
Monday, October 7, 2013

My weekend- in list format!

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Since you got an epic weekend update last week, this week you are getting one in list format. Easy-breezy!


1. I need to work on my patience. After two and a half weeks off from work, I do not have the patience required to make it through a day of work with the kiddos. I must build this patience back up. I MUST. Or my head will explode.

2. A 3rd grader told me his Pop-Pop has a knee brace just like mine. Great.

3. Now that we have DVR again, I've been recording episodes of Sex in the City. I watched it after work to unwind a bit. Boy do I LOVE to HATE that show. A blog post is forthcoming on my love/hate relationship with Carrie Bradshaw.

4. Paul and I finally watched Dumb and Dumber for the first time in YEARS. That move is classic!

5. I had a delicious dinner! Roasted cauliflower and an omelette filled with ground turkey, cheddar cheese, and tomato. Oh my goooooosh it was good!

6. My dessert was Edy's pumpkin ice cream. This is why I will never, EVER give up ice cream. EVER!!!! My exact words after tasting this was, "Oh nooooooooo....."


1. I slept in with Jelly, which was glorious. Then I did my normal Saturday morning routine- studying. Today, it was the muscles that act on the knee. Exciting stuff, lemme tell ya...

2. I went a little crazy at the gym. I did a quick and dirty full body weight lifting routine which included:

Assisted Pull Ups
Smith Squats
Bench Press
Bulgarian Split Squats
Leg Extension
Hamstring Curl
Seated Cable Row
Stability Ball Pass
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Backward Lunges
Bicep Curl
Cable Tricep Push Down

Then I did a terrible, horrible circuit:

20 push ups
20 bicycles
20 burpees
20 mountain climbers

I did the circuit 5 times. My rest in between was a walk to the water fountain to get a drink. It took me 13:32.

And since I knew I was probably going to eat a big meal later, and I have been a little fast and loose with my diet lately, I did 4 Tabata circuits on the Arc Trainer. It was my first time on the Arc Trainer and I loved it! It's good for Tabatas, so I will have to keep that in mind...

3. Around 3:15pm, Paul and I headed to Biglersville for the National Apple Harvest Festival. It was on my list of Fun Fall Activities, but for some reason, the universe did NOT want us to go to this festival. First of all, we weren't even 5 miles from home when it started to rain so hard that we had to pull off the side of the road and wait for it to subside. Then when we got to the festival and realized you had to take a shuttle bus down to the festival area, Paul decided he did not want to go on the shuttle because he already had a headache, plus it made him nervous to be in a closed up area with a bunch of people fearing he could get sick. Of course I was MORE than bummed, but since I'm not the one who had a major surgery two and a half weeks ago, I sucked it up and we turned around and went home. (Oh, don't worry, even though we didn't have any traffic getting to the festival, we were stuck in all the traffic leaving the festival.)

4. I was really craving a burger and fries HARDCORE, and by the time we got home from the 2 hour Apple Harvest Festival The Never Happened, my stomach had eaten itself from the inside out. So we went to Gullifty's to refuel. We shared a cup of baked potato soup, a cup of Texas steak chili (ALL BEEF, NO BEANS!!!), and a 1/2 lb cheeseburger with sweet potato fries!! We shared everything, and it was the perfect amount. I was still stuffed!

He's rockin' the Dexter as a Lumberjack look.

Oh, I may have had a Dirty Martini, too.

It doesn't look like a lot, but it was!!

Apple Harvest Festival 2013!!!!!!!!!!


1. I barely got any sleep Saturday night due to an unforeseen bout of insomnia.

2. I finally got in some EXCELLENT studying time this morning. Seriously, I'd be a personal trainer by now if it weren't for having a full time job. Oh, and the internet. Yes, my internet connection is seriously hindering me from studying. I NEED TO GET MY PRIORITIES STRAIGHT!!!

Exciting things I learned whilst studying today...

1. Why women sweat less than men
2. Signs of overtraining
3. Hormonal adaptations to acute and chronic exercise (just kidding, this was not exciting at all!!)
4. How obesity affects walking gait
5. Dietary recommendations for those with high blood pressure

It was a "little bit of everything" study day today!

3. I did a Tabata workout on my spin bike. Apparently, I like Tabata now! (On the spin bike and arc trainer, at least!)

4. When packing my second breakfast and lunch for tomorrow, I realized I need more food options to eat after lifting that contain a high glycemic index. On my grocery list? White rice, graham crackers, and rice cakes. If you told me a year ago I'd eventually be eating these things after a strength training workout, I'd laugh at you!

5. I hate Sundays. Sundays are full of football and the impending Monday looms ahead. Blargh.

What were you up to this weekend???

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