
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Angry Runs... or Planks.

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This is my angry face.
Actually, no. It's Christmas yawning.
(Remind me to tell you about the TWO times he bit me. Like, "had to go to the doctor" bit me.)

On Thursday afternoon, I got really angry. I will not share with you what made me so angry, because it isn't that interesting of a story. The point isn't why I was angry, but what I did with that pent up anger!

Normally, I'd get my frustration out with some fast, angry running. But obviously that wasn't going to happen. So I decided to plank for as long as I could! I thought I would do 5 minutes, but 1 min and 22 seconds into the plank, I started to sweat and realized I probably would not make it that long! I did make it to 4 and a half minutes, though! That is definitely the longest I ever planked in my life!

And what do ya know... it worked. I wasn't angry anymore. In fact, I felt great! I felt strong and ready to tackle whatever else life had to throw at me!

It made me think of a time I went for a run when I was really angry. Did I ever tell you I run so fast when I am pissed off. That fateful, angry morning, I woke up, didn't even EAT or DRINK or take ANY food or water with me and ran the fastest, hilliest, 12 miles I ever ran in my life. I did not need food or water, I was fueled by anger!

I wonder if therapists ever prescribe exercise? Because doing that epic plank made me feel even better than venting to my husband would have made me feel!

Obviously exercise is great to help you relax and get out a lot of pent up feelings and energy. We all know this. I expect it's why most of us do what we do. It's our therapy. But did you ever have a really great exercise session that was totally fueled by ANGER?


  1. Angry runs are the best! They definitely give you the fuel you may need :)
    Congrats on your amazing plank time!!!!

    1. Maybe we should make pacts with a close friend who will promise to piss us off before we want to PR in a race?? HAHAHAH

  2. That is the most awesome Plank time ever!!! I have a feeling I will never see that time on my timer LOL. I always have my best runs when I am pissed off!

    1. Next time you're pissed, plank. You will plank for longer, guaranteed!!!

  3. Haha this post made me laugh so hard because there is a guy that lives near us (we don't know who he is of where exactly he lives) that we call angry running dude. If we're walking the dogs we'll wave at him and he doesn't wave, nod, say hi, or anything. And he always looks angry! We haven't seen much of him lately though so maybe he's not angry anymore and doesn't need to run as much...
    I have had some good angry runs and I think I pr'ed during one.

    1. LOL maybe it's good you don't see him, maybe his life is in order now. :)

  4. I definitely run faster and harder when I'm angry. Everyone always asks me what I think about when I run so far. I tell them that the point of running for me is that my brain turns off and I don't have to think or worry or be the crazy person I am for the 1+ hour I am out there. My soul needs exercise. I am a crazy, angry person if I don't workout. Boyfriend knows to stay away!

    1. I bet there are a lot of people like you who turn to medicine to calm them down and unwind. Too bad they don't know running can do the same thing!

  5. I was really frustrated after the only real fight Joe and I have ever had, and it was like a month after I started running. I had been doing just whatever runs but I was so frustrated so when I went out, I pushed myself faster and faster to try to burn myself out basically so I'd just crash and have no energy. Not only did I finish, but I somehow was 80secs per mile faster than ever before. I essentially all-out raced 6 miles for no reason other than I was angry. I had no idea I was even capable of that at the time.

    1. I bet that was SO therapeutic! It's amazing what our bodies can do.

  6. Holy cow, that plank!!!!! So long!

    My fastest mile ever came after Adam and I were having a play fight that turned into real anger. It was such a dumb fight (he was telling me how MMA is so much harder than running and I couldn't possibly understand what it means to be exhausted until I had gone 5 rounds in his MMA class... blah blah...). Actually, I'm getting mad now just thinking about it again, hah. >:(

    1. lol go for a run! (Wait... you are tomorrow, right!?)

  7. Oh, I am definitely an angry exerciser. A few weeks ago, coming off MONTHS of not doing speedwork, I had a horrible day. I was pissed at the world. And I ran 14 400m repeats at 5k pace. It's a wonder I didn't injure myself...maybe anger is protective, too. :)

  8. Great way to channel your frustration instead of saying/doing something you'll regret!
