
Friday, May 24, 2019

I'm not afraid anymore.

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I used to be afraid of running trail alone. In my mind, there were so many reasons to be scared...

1. Snakes
2. Bears
3. Rapists
4. Murderers

My fear of these things prevented me from running trail as often as I liked. That's not cool! I mean, it's good to have a healthy sense of fear just to ensure you take steps to stay safe, but if the amount of fear is irrational and it prevents you from doing something you love, then there's a problem!

I don't know what happened, but about two months ago I realized I was no longer scared to run on the trail by myself! It is a wonderful, freeing feeling to be able to be out there running confidently on my own.

The only thing I can attribute this newfound bravery and confidence to is that my life has been turned upside down these past couple months and I just have too much else on my mind to worry about rather than imaginary rapists and murderers on the trail.

Whatever the reason is, I'll take it. I'm out there alone on the trail and I love it!

Have you ever overcome your fear of something? How did it happen?


  1. That is really awesome, Megan! I would be afraid to run on trails (I am really klutzy) and I would be afraid to run on trails alone! You rock, girl.

    1. Thanks Susan! I know statistically trails are super safe. I'm more likely to die in a car accident on the way to the trail than any of the other things I am worried about.

  2. I agree that running on the trails IS such a freeing feeling. When I run on the deep wooded trails I rarely even listen to music. Of course I too am afraid of the things you mentioned, except for the snakes. I dont know why that fear always escapes me! But those fears are real fears and we should be frightened of them because they could happen. The right thing to do is run with protection and come up with a plan on what we would do or defend ourselves if this situation arises! I know this is what I should do but the truth of the matter is I tend to ignore it. It's like I hold my breath during my run through the woods. When I come out on the other side I give a sigh of relief that I made it out alive! Then I turn around and do it all over again....haha.

    1. Yes, pepper spray is good to run with. Also just being aware of your surroundings, where you are, and trust your gut if you see someone that gives you pause or seems like they don't belong there.

  3. I was thinking about fear yesterday morning, as I was lying in my bed contemplating if I was going to go to a group workout or not. I first found this specific workout back in summer 2011, and it totally changed me and my fitness, and I went SO OFTEN (5-6 times/week). But for the last several years, I've only gone a handful of times. It hasn't fit in my schedule the same, my work changed, and so on...but mostly because of fear. Fear that I'll hurt afterwards. Fear to start again. And it's funny, because I must have had those same fears when I first went--I remember finding it SO hard to hold myself straight in a plank--and yet I'm finding now so much scarier?

    1. Fear is a crazy freaking thing! It's so in our head... I hope you went!
