
Monday, May 20, 2019

Weekend Wrap Up!


This wrap up is a little late... my apologies!
So it was Friday but it didn't feel like a Friday because I had to go to work on Saturday. It's a long story, and I am NOT happy about it.

Anyhoo, I ran 6 miles before work and that felt pretty great.

Here are two work pics... me at stair duty at 8:40 in the morning...

... and me at crosswalk duty at 3:20 in the afternoon.

I match!!!!

After work I ran a bunch of errands that I would have done on Saturday...

I picked up a new pair of running shoes from Inside Track. Remember how I bought 7 pairs of my Mizuno Wave Riders a couple years ago for really cheap? Well I'm on my last pair and they are done. I called around to a couple local running stores and I found an older model on sale for $65. Score! I picked them up right after school.

Wow, for the first time in years I won't have pink shoes!

Then I went to Stauffer's to pick up all the vegetables and herbs I needed for my garden. I felt like I was a week or two behind on planting.

On the way home, I stopped at the grocery store. I'm still learning how to shop for one person. It's hard! I barely have any food in my house because I don't eat a ton and I don't want stuff to go bad. I treated myself to some chocolate covered coffee beans. Those will be nice to have on hand! I also got diet root beers! LIVING ON THE EDGE!

When I finally got home (traffic) I planted my garden. Yes, I would have loved to take my time and plant it on Saturday BUT I HAD TO WORK ON SATURDAY so I planted everything on Friday night. Then I mowed the back lawn. I was worried I wouldn't have time to do it this weekend.

My neighbor's cat isn't afraid of anything. Not even my electric lawn mower. She kept me company...

Friday was just a crazy day. I went to bed angry. That is never fun.
Saturday wasn't going to be all work. First, I met Allison for a trail run on the AT. We parked at Trindle and I did 8 miles. I felt pretty creaky for the first mile but then I loosened up. No pictures because I was in a rush to get to school...

Most of my day was spent in my classroom. All of the teachers have to pack their rooms up because of the renovations over the summer. My room is nearly empty at this point and everything that needs moved out is labeled. These last couple days of school are going to be interesting with such an empty classroom...

When I got home, I tried to squeeze in some more housework before my dinner date with Bree. I mowed the front lawn and did some yard work. I even dug up a bush that has been dead for several years... Just call me Meg Bunyon.

Bree and I went to our new "spot", the Bon Bon Cafe. I got my usual- spicy shrimp pad thai. It was delicious and of course I love hanging out with my friend!

It was a great day to sleep in! I woke up around 8:15 with the kitties cuddled all around me. I did my normal weekend routine... make coffee and do some housework.

But first, a trail run. I switched it up and parked at Route 74. I ran South through Boiling Springs for three miles and back. Then I ran a mile North and back for a total of 8. It was quite muddy!

That afternoon I went to my Aunt Patti's house for her annual picnic. My whole dad's side of the family was there.

Me and Clemmy!

That evening I went to Lancaster to hang out with a friend. I had my first old fashioned (okay two) and it was delish! I also tried duck for the first time. I'm a huge fan of that, too!

It was fun walking around Lancaster and being outside in the beautiful weather. But on the way home, I was driving into a major storm. It was like the apocalypse! So much rain and lightening. Everyone else was in the world was all safe at home watching GoT and I was trying not to get struck by lightening on 283... haha!

Oh, I want to show you something! When I refinanced my house, Wells Fargo let me pick a thank you gift! I chose to get this very powerful handheld vacuum! I tried it in my car and it is pretty cool! It sells on Amazon for over $200. Freaking crazy. It's advertised for cars and boats. Do I need a boat now?

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!


  1. Well.... I graduated!! WOOHOO! Family was in town so it worked out that we had a family party at my parents to celebrate. It was one of the best weekends ever!! I want to go back to the Bon Bon cafe again! That place is awesome.

    Also, I am in awe of how productive you were--especially on a Friday night. Just reading everything you did made me sleepy. You are amazing!

    1. Congrats on graduating!!!!! I am so glad you had an awesome weekend! Let's go back to Bon Bon soon, okay? LMK when you're free. Outer order, inner calm... doing all that shit on Friday relaxes me.

  2. Okay, I could have just saved you hundreds of dollars. That hand held Dyson is the same one we have excapt it has the extender to snap all those attachments on. You could have gone to the Dyson website and spent $70 for the extender. ( I know that because I had to buy a new one last summer when I ran over ours in the driveway).

    1. Ahhh but remember I didn't pay for this, it was a free gift!

    2. I know. Since you got that for free, you could have just spent the $70 and turned that handheld into a full size vacuum instead of spending money on a new vacuum for your house!

  3. You definitely need a boat! For sure! We saw a movie, took a hike and I met a friend at the winery on Sunday afternoon. Weekends go way, way too quickly!

    1. I miss going to wineries! I need to do that soon. I know, weekends go by in the blink of an eye and it's hard to balance having lots of fun with down time!

  4. Our school system is going through major construction these days. Reconfigured all of the parking lots because they are building secure entrances on them. Luckily they don't have to move too much stuff around for that, but they are building a new primary school too. Sad they have to think about that kind of security in schools these days, but it's necessary. Oh, and our high school had a scare from some kid saying he was going to shoot up his classmates or something like that and half of the school didn't attend last Friday. Ugh. That kid has been removed for the rest of the year (and hopefully forever!).

    1. That is sooooo scary. It is always in the back of my mind how to stay safe here at school and how to keep my students safe. :(
