
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Thursdays are for... Thinking Out Loud

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... I enjoy reading Amanda's blog- running with spoons. On Thursdays she does a link up- Thinking out Loud. By the time I read her posts on Thursdays, I usually already posted something, totally forgetting about the link up. But this time, I'm planning ahead! It's my very first (and probably not last) Thinking out Loud!


Something magical happened on Christmas Eve. I did 3 pull ups. That's 1.5 more pull ups than I could do 5 weeks ago! I am so excited and proud of myself. Next stop... 4 pull ups! (Actually it will probably be 3.5 first...)

I am in love with my new Jennifer Lopez Faux Fur Throw. (Try saying "Faux Fur Throw" five times fast!) A student got it for me for Christmas. It is so soft... almost as soft as my kitty cat, Jelly.

I love wrapping presents so much. I am sad that Christmas is over and I don't have any presents to wrap anymore. I think I should start a side business in December. Busy people could pay me to wrap presents for them. How much do you think I could charge per present!?

My brother wrote me a letter last week. In it, he told me a really funny joke.
Q: Why did the hipster burn his mouth on the pizza?
A: He ate it before it was cool.
I think it's funny!

The other day I put on a t-shirt that I must have last used as a bathing suit cover up because it still smelled like sunblock. It reminded me of summer! Ahhh... summer....

We saw Anchorman 2 on Monday. I didn't like the first one, but Paul was curious to see the sequel. And we really do not have similar movie tastes at all. So I figured I'd try it out. It had to be at least a little entertaining, right? Wrong. It's terrible. Don't see it. Unless you are a male under the age of 22... then you'll probably like it!

Your turn! Tell me something random... Think out Loud!


  1. Lol that joke definitely got a laugh out of me, which I very much appreciate considering I'm currently sitting here dealing with a nice case of the post-Christmas blues. Care to sign my petition to have another round of Christmas this year? ;)

    And congrats on the pull ups! I have the worst upper body strength imaginable, so I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even be able to manage one unassisted. Maybe I'll make it a goal to be able to do one by the end of next year ;)

    1. I'm with ya on the blues! Glad I could cheer you up for a second. :) I used to not be able to do any pull ups... my upper body strength was abysmal.

  2. Pullups! I'm SUPER impressed! I've never been able to do one.
    I just hang there. I think you could TOTALLY make money wrapping presents. I'll pay you to wrap mine! My wrapping skills are very sub-par. :)

    1. I used to hang there too! I had to practice and get stronger. They definitely don't come naturally for me, that is for sure.

    2. I couldn't help but reply to this too, because I am also a hanger! When I was younger and we had "fitness day" in gym class, I was usually either the last or second to last person to finish the mile run (look at me now!), and I couldn't even do a chin-up, let alone a pull-up. The gym teacher had to time how long I could hang. I may have conquered the mile, but I'm not so sure I could beat my "hanging time," lol.

    3. That is so cute they had to clock your "hanging" time! That would have been me for sure! But hey, that takes some grip strength to just hang!

  3. That joke is pretty funny. I also love the smell of coppertone. It always reminds me of summer too. And I saw Saving Mr. Banks on Christmas Eve. I loved it!

    1. We are going to try We're the Millers and Frozen Ground today. I know they're a little older but we missed them when they were in the theaters!

  4. I would pay you so much money to wrap my gifts! :) Sign me up!

    I disliked Anchorman 1 as well. I'm not a Will Ferrel fan or a fan of that type of comedy at all. I think we are in the minority though because everyone else in the world seems to love Anchorman!

    1. Yup, definitely the minority. But we're still right!! (jk!)

  5. The Hipster pic cracked me up because my husband's cousin looks JUST LIKE the mountain man, and we had spent lunch debating if he was "hipster" or not!

    1. Haha glad I could clear that up! I actually dated someone like 12 years ago who looked like the mountain man... which I guess really means he WAS hipster!
