
Monday, January 7, 2019

Weekend Highlights!

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It was a crazy three day week and a crazy two day weekend. I'm exhausted because I haven't gotten much sleep. I also haven't felt like myself. I don't think I have the energy to write a long wrap up, so here are just some highlights from my weekend!

We had game night with Bree and Geoff. Bree made a DELICIOUS chocolate souflee!

Look at their big 'ol baby, Ursa!!!!

Allison and I covered some miles on the AT. It was a gorgeous morning. There was lots of mud, but the sun came out and I eventually wished I wore shorts!

I keep making quiche! Paul and I have been eating it every day! On Saturday night, I made a chicken sausage, feta, and spinach quiche as well as a ground turkey, bacon, broccoli, and cheddar quiche!

Give me some more quiche ingredient suggestions!
Have you ever made a souflee?
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!


  1. Saturday was a very lovely day, I'm glad you enjoyed your run!
    What type of dog is Ursa?
    Not sure if these are good ingredients for quiche but I like the combination of tomato, basil, and mozzarella. I guess you could add chicken too.

    1. That is a GREAT idea for quiche. I love basil. Ursa is a Newfoundland puppy! She's huge, isn't she!?

  2. Sorry about the exhaustion, I hope you feel more like yourself soon! That souffle looks delicious. I tried to make a souffle once and while it was delicious, it definitely ended up flatter than it should have been.

    1. Bree made it look really easy but I'm sure it's not. It was so good that I would like to try to make one sometime!

  3. Wow, you are really the quiche making machine! They all sound awesome. I have never made a souffle, but if it's anything like making cookies, mine would be flat and disappointing! LOL! I just can't make cookies correctly. Hope you're feeling back to normal soon!

    1. Flat and disappointing? That's what she said. OMG SORRY I JUST HAD TO DO IT!!!!
