
Saturday, December 1, 2018

Weekly Workouts

Because I ran 37 miles last week I'm running a trail half marathon tomorrow (for fun), I eased up on the running this week, only doing 18 miles. Unfortunately, it was all on the road so my back hurt. I'm looking forward to a nice run in the woods tomorrow!

Saturday- Lifting at PF.  I was due for a good weight training session and a rest day from running. I showed up at PF around 6am. I woke up a 2am and never fell back asleep... Don't worry, my Traz still works. It's just I got 10 hours the night before, and even though I woke up at 2, I still got 6 hours of sleep! So it's all good. There were like 5 people at the gym.

I'm so excited that I can incorporate some of my favorite lower body exercises again. Things like jump squats, split squats, and kettle bell swings have bothered my knee and ITB, but not anymore!

I've been debating on whether or not to share this picture. My abs have been getting really strong and I lost a little bit of weight, which means you can actually SEE my abs. That doesn't happen often. And I know it is a very vain thing to be proud of, but as an old ass 36 year old woman, I am PROUD of these abs, so I am going to show them to you!

As soon as I gain 2lbs, these abs will be gone. Having abs you can see is like THE MOST POINTLESS thing in the world. Maybe it's a character flaw that I like that I can see them right now. Oh well, I never said I was perfect!

Sunday- Rest day. I spent 7.5 hours putting up my outdoor lights, so it was an active rest day!

Monday- Lifting at Planet Fitness and a deck of cards workout in my carport. My shoulder felt a little iffy. Dag nabbit.

Tuesday- 6 neighborhood miles. It was chilly but I loved every moment of this run. 

Wednesday- 6 windy miles. There was actually a wind advisory this morning but after googling a wind scale, I deemed it completely safe to run. When the wind wasn't blowing, the temp was fine. When the wind was blowing, it was frigid!

Thursday- 6 morning miles. I would have liked to go to the gym to lift but my wireless headphones broke and my new ones didn't come in the mail yet. When I run outside, I can play podcasts out loud on my phone, but I can't do that at the gym.

Friday- Lifting at PF. Headphones arrived! It was a gym day!

How were your workouts this week?


  1. Awesome abs!! You should be proud of them, it shows your hard work for sure. I was down a few days this week. Therefore, I have decided to bail on my holiday 5K tomorrow. Just not feeling speedy (but I didn't register yet, so it's ok). Hope your race is fun!

    1. Thanks, Lisa!

      Off to the race now! It's going to be 50-55 degrees!
