It's just 8 more minutes," I told myself. "What's 8 more minutes?" But I did not. I refrained. I did my 4 miles and cooled down with a short walk. Crisis adverted.

The big question... How did my knee feel? Answer: It didn't feel normal of course, but it wasn't painful. I would feel twinges. I would feel a nagging twinge on one side, then it would switch to the other, then it would switch somewhere else... It was as if my old creeky body was waking up. It did not HURT.

My hamstrings and IT band felt a little tight during the run so I was sure to stretch, stretch, stretch afterwards. Stretching is boring, but it is more fun with Will & Grace.

Oh, about my pace. I have decided to not worry about how fast I am running but focus on time on my feet. My first mile yesterday was a 9:13. My last was an 8:21. I was not trying to push myself at any point. It was a happy, "la-la-la" pace (for ME). I honestly felt liked I could run for another hour, it was THAT GREAT.

But I was probably just high on endorphins.

Anyway, I am so pleased with my run and I am so HAPPY right now. I know it was only 4 miles but obviously this is huge... I'm going to try 4 tomorrow and then rest on Monday.

Thank you for listening!

Sorry this is short and discombobulated. My weekend is crazy! I'll catch up with you all tomorrow!

*** SUNDAY MORNING UPDATE: My knee felt fine for the rest of the day on Saturday. I did a lot of stretching and walking around so I kept everything loose. Perhaps the best sign is that now, Sunday morning, it feels strong. I am convinced my body was ready for that 4 miles yesterday! I remain hopeful about my recovery!!!***

Did you have a good run this weekend???


  1. Yay! This post made me soooo excited :D That feeling would be something I'd want to soak in as well. That's so awesome Meg! Enjoy your weekend :) p.s. you posts always make me laugh. The title actually got me giggling before I read further ;)

    1. Thank you Heather!! :) I'm glad I can make yas all laugh from time to time!

  2. Yay!!!! I love how 8:21 is an easy pace for you. lol! I've never gone that fast on my fastest run! Hope your weekend was a good crazy and not a bad crazy. I still don't feel like I can run with my shin/calf pain, but I am playing beach volleyball. Oddly enough it feels better as I get into my games, which means I wonder if I tried beach running if it might be achy at first but get better. Like you, I sill feel tinges of pain, and it always hurts most right when I wake up for some reason. Strange huh?

    1. It was definitely good crazy, but now I need a nap! That is weird that it hurts right when you wake up. I understand how it could feel better as your muscles and body get warmer... What if you warmed up a little and then tried a run?

  3. That's so awesome! And considering your running hiatus, I do think your pace rocked, too! I always try to not get hung up on pace when I'm running after an injury, too. I am hoping that a similar run will be in my future, too. :-)

    1. I have to be honest, one of my 18 minute treadmill runs a little over a week ago was what I used to test my pace. I just had to know if I still "had it". I did, but I was SORE the next day. Now that my ego is intact knowing I can still run the pace I want, I am going to focus less on pace and more just time on my feet. I think that would be the smartest thing for Boston!

  4. Smart move on sticking to 4 instead of 5! What amazing news!! And I loooove that your "easy" pace still allows you be so fast! HOORAY for recovery!

    1. I know, I am glad I didn't lose too much fitness! It sucks when you work so hard for something... but it looks like I did everything I could to maintain my pace even though I didn't run in several weeks.

  5. WHOOO! Everything is coming along as planned! In no time you'll be pumping out 5 min/miles :-)

  6. Well it wasn't always easy! I am glad I didn't lose a ton of fitness. :)

  7. Can I just tell you how I excited I am for you?!?!?!!
    YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! I hope it continues to get better!!!!!
    Sending good vibes!!!!

  8. I am so excited for you!! Congratulations! And your pace is amazing for having to take so much time off!! I'm glad you are still feeling good and that you were able to stop yourself. You have such willpower. I don't know if I could do that! Still sending healing thoughts!

    1. Thanks Rach! After coming so far I have to force myself to be cautious. I never want to go back to square one.

  9. HOORAY! So glad to hear that you're back at it! Four is awesome.

  10. I finally had a good run myself this Saturday after months and months of chronic cramps. I may have found my magic plan of ibuprofen and bio freeze. We will see tomorrow when I try again. We had about the same exact distance and pace too. Wish we could be running buddies :)

    1. That is GREAT Tiffany! I hope things go well tomorrow for you... I try tomorrow again too. I swear every time I run I am just waiting with bated breath for something to go wrong.

    2. Oh me too! It makes running a lot less fun when every set you take you're waiting for that awful feeling to show up. I had some pretty decent luck with the ibuprofen and biofreeze. it may be just what gets me through my first 10K in a couple weeks.
