
Friday, February 21, 2014

A BLAST from the PAST - LINK UP!!!

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... I've been blogging for almost 9 months now, but I don't think anyone (other than my mom) read my blog during the first 5 months of it's existence! But I wrote a lot of great posts during that time that I'm not sure my readers have seen... since I don't think I even had readers back then! So I have compiled 5 blog posts that I either thought were informative or I thought would give you some insight into my life. 

So if you care to look back at a couple posts from the days of yore, here is what I have you this morning!

Believe it or not, I used to run! This post features pictures from a beautiful 9 mile loop I would run. There are a lot of hills on this route, so the 9 miles actually feels like more! If you were ever curious about what beautiful Central PA (where I live!) looks like, here are some great shots!

You all know I love HIIT, but here is my original post where I expressed my love!

The number on the scale doesn't tell me much at all. There more effective ways to track one's progress than what the scale says, and I detail them in this post!

Who doesn't like a good old fashioned rant-y post!?

Many blogs simply give a re-cap of the blogger's day. This is exactly what I did in this post! However, it is a bit more detailed than the normal "what I was up to today" post. If you ever wondered what a day in my life is like- this is a really good example with lots and lots of pictures!

Your turn! Share a post that is a BLAST from the PAST! 
Go ahead an link up by clicking the blue button below.
 I would love to read a post of your's that I may have missed!


  1. Your Dad read them all, too : )

  2. What a great idea! I would have never guessed you were blogging for just 9 months! I love your site. :) I feel the same way about my early readers I'm certain I wrote some of my favourite posts have gotten lost in blog land with very few readers since they were in my early days.

  3. I'll pick this one from my Zurich trip because I had so much fun and was actually out and about for once:

  4. I think you were one of the first people to post on my blog (because it's so old, lol)! From when I was running and writing about it more:

  5. I love your day in the life post! Your couch..... I had that same couch and I LOVED it. I wish I still had it :( Literally the most comfortable couch ever. And I love how it's big enough that two adults can be laying on it at the same time with plenty of room. When we moved into our new condo we got a new couch, but I really wish we had kept that one... bad decision on my part.

    PS: Your mom's comment is so cute!

    1. We got our couch when we married and you're right- it is great to both be able to lay! I get the long part and Paul gets the short part hehe- mostly because he likes to sit up when we watch TV. The cats have scratched the corners though...

  6. I never would have guessed you've only been blogging for 9 months! You're so great at it! I've been blogging for well over a year and I am pretty sure the only people who read my blog for the first year were my mom and dad. I had quite the following...

    1. At least we know our parents will always be interested in what we have to say! Actually, my Grandma reads mine, too!

  7. This is a great idea!! I still only have like five readers, ha. But I will link up to this!

  8. Love this idea! Congratulations on nine months.

    It's funny - looking at the fat loss hierarchy pyramid. I'm actually reversing! As in - I used to do all HIIT/Circuits. Then I did powerlifting for about a year, minimal cardio. Now I'm getting into running. I think all of this is so individual specific as I felt a good deal "fluffier" when I was just powerlifting, and am feeling better now that I'm sticking to more running and brisk walks with just a day or 2 of ST thrown in.

    1. Very good point- you're right, every "body" is different! It definitely has a lot to do with what one eats, too (obviously). For me, I never, ever strength trained- I only did steady state cardio. So adding weights and HIIT really woke my body up. That's awesome you're getting into running! I love it so much. :)

  9. This is a brilliant idea. New readers miss so much good stuff! I can't wait to go back and check these out!

    1. Thanks Ali! Then there's people like me that go back and stalk old blog posts hahaha

  10. ugh I'm totally addicted to busy and am trying to detox myself from that drug this year with my word of the year "balance"

  11. Came here from "Running With Spoons" Link Love LinkUp ... I too have been blogging for about 9 months. I don't know that my mom has read any of my posts! My blog is mainly for me, but I figure I'd put it out there for everyone in case it helps. Following you on Facebook now and checking out your past posts. That's a great idea for a blog post!

    1. Thank you for sharing your link and liking me on FB. Congrats on 9 months blogging. :)

  12. Great idea for a post!

    New reader from Running with Spoons Link Love :)
