
Saturday, July 6, 2019

Weekly Workouts!

I finally feel confident in saying my Plantar Fasciitis is completely gone and I don't think it's coming back anytime soon. I think my days on the arc trainer are officially over!

Saturday- Lifting at Planet Fitness. I really wanted to run, but due to my beach vacation, I hadn't lifted in nearly a week! It was time to do the responsible thing and spend some time strength training.

Sunday- 5 neighborhood miles. It was quite hot out, in fact, I felt a little nauseous when I got done running.

Monday- 6 neighborhood miles. I went to bed at midnight and woke up at 2. I just couldn't fall back asleep! I ran super early so it was crisp and cool.

Tuesday- 9 miles at Pinchot Park. I ran the Lakeside Trail. It was sooooo hot! I felt disgusting by the time I was done. I was soaked with sweat, muddy, and I was pretty sure there were a few dead bugs on me. The trail was really overgrown at some parts!

Wednesday- 6 neighborhood miles. The first mile was rough. My body felt tired and it was really hot out. I thought I'd cut my run short and then head to the gym to lift. But as I kept going, I got some more energy and my body cooled down. I finished my run strong, averaging just under and 8 minute pace!

Thursday- Lifting at Planet Fitness. I wanted to run (story of my life) but I knew I should go work on my muscles!

Friday- 6 mile neighborhood run & 3 miles AT hike. I got out there before 10am but the real feel was already 84!
How were your workouts this week?


  1. I'm glad you got some miles in on Monday. I'm sorry we didnt get to go for our walk!

    1. Me too but at least we still got to chat! Next time okay?

  2. Oh boy the bugs are so gross this year! I miss you Karen!

  3. I have failed on my goal to get to the gym at all this week, but I ran a ton and swam and will bike tomorrow. Swimming is getting easier for me, but it's still pretty boring. Wish I had waterproof tunes!

    1. Get them! I got a waterproof mp3 player when I was stuck in the pool!!!!

  4. Nice job. So glad your foot is better! I had awesome workouts and did my longest run in years on the 4th of July so was very happy about that. It's still a day to day thing w/ EDS but hopefully figuring it out!

    1. It sounds like you are figuring it out! How long was your run??
