
Sunday, March 16, 2014

A "LONG" run.

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... Yesterday, I went on my longest run in quite some time...

8 MILES!!!!

I used to do 8 miles around my neighborhood before work in the morning. I could get it done in about an hour. Now, it's considered "long run" territory for me. There is a seeeeeason, tuuuuuurn, tuuuuuurn..."

I was testing the waters to see what I can do right now. I was so excited when I woke up Saturday morning! It was so much fun getting ready for my weekend "long" run... a simple pleasure I hadn't experienced in several months!

(That's toilet paper in the baggie. You never know.)

The weather was BEAUTIFUL! 50 degrees and a clear blue sky!

Would you like to see some pictures of my beautiful, Central Pennsylvania run? Of course you do!

So what's the story? 

1. My knee did not HURT. It felt weak until Mile 7. Then it felt stronger. Not "normal".

2. I got a side stitch at Mile 7. It felt like I was getting stabbed in the side, but it went away after half a mile or so. I hate those little buggers! I tried to breath deep through my nose and out through my mouth. That's what my high school gym teacher always told us to do.

3. I should have brought water. I got a headache at Mile 7 from no water. (What's with mile 7!?)

4. My whole left leg felt sort of tight. I thought about stopping to stretch but the tightness never got worse, it just sort of shifted around to different spots. Augh. My old, creaky body.

5. I ran at a pace that felt normal. I think I should have gone a little slower because I got tired at Mile 5. I got a second wind around Mile 7. This was a hilly course... I have to go check the Boston elevation because if I remember correctly, it's mostly downhill except for the Newton hills and Heartbreak.

6. At the end of my run, I was thinking about the 12 miles I have planned for next weekend (if I recover well from yesterday), and thought, "If I had to do 4 more miles, could I?" Answer: Yes.

7. I stretched for 15 whole minutes before I got in my car, iced when I got home, and foam rolled a little later.

The verdict: All in all, I would rate this run a 6.5/10. I'll bump it up to a 7/10 if my leg feels good in the next day or two. (Update: Sunday morning it felt okay. Official rating: 7/10.)

You're probably wondering why I'm trying for 12 miles next weekend... I will let you know on Tuesday when I post my "new" Boston Training Plan.

Don't worry, just because I'm easing back into running doesn't mean I'm going to give you the play by play of every single run I do. I was just sort of excited about conquering eight miles!

Tell me about your long run this weekend!
What do you do when you get a side stitch?
What's your favorite fuel for a long run? Currently, shredded wheat and iced coffee!


  1. Okay, those views are GORGEOUS. If I had views like that, I'd run long everyday!!

    I'm so glad you had a good run, took is "easy", and enjoyed it. Just another sign that you're baaack!!

    1. Thanks Ali! Yah our weather in PA is crazy but the scenery is always good. :)

  2. Love the smiley faces on your Garmin picture :)

    8 miles is still in the long run territory for me, but I'm starting to see it slide more and more in the "medium" category, at least mentally. Other than being an awful bonky, achey, and potentially poopy run, my 10 mile run last week felt very doable. Compared to last summer when 10 miles was a huge mental hurdle, that feels pretty good to say. I'm sure your long runs will keep getting longer and longer. Glad you're running again!

    1. Thanks Ashley! 8-10 miles being in the "medium" category is very good! I bet it's nice to have such a great base mileage.

  3. Congrats on 8 miles! Looks beautiful, too. You know it's spring when you start needing water on 8-milers! :)

    1. lol right!? And before we know it, it will be summer and there will be water no matter the distance!

  4. Congrats on your good run! 8 miles is a long run for me too. Struggling with abdominal cramps sucks so bad - especially when I want to do my first 10K and half marathon this year. What an inspiration to think about doing 8 miles before work in the morning easy, I'd love to get to that point :). Your run looks so beautiful. Love the TP in your bag, that's actually a pretty good idea.

    1. If I don't have TP, I gotta go. If I do have TP, I'm fine. My head is messed up. :)

  5. YAY congrats on 8 miles! And please *do* give us a play by play of every single run :) To build back up to 8 miles at an 8:30 pace pretty fast after months of not running and a surgery has me in awe!! Can't wait to see your Boston training plan!

    1. Thanks Kristina! I will definitely want your feedback on my plan...

  6. 8 miles is so great. :) I am in awe of your ability to bounce back after your surgery! Can't wait to hear all about your Boston training plan.

  7. Eight miles IS far! At least to people who are not crazy running addicts. You did amazing. And at an 8:30 pace? My goodness. I wish we could run together. Especially with those views. My runs are not as nice, unfortunately.

  8. Oh you so rock! Way to go Meg!!!! Before we go any further, I have to say that I am the Side Stitch Queen!!! :( I've had a side stitch in a few races in the past that have made me so mad. I've learned to push my foot on the opposite side harder to the ground to straighten out the muscle that's in spasm. It works for me.

    I'm so excited about your run :D

  9. Awesome! I'd love your input on it :) I'll post it Tues

  10. I'm commenting on this way after you posted because I am just reading it but OMG!!! I am so happy for you Meg! You rocked it girlfriend. I wish my pace was 8:34!! I hope your training for Boston goes well and you are able to run! I'm glad you are easing back into it!!! WHOOP! I'm also noticing on my runs that I could go longer...which is a nice feeling :)

    1. Thank you so much! :) That is cool that you feel like you can go longer on your runs. Progress, progress!
