
Monday, May 13, 2019

Weekend Wrap Up!


Happy Monday! It is a super happy Monday for me because I have another personal day today. I plan to do a Day in the Life post about it, so look for that tomorrow or Wednesday.

Here’s what I was up to this weekend!
When my alarm went off at 5:15, I was super tired. But it was Friday, so it made it a little easier to get out of bed. First thing’s first… coffee!

Then I headed out for an 8 miler. I wasn’t sure how my legs would feel but they were pretty fresh. I ended up running what felt like an easy pace.

I did see some funny things on my run…

Seen on a truck:

Who would put this on their window!?

Seen on the same truck:

Oh, this guy.

Seen in an alley:

Please, don’t make me!

Seen in many yards:

Never heard of the guy, but elections are coming up and the signs are out!

I was glad to have so many chuckles on my run!

Over the past couple months, Christmas has developed a habit of licking water out of the bathtub faucet right after I shower. He sits on the toilet and waits for me to be done, then he hops up to take a drink. He has a beautiful cat fountain and 24/7 access to water, yet he lives for the few precious moments after my showers when he can steal some water from the faucet.

Jelly is more polite and waits outside the bathroom for me to finish up.

When I got to school I ate my breakfast- coffee #2 and quiche!

On my desk was another gift from my Covert Coworker! I have been spoiled with gifts all week.

I also got a couple more treats. Look what two first grade students made me!

And the PTO gave us all the chance to win the lottery and quit teaching!

Boo, not a winner! I guess I will have to come back to work for the 2019-2020 school year.

It was a very busy day at work, but I was in a silly mood so overall it was fun.

On the way home from work I ran a couple errands. I needed some ant traps because for some reason I have ants in my house! I really hope these traps work! I also had to drop my vacuum cleaner off to get fixed. The motor seems to have died. They better fix it for free because I only got it a year ago and it was like $400!!!

That evening my parents, SIL, and I went to see my friend Randy perform in Avenue Q at The Whitaker Center. The show was hilarious and the cast was very talented!

After the show I went to Sturges Speakeasy with Randy and Michael. I hadn't seen them in months so it was awesome to catch up. Of course I forgot to take a picture!
Despite going to bed around 12:30, when Jelly woke me up at 3:30am I was wide awake! I figured I may as well get up...

What could cheer me up? A list! I made myself and epic to do list with 24 items on it. Then I just systematically started tackling each item.

After a very productive morning, I headed for the AT. I parked at Trindle and ran out and back 5 miles so I ended up with 10 total. It was a beautiful day and there were a lot of people out hiking.

More housework and cooking... I guess you could call this Get Shit Done Day. Honestly, every day of my life is Get Shit Done Day. That's just how I roll.

Later that night I went to Lancaster to hang out with a friend. I had a great time!
I didn't have much planned for today. It was rainy so I didn't go for a trail run as planned. I ended up lifting at the gym, which is probably a good thing because I have been slacking a bit with my lifting. I also wanted to get back into doing glute work, and I'm more likely to do that if I'm at the gym.

That night I went out for dinner with Bree! We went to the Bon Bon Cafe, which is turning into one of our "spots". We had an awesome time connecting!

Sorry, no pics from Sunday. You just have to BELIEVE that it happened. Ha!!!
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!


  1. Looks like a great weekend! Our weekend was fun. Each morning we "got shit done" (how we roll, too) and then Saturday afternoon we watched our nephew play baseball and Sunday morning we hiked! I like getting shit done early in the day because then we can chill on the couch in the afternoon/evening!

    1. Yes! Then there is no reason to feel guilty because all the important things got done. I'm glad you had a great weekend!

  2. Aww I keep saying Jelly is the cat version of Baylee! That sweet face!

    We got lottery tickets too for teacher appreciation day but unfortunately I did not win anything.

    This was my weekend away at the spa with my momma! So that's pretty much what we did till yesterday!

    1. That sounds so relaxing!

      Maybe we will both win next year. ;)
