
Monday, March 31, 2014

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOMMA! ( & Weekend Wrap Up!)

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Before we get to the scheduled Weekend Wrap Up, I have something to say...

It's true, everything I am, I owe to my mom and dad! 

Family pic!

My momma and her momma.

My brother Tyler and me with our mom.

My sister-in-law Debby and me with Mom.

Mom and Dad!

Happy Birthday Momma! I love you!

Today is my last day using the salt shaker. A few weeks ago, I wrote about how I needed to get my arse in gear and start working towards the goals I have for myself. As of tomorrow, in efforts to reduce the sodium in my diet, I am no longer using the salt shaker on my food. 

Not adding salt from the salt shaker to every damn thing I make is going to be HARD, but I am going to do it! My goal is to go a month without it. After a month, I will just add salt in special circumstances... like if we go out to eat or if it's something I really like having salt on. But it will be considered a treat, not the norm. Hopefully by not having as much salt as I used to, my taste buds will change and I will only need a little bit of it to be satisfied. We shall see!

HAPPY MONDAY! *Unless you are my mom, then HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

In preparation for my 20 mile walk/run on Saturday, I decided to make Friday a complete rest day. No lifting. No push ups. No planks. Just a good ‘ol fashioned rest day. It felt very strange sleeping until 6:30 am and just relaxing with my coffee and breakfast before work. I never, ever do that. I need to slow down.

Fun fact: A day teaching elementary music can NEVER be considered a rest day! Not when you have show choir, chorus, and kindergarten all in one day!

Apparently my stomach didn’t know it was a rest day. I swear I was more hungry that day than training day! Have you ever wondered how to eat on a rest day? I read an awesome post by Tara @ Sweat Like A Pig that breaks it down for you. Here is my favorite quote from her recent post on rest day nutrition:

When you lift weights, you are teaching your body to become a calorie-burning machine. It will burn calories all the time. Your body grows when it is at rest, hence why it is so important to consume enough calories on rest days. There is no point in eating a lot on training days if you then restrict on rest days, as your body will not be able to build muscle or lose fat (as you will be slowing your metabolism if you eat too little).”

Wise words from a wise woman!

On Saturday, I ran 20 MILES! You can read all about it here. I AM DOING BOSTON!

That night, we had our friends Bob and Rachel over for a game night. Despite waking up at 3:00 am on Saturday morning, I was still able to host and stay up until 11:00 pm. I'm a trooper!

Bob and Rach

Meggy and P-Diddy

In other news... On Saturday, Meg Go Run published her 300th post! Can you believe I had 300 things to say?????

I was actually feeling pretty blue on Sunday. The reason... I have had a little bit of pain on the lateral portion of my foot for a little less than a week. I only feel it when I roll my foot out- I do not feel it walking, running, or manipulating my foot in any other way. Believe me... I tried.

I am pretty sure it is peroneal tendinitis, so I guess I am going to the podiatrist tomorrow. WHY CAN'T I JUST RELAX????? I was happy for like, 12 hours after my long run yesterday, but then when this little pain was still hanging around on Sunday morning, I self diagnosed via the internet and immediately got depressed. I did find this page at Runner Unleashed helpful, though.

The good news is that according to what I am reading online, my tendinitis is not that bad. Some people can't even run or walk on it. I ran 20 miles on in yesterday without feeling anything. In fact, it wasn't even on my radar leading up to my run yesterday, mainly because it is not a pain I feel throughout the day.. just when I roll my foot out. (And I guess I rarely roll my foot out!) I am anxious to see what the doctor thinks is wrong with it... if my diagnosis is correct.

Having to schedule a doctors appointment is DIFFICULT. Here is the thing... I either have to take off work, cancel piano lessons, or tell my Girls on the Run co-coach that she is on her own for practice. I have commitments every night of the week after work except for Fridays. But I hate canceling commitments because I feel like I am leaving people down... and losing money.

Again, I ask, WHY CAN'T I JUST RELAX!!??

Thanks for listening to my rant! Have a great week!

Have you ever seen a podiatrist? This will be my first time.
How do you feel about canceling commitments?
Do you eat differently on rest days?

Sunday, March 30, 2014


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I did it! I ran my 20 miler! I ran for 20 minutes and walked for 5 minutes... I did that about 8 times until I got to 20 miles! This was all done alone, on a rail trail. The weather was perfect- about 45 degrees and dreary. It was supposed to rain, but mother nature decided to hold off until five minutes after my run was over. What are the odds!?

