
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Weekly Workouts!

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I'm a running machine. That is all.

Saturday- 6 miles on the treadmill and 4 miles on the trail. No pictures, but I swear it happened!

Sunday- Lifting at Planet Fitness and 6 neighborhood miles. I had exercise ADD! Oh, and can you tell I am getting faster? Sorry I keep mentioning it, but I just can't believe it because of how freaking slow I got this past summer!

Monday- 3 miles and a deck of cards workout. I woke up to a snow covered neighborhood! Luckily, we had a two hour delay and I have easy access to Planet Fitness. I headed over there to run 3 miles and do a deck of cards workout.

Tuesday- 6 neighborhood miles in the freezing rain. I had every intention of running at the gym but my car wouldn't start! That sort of threw a wrench into my day! Luckily it was a snow day and it didn't happen on a day I had to go to work!

Wednesday- Carport deck of cards workout. We had a two hour delay, so I headed out for a neighborhood run at 8am. Even though the roads looked clear, they were very slippy! I didn't even make it a quarter mile before I turned around and walked home. The ice was black, you couldn't see it. I didn't have a car so I couldn't go to the gym, so I resorted to a deck of cards workout in my carport. I'm lucky I have a cardio option if I can't run!

Thursday- 8 treadmill miles and a VERY SHORT lifting session. Light weight, high rep. I just needed a little something!

Friday-   6 neighborhood miles. My bag was all packed for the gym but for some reason I was feeling like a homebody. I went outside in fleece tights, a long sleeve, and a vest, but immediately went back inside and ditched the tights for shorts and took off my vest. It was nearly 40 degrees, which feels quite toasty to me these days! Guys, I was FLYING and I wasn’t even trying! I know why… I barely got any sleep and I ate a huge meal at like midnight the night before. I know that sounds crazy, but when I do stuff like that, I usually have a great run the next day!

How were your workouts this week?


  1. Daaaang! Look at your paces! Why do you think you're faster now? Tell me your secrets :)

    1. Progression runs on the treadmill and losing 12 lbs :)

      I have no set workout. I just play with the speed on the treadmill. But it has made me faster!

  2. Replies
    1. Haha. To every thing there is a season. I will slow down again.
