
Friday, February 1, 2019


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Hey all! I am linking up with Fairytales and Fitness

It was a weird week of work...

Monday was a full day
Tuesday was an early dismissal (snow)
Wednesday was a delay (snow/cold)
Thursday we were closed (EXTREME COLD)
Friday... I am assuming we are having a full day!

Today I'll share with you what I did on my day off on Thursday! It was nice because we knew the night before, so I will admit, I stayed out pretty late...

Since I stayed up so late on Wednesday night, I slept in until 11 on Thursday morning! I never do that! But the late night plus the lack of sleep the night before set me up for a solid 11 hours of sleep!

Jelly was on my belly when I woke up...

And Chrissy was sitting on the floor next to my bed, staring me down. He was hungry.

I just relaxed and drank coffee. It was a lazy morning!

Eventually, we went to the gym. I did a six mile progression run. It felt great!

Game face!

I got to break in a new pair of sneakers!
I bought about 7 pairs of Wave Riders on sale a couple years ago. This is my last pair!

After cleaning up at home, I did some major grocery shopping. I planned to cook when I got home...

... and cook I did! Here is the aftermath to prove it!

I made some hard boiled eggs, roasted potatoes, a cold cauliflower rice salad, some turkey sausages, and three quiche!

Spinach, feta, chicken sausage
Broccoli, cheddar, onion, mushroom, bacon
Broccoli, cheddar, onion, ham

How does one decide what to ear for dinner when there is so much good food available??? You try a little bit of everything!

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What are the temps like in your neck of the woods?


  1. Wow, girl...that is a lot of cooking! Nice to get a full fridge, huh? We didn't get any snow this past week -- Denver got quite a bit but it did not hit NOCO. Our temps have been in the 40s - 50s. We had a couple nights of cold (like 10F and 7F) but NOTHING like the snow and frigid cold that is gripping a lot of the nation. I'm SOOOO glad.

    1. Yes our fridge is packed! Wow it is warm in your neck of the woods! Glad you are staying relatively warm. It's going to be in the 40s here tomorrow!

  2. I think we've all lost our motivation to actually work after the week we had. We too had school Monday, had off Tuesday, had school Wednesday, and had off Thursday. We were suppose to only have a half day today and then PD, but that got cancelled and we are on for a full day. I'm glad its

    1. It was a rough week! It's almost like a "normal" week gives me more motivation to be productive, don't you think?

  3. Yeah this weather has thrown off a lot of my teacher friends this week as well! I totally understand the schools being closed for this weather - it was dangerous just walking outside!

    1. Yes I can understand because there are a lot of kids that have to wait at bus stops. You simply cannot have kids standing at a bus stop in -17.

  4. All the talk of the weather has me very happy I am in Florida

    1. Good for you! Stay warm :) I made your riced cauliflower cass again. It's a huge hit with my husband!

  5. We are still darn cold but it's going to slowly warm up.

    Wow, that's an impressive amount of cooking!

    I can't even imagine sleeping to 11. I just don't. I can't. I'm a morning person, and even if I weren't the dogs would definitely need to go out before that. I did sleep late this morning -- 6.

    When Giz was healthier, he used to pace back & forth outside our door starting at about 4 am (and I didn't usually get up that early, although it's been known to happen occasionally).

    1. Girl, I can't even believe I slept that late. I mean, like today is Saturday and I got up at 5:30. Sure, my cat woke me up but I felt refreshed. I think it was because I had only four hours of sleep the night before and I needed to catch up.

  6. Wow, that’s an impressive amount of cooking! I ended up working from home Wednesday because of the snow and it definitely made the week feel weird.

    1. Oh it's nice you have the option to work from home if the weather is bad!

  7. OMG, all that food!!!!! Our schools were whacky here, too, with the crazy cold weather. I think today was the only full day they had, and all the others were delayed starts/early ours, and Wed and Thur were canceled.

    1. I know and it's only me and my husband! Luckily we eat quiche for like breakfast and lunch. I hope eggs are good for you now...

  8. It's cool but not as cold as in other parts of the country. We rarely get below freezing here in Northern California...

  9. Sometimes I cook two dinners on Sunday to get a head start on the week, and then change my mind about which food to eat first! Nice that you got to sleep in!