My dinner the night before this epic event...

Cobb salad and pasta salad. Yumm-o!
I am so not a food photographer. I propped these babies up on the back of the couch haha!


So my morning started at 3:00 am. I woke up and I could not fall back asleep. I tossed and turned until 4:00, then got up. The plan was to start my run at eight with some friends from my running club but since I was up, but I decided to get an early start. I pulled into the trail head a little before 7:00 am to get a head start on my miles.

Conewago Rail Trail

Miles 1-6 = I did an out and back so I could meet my friends by 8:00 am. As these first few miles ticked away and I didn't feel any weakness in my knee, I started to get cautiously excited. Maybe today would go well. One of the reasons I think my knee did not feel weak at all for the entire run is because I wore my knee brace. This was a smart move. I had not worn it since before my surgery.

I met my friends at the trail head. They would not be running my weird run/walk interval I had going, so I would be on my own for the next 14 miles. Luckily I prepared and had my mp3 player loaded up with Survivor pod casts and The Book of Mormon Soundtrack (which would come in handy the last mile!).

My car had been the only one in the lot when I pulled in, but by now it was packed. There was a large group of runners congregating. They looked hardcore- you know, fancy clothes and lots of gear. They looked like they were going long that day as well. One of the guys came over and introduced himself. "Yeah, a lot of these gals are doing their 20 miler today since they're running Boston," he said nonchalantly. UGH that was torture! I was thinking, "Geez, if this 20 miler doesn't work out for me and I can't run Boston, I'm going to be passed on the trail by other girls who WERE going to run Boston." Talk about adding insult to injury.

Miles 7-12 = I ran six miles out on the trail. I just stuck with the run/walk plan and listened to pod casts the whole time. My running miles were in the high 8s and my walking miles were in the 14s. I passed a lot of runners, cyclists, and dogs along the way. It hadn't begun to rain yet so I was nice and warm in my long sleeve and vest. When I got to 12 miles, I turned around to head back to my car. I didn't want to be too far away, but I already had a good feeling. With only 8 miles to go and my knee still feeling normal (thank you brace!), I knew I was going to GET. THIS. DONE.

Miles 13-15 = Still feeling good! I sent this text to Paul:

Miles 16-18 = My body started to feel a little "long run creaky" at this point. You know... pain in your joints and your feet. Just all that normal long run stuff. Still, I was confident and sent out this text message during one of my walk breaks:

Miles 19-20 = I had considered just stopping at 18. I knew I could complete two more miles because I hadn't hit THE WALL yet, but wondered if I should just play it conservative and not push myself to the brink of... whatever. But mentally I had to get 20 done, so I did one more out and back. This ended up being and entire running interval. I was going to allow myself to walk if I needed to, but I didn't need to. I just popped on The Book of Mormon and let the happy tunes guide me on my last few miles.

I was sooooo happy! Yes, there were tears!

Well, now you all will not have to hear me pine away about whether or not to run Boston. As long as I can walk tomorrow, I'm going to do it. (So if you're reading this post, it means I was able to walk to my computer to publish it.) I know my knee will be sore these next two days (it already is a little sore as I type this!), but as long as the soreness goes away, that is fine with me. Most people are sore after 20 miles!

Now, time to prop my feet up and REST for a few days!

Share a running triumph with me!

Have you ever done run/walk intervals?

Do you text and run?

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Cats-piration 2.0

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... After the success of my first Catspiration post, I made a second installment of inspirational cat pictures- "Cats-po" for short! (Starring Christmas and Jelly, of course!) 

I hope you find them uplifting and they motivate you to take on the day!

And this one just for fun... and because it is my truth...

Do you find Cats-po motivating and more socially acceptable than Fits-po? 

Should I start a movement?

Which one is your favorite Cats-po message?

Friday, March 28, 2014

Baby, it's cold outside!

Wednesday night, I was all geared up for the 4-5 mile run I had scheduled for Thursday morning. I checked the weather to see what clothes to lay out for my early morning neighborhood jaunt and was confronted by terrible news- the "feels like" temperature was going to be 3 degrees.


