
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Weekly Workouts!

Hola! I haven’t been posting Weekly Workouts, but believe me, I’ve been active! I recorded everything, albeit a little haphazardly in my notebook…

Super organized, right!?

It’s time for a proper log of my workouts for the week!

Saturday- 12 mile trail run with Dad and Tyler. We started at the Clarks Ferry Bridge and headed North on the AT for about 6.5 miles. We turned around when we got to Peter’s Mountain. On the way back, we took the blue trail, which cuts off about a mile and a lot of the boulders you have to climb over. We got some great pictures at the power line!

Sunday- Lifting @ Planet Fitness. I did my normal routine and didn’t dilly dally, so I got done in 50 minutes. Not too shabby.

Monday- 6 neighborhood miles. I felt like I was pushing the pace but I was actually running nearly a 9 minute mile. I guess I was still tried from the trail run on Saturday.

Tuesday- 6 neighborhood miles. I meant to lift...  but I just had to run!

Wednesday- Lifting at Planet Fitness... and 3 treadmill miles. Apparently I couldn't behave myself completely. Must. Have. Endorphins.

Thursday- 6 neighborhood miles. It was COLD! No shorts today! It was also chorus concert day, which is a whole athletic feat all in itself.

Friday- Lifting at Planet Fitness. Of course I wanted to run, but I already ran 33 miles this week and only lifted once so far. Plus I'm doing at least 8 tomorrow on the trail with Allison AND I have a 25k race a week from today sooooooooooo..... no running today. (Funny: I typed this out before I actually went to the gym in the hopes it would ensure I didn't run today hahahaha!)

Do you ever write down your workout before you do it to make sure you do what you are supposed to?


  1. I don't write down my workout specifically, but I have a workout schedule that I try to stick to. You are so good doing something fitness related EVERY single day.

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