
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Meg Go Run Updates!

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Hello, All!

Here are some updates about my summer. I'm going to tell you a couple random things, but I'm also going to refer back to my Summer Goals to let you know how those are going. This is just an all around checking in post, which I feel is MUCH NEEDED. Here we go!!!

I turned 37 a couple weeks ago and I am feeling FABULOUS!

It's several weeks into season 21 of Big Brother and I'm not really enjoying this season. I hope it gets better! But I'm still watching the episodes and immersing myself in the daily podcasts and reddit threads.

I haven't been on any trips since my girl's week at the beach. I would really like to do a two day getaway somewhere before the summer is over.

My appetite has been weird. I'm totally over quiche and the other foods I was eating this past school year. Luckily, I found some new recipes I like! One is avocado egg salad. The other is avocado, egg, and tuna salad! I'll share the recipes in a future post!

I'm still going to therapy and that is going well. I also visited my PCP to tell her about some anxiety I've been having and the unhealthy ways I have been coping with it. She suggested a daily anti anxiety med to help chill be out a bit, so I have been on that for nearly a month.

I have a boyfriend! I'm not ready to elaborate too much about this on the blog, but I will tell you that he is absolutely wonderful and he treats me so well. We have a lot of fun together. He's a bit younger than me, but age aint nothin' but a thaaaaaaang right!?

I am spending a lot of time with my nieces and nephew. I hang out with them while my SIL runs or bikes. I love these kiddos! They are so smart and fun. They also get along really well and behave for me!

As far as summer goals, I had five...

1. Visit new trails. I have visited some new trails but I could do a lot better with this goal. There is still time left this summer so I hope to get out there more.

2. Run up Flat Rock by myself. I did it! I didn't run the whole time (I would say that's impossible for me to do!) but I made it to the top pretty quickly and I felt like a bad ass doing it!

3. Spend lots of time with friends. I am so thankful I have been connecting with so many friends this summer! In fact, today I'm going to see my friend Emily who I've been friends with since elementary school!

4. Learn how to cook tofu. Another completed task! However, I don't make tofu a lot because I've been experimenting with other recipes (as I mentioned above).

5. Learn the Maple Leaf Rag on the piano. I know the first page by memory and can play it pretty fast. I will admit my summer got busy and I have not tackled the rest yet. But there is still time! Three pages to go!

What have you been up to this summer!?


  1. It's funny how the summer is going by so quickly. My one and only goal for the summer was to paint a shelf and dresser and I think I'm actually going to go to the hardware store today to buy the paint.
    P.S I wanted to help you out on getting on some new trails! Maybe next time!

  2. sounds like you've been having a really full (and fun) Summer! I hope you find time to fit in that short get away before the Summer ends.

  3. Girl you are having a great summer! Happy for you. Also can't wait to see recipes. I've been in a bacon mode lately. Like a few pieces every day. It's funny how you get in those food jags and can eat the same thing over and over! Miss you lots. Sent you a PM a few weeks back but you might not have gotten it. Text or message me if you can. Want to catch up!

    1. I did get it I have just been a bad friend! I will msg you tomorrow, k? But I'm sure you will be out and about enjoying your weekend! ;)

  4. Happy belated birthday! It sounds like things are going well for you :) Hooray!

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