
Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up!

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What a week. I feel like I have been on auto pilot all week long. Even now, as I sit and type this introduction, it's 7:06pm on Friday evening and I just can't RELAX. I feel like I should be doing something... studying, cleaning my house, doing lesson plans... But the reality is, my brain is fried, and the only thing I feel like it is capable of doing at this point is reading the Big Brother message boards. Alas, I am going to try to do something *semi* productive and start my Weekend Wrap Up blog post... Maybe once I get into the writing groove, I'll have some energy to work on some more blog posts.

But as you read this, it's Monday morning! And you are expecting my "wrap up"! Well, here ya go!


Nothing terribly wrong happened at work on Friday, it just felt like a really long day. The kids were pretty funny, and I wish I could tell you stories, but I feel like this is not the appropriate place to do that! But some of the kids at my school are pretty dang funny and have a way of brightening your day!

After work, Paul and I went on an exciting date to Target and Wegman's. I needed a birthday present for my friend Lauren who turned the BIG 3-0 on Saturday! She is really into Crossfit, so I got her something every Crossfit gal needs!

I'm actually pretty jealous of this kettle bell. My own is super cheap and super huge. It's so much nicer swinging this little dinger around! (I had to try it out in Target to make sure it worked!)

I also needed bras, which apparently I have to buy in the tween section. Seriously, the bras at Target are HUGE!!!! The 36 As in the women's section are huge and fit on my freaking head. The 36 As in the tween section? They fit where they're actually supposed to fit. So yeah, I buy my bras in the tween section. Don't hate. (Another fun fact: THEY'RE WAY CHEAPER!)

Oh, we also got this fun game at Target!

After Target, we headed over to Wegman's to get dinner. Paul got Chinese. I got a couple random scoops of some random things. It was more of a snack than dinner.

Mmmm he let me have some of that yummy chicken!

This was my weird concoction of salads. Oh, and two pieces of tofu.

Friday night I was so tired I went to bed at 9pm!! It felt amazing!


Saturday, I vowed to GET. SHIT. DONE. And I did. I studied my ass off. I did a crazy circuit workout in my front lawn, I paid bills, and I wrapped my friend's birthday present. I even had time to blog before the evening's activities commenced! First up, Putnam County Spelling be at Oyster Mill Playhouse. Randy and I went to see our friend Jen perform. Then, Lauren's 30th Birthday Amurrica Party!!

My circuit set up. I don't mess around.

Circuits make me ravenous. First I had strawberry proatmeal.
(1/3 c. oats, 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/4 c. Greek yogurt, 1/2 c. strawberries)

FUN FACT: When I was a kid, I would eat my oatmeal with one of those big wooden 
spoons and pretend it was the "olden days".

That didn't even put a dent in my hunger, so then I had this YUMMY chicken sandwich!
And trail mix. (not pictured!)

I'm pretty proud of this wrap job...

Randy, Jen and I after the show.
Damn, we're all so tan.




Sunday was just a lazy day around the house. I did speed intervals on my spin bike- which I hadn't done in a long time! Then I went grocery shopping- BEFORE I ate! Baaaaaaaad idea!

Random Kissy picture!!!!

Then I did a ton of cooking and preparing of food for the next week. I packed my lunches and made green bean casserole, steamed broccoli, ground turkey, and sweet potatoes.

Paul pretty much watched football all day. For the next few months, I'll be on my own on Sundays. I could care less about football... Besides cooking, I spent my alone time getting in some GOOD QUALITY studying. Auuuuugh all I ever do is study! And it will be this way for 5 more months!!! Complain, complain, complain....

That, my friends, was my weekend. I hope yours was awesome!

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