
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

I'm not afraid to run trail alone anymore.

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It's no secret that in the past, I've been afraid to run trail alone. That's why I would sign up for trail races "for fun". It seemed like a safe way for a scaredy cat like me to get out on the trail.

What was I afraid of? Well, in no particular order...

1. Snakes.
2. Bears.
3. Murderers/Rapists

A couple days ago, I realized I hadn't signed up for any trail races in awhile. I got online to look around and then I realized.... I don't need to sign up for a trail race because I'm not afraid to run on the trail alone anymore!

Now, I'm not going to lie... come summer, I will probably be worried about snakes. That is just an inevitable. But bears and murderers? I think I'm over it!

I haven't listened to any murder podcasts or watched any murder shows in MONTHS. (I know, who I am!?) Could this be one of the reasons being murdered on the trail is not on my mind? Also, my mind has definitely been preoccupied with other things lately. I think having your mind sort of already full of other thoughts leaves less room for it to make up things to be worried about.

Whatever the reason, I will take it! I'm proud to say I will be confidently running trail alone for the foreseeable future! Hopefully this new, brave Megan sticks around forever!
Are there places you're afraid to run alone?
What are you afraid of when running?


  1. I have the most beautiful trails in my area and I am afraid to run alone on them ( especially the ones that go deep in the woods), but I run them anyway because I just love being out there. I'm not afraid of snakes ( but perhaps I should be). I am afraid of bears and people. Although I've never seen a bear on either of my trails ( others have reported seeing them though), and I've never seen any person whom I thought was creepy. Still the thought is always in the back of my mind. I did get a new pepper spray for running and I have my alarm so I feel "somewhat" safe. Do you carry anything for safety? I once came across a lady runner who was running with a baseball bat! She said it was to protect against the deer!!!!

    1. LOL a baseball bat for deer! I do have pepper spray but I often forget to take it with me! You one place I am scared of bears? RB Winter! I would never run there alone. Those trails go deep and I know there are bear in there.

    2. OMG, my sister and I got lost on a trail there this summer and I was actually terrified that we would run into a bear, or mountain lion, or something dangerous!

  2. I have to admit that I am scared to run trails on my own :( I usually keep them for when I have friends to run with and stick to the sidewalks when I'm on my own. There are a couple trails (that are a bit further) that are usually pretty populated so I'm ok doing those on my own at times.

    1. I do enjoy when trails are populated, that is for sure!

  3. What... snakes? They are cute! Have you ever been bitten by one, or attacked by one? Just wondering where the fear is from. I was bit by a German Shepard, so I have a good reason to fear barking dogs. I'm more afraid of just being alone on a trail. They are safe, but still it kind of weirds me out.

    1. No I have never been bitten by one or attacked by one... I am just scared. I don't want them to be hurt, I realize I am running in THEIR home. I just don't want to see them! You are right that statistically trails are VERY safe. I'm sorry you were bit by a German shepherd. :( My dad was recently attacked by a pit bull on a run. Thankfully, my brother was with him and was able to scare the dog away.

  4. I think you are onto something! It makes sense to me that murders aren't on your mind so you're less scared of them. When Adam's on work trips I always make sure to watch something lighthearted before I got to sleep so that my mind is in a good space... otherwise I know I won't sleep! Even if the security alarm is armed to keep strangers out, what about the ghosts (that I don't believe in)? Or the vampire hiding in my closet just waiting for me to close my eyes so he can suck my blood? Nope I've gotta put my mind on something else!

    1. Do you really worry about ghosts and vampires!? :)

  5. I am afraid of running alone. There are some nice trails along the river here, but some of them you can only access at certain "access point", so once you're on them, you're stuck until the next "access point"... well, and there are often homeless people (who are probably harmless) camping out in the bushes... I have never had a bad encounter, but still... I am cautious where I run on these trails.

    1. I completely understand. Better to be overly cautious than not if that's what makes you feel comfortable. You gotta trust your gut. I wouldn't run on ANY trail alone, but there are many around here I feel safe on.
