
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Twas the night before Christmas...

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Twas the night before Christmas, and all was not quiet
All the creatures were stirring- the cats were on a diet!
The stockings were hung in the kitchen with care,
Chrissy and Jelly were prowling.... they are quite the pair!

My husband was nestled all snug in the basement,
Playing guitar and burning some candles so fragrant.
And me in my reindeer PJs so cozy
Relaxed on the couch, cheeks bright and rosy.

When out in the kitchen there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But two kitty cats acting so cavalier

Chrissy had opened the cupboard door,
He cried and meowed- begging for more.
And Jelly just stared with bright precious eyes,
That said, "Please give me food!" and I had to sympathize...

"Now Chrissy! Now Jelly! You're going to be fine!
It's only ten o'clock and you just ate at nine!"
"Don't let them dupe you!" Paul called from below.
"There's no way they're hungry. They're putting on a show."

And so I bent down and gave them a kiss,
Their antics are always so hard to resist.
After all, my dear readers, it was Christmas Eve,
They deserve something special, I do believe.

Quietly, cautiously, ever so discrete,
I sneaked to the cupboard and got out the treats.
The cats excitedly puffed out their tails
And within seconds gobbled their treats- diets derailed.

But holidays are a time to relax and recharge,
to not worry about calories, protein and carbs.
Tomorrow the kitties will get back on track,
Their hard work not ruined by one midnight snack.

Chrissy and Jelly were now so content,
They purred with delight and off to bed they went.
But I heard them exclaim, as they sneaked out of sight,
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

And now some random Christmas themed cat pictures... Ironically, they all feature Jelly!

Merry Christmas Eve!
Do you get your pets presents?
What do you do to celebrate on Christmas Eve?


  1. I laughed so hard reading this. Sounds like my dogs - they try to trick me into thinking I haven't fed them yet, and sometimes I buy into it! Tonight, they'll get an extra special Christmas Eve treat, though. :-)
    Love the picture of Jelly in the tree! That is Christmas card perfect! Merry Christmas!

    1. Animals can be so sneaky!! When they trick us, we call it getting "Duped" hehe.

  2. Awe so cute! Oh cats and how they melt our hearts with their purr-cry! Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

    1. They are the love of my life! Merry Christmas! :)

  3. Jelly in the tree is adorable!

    "It's only ten o'clock and you just ate at nine!" this line just about sums up my night every single night of the year, haha. My kitty Cecil is pretty sure he should get food/treats on the hour every hour!

    1. I bet he is good at giving a good guilt trip too, right?? It's hard to say no to their pleading eyes!

  4. haha...that's a great spinoff! :) and just as awesome cat pictures, the one in the tree though made me think of Christmas Vacation when the squirrel pops out. :) Merry Xmas!

    1. Oh my gosh you're right! Haha! Merry Christmas :)

  5. LMAO. Fantastic :o) I love the poetry!!