I dejectedly started packing my gym bag. It looked like a dreadmill run was in my near future. But then I sat down and read Heather's blog. This gal will run in any temperature! (And she looks SUPER CUTE doing it!) I used to run in near zero degree temps, but haven't in a long time. I was injured all through this whole "Polar Vortex" thing, so I never had to suck it up and run when it was really cold. But Heather inspired me! I needed to just SUCK IT UP and do it. "I have done it before and I can still do it," I told myself.

This is how I can tell when  it's really cold... When I get outside, my eyes start watering immediately. I can feel EVERYTHING in my nose, and the wire to my mp3 player instantly gets very stiff. I don't know why that happens? Maybe there are some scientists reading this and can shed some light on the topic...

So I laid out my best cold gear I owned. It was time for the big guns. The next morning, I checked the weather again. The "feels like" temperature was 12 degrees. I was actually a little disappointed- I had mentally prepared for 3 degrees!

Guess what! My run wasn't as cold as I thought it would be. Isn't that how it usually goes? You psych yourself out and put on layer upon layer, yet when it comes down to it, the temperature is totally manageable. It was definitely cold, but I was totally comfortable running 4 miles. In fact, I was sweating after only a 1/2 mile.

Ready to get my cold run on!
Ps. This is what I look like at 5:55am.

Obviously the only way runs in extremely cold temperatures can be safe and enjoyable is if you have the right gear. I am all about cheap, generic brands, but I did drop some cash on my Under Armor pants and long sleeve shirt. I believe they were both $50 each (on sale!). It was seriously the best running money I ever spent. These pieces have lasted me several years now and are the only reason I can brave running outside during Pennsylvania winters.

One thing I have not been able to figure out is the glove situation. I have tried all types of gloves but they are either TOO warm and make my hands sweat (and then freeze) or they are not warm enough and they just freeze up right away.

My $4 Wal Mart gloves are too warm.

My $30 Under Armor gloves only work if the temperature is 40 degrees or warmer.
(WORST running money I ever spent!)

I wrote about running in cold weather and extreme heat before. You might enjoy looking back at those posts!

In other news... this came in the mail yesterday. Just to torture me.

A "RUNNER PASSPORT"!? I never had a "RUNNER PASSPORT" before!


What is the coldest temperature you have ever run in?
What's your favorite article of cold running gear?
Give me some advice on gloves to get! I am clueless...

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thinking Out Loud!

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Thank you, Amanda @ Running with Spoons for hosting Thursday’s very popular Thinking Out Loud series. Let’s get started, shall we?

1.    I need to start making a check list when I pack my gym bag. On Monday, I forgot a towel. I had to use my sweatshirt to dry off after my shower. That just made me feel “off” the rest of the day. On Wednesday, I forgot a SHIRT to wear to work! I ended up having to wear my black leggings with a “too short to cover my bum” dry tech shirt. Thankfully, I had a long black sweater I was able to wear over top, otherwise I would have had to wear my coat all day long.

Other random things I have forgotten to pack in my gym bag: underwear, socks, bra, make up… (thankfully not all on the same day!)

I made it work!
Forgive my "deer in the headlights" look. I believe I had just told Paul, 
"Take my picture quick before my piano student arrives!!"

Did you ever forget to pack something semi important to take with you to the gym?

2.    I have committed to working on my bum. I haven’t been able to do any lower body strength training since before my knee surgery on January 31st . I could probably start back up again now, but I am still taking it easy on my knee so I can attempt Boston. So how is a gal to work on her glutes without putting pressure on her poor little knee?

I started with these, which I am sure you have seen before.

This move reminds me of when I used to do Tae Bo!

 Then I added these, which are killer.
(Again, nothing new! I just forgot how tough they are!)

You have to make sure your leg is back far enough 
or you don't feel it in your glutes as much.

And this is something I learned in PT:

You'll have to Google it to see how to twist the band just so.

What are your favorite glute exercises that don’t require putting pressure on your knees?

3.    I finally started jump roping again! This is HUGE! The last time I jumped rope was probably December! I don’t know if you know this, but jumping rope is one of my favorite HIIT exercises!

Are you a fan of the jump rope?

4. One final thought for today. Actually, it's a question. Is it time to delete Dr. Phil from my DVR? Tuesday's episode had this description: "Gary says he is part human and part dog and tries to live as much of his life as possible as a canine." Yes, I watched it. Yes, it was horrible. He also featured a woman who tried to breast feed her rabbit. 

What do you think? Should I give up on Dr. Phil?