
Monday, December 10, 2018

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Happy Monday!
Honestly, I am not super excited about it being Monday....

I woke up at 1am and never fell back asleep. Thursday was a very shitty, stressful night. Some thoughts are just no match for trazodone...

The lack of sleep bummed me out because I wanted to have a very productive day. Still, I managed to do some online Christmas shopping and start my Christmas cards before even going to the gym. It was a load off my mind. I have done zero Christmas prep...

Even though I was tired, I lifted and did a deck of cards workouts. Jumping rope on 3 hours of sleep is rough!

Work was relatively calm for a Friday. The students had an early dismissal which meant I was able to do some work in my classroom. I took a PSSA test online, updated my band groups and schedule, and counted/organized field trip money and permission slips. It was a productive afternoon.

After work, I stopped by the liquor store...

... then Paul and I went to Akita in Lemoyne for sushi! 

I think Akita has replaced Tokyo Diner. The sushi is a little more expensive but it is very good!

I have a great story for you about our night out, but you will have to wait until tomorrow to hear about it!

Yay for sleep! Jelly woke me up at 6, but it was okay because I got nine hours of sleep. Time for a PRODUCTIVE DAY!

I got right to it, cleaning the house and getting out all the rest of my Christmas decorations and greenery. I felt accomplished when that was done.

We have to be very careful about where we put the greenery because Christmas has a bad case of pica that ramps up whenever he sees fake Christmas garland, pine cones... anything decorative, really. He is a hot freaking mess. He power puked in the basement this week and little green pieces of plastic were in his puke. Turns out, he gnawed on this thing...

... so I had to move it. Do you like where I put it? Fitting, right!?

My friend Jen did this charcoal drawing of Christmas from a PHOTOGRAPH! Isn't she amazing!?

The photo!

Then I headed to Detweiler park for a 7 mile trail run. The weather was perfect- low 30s and sunny. It was nice to do a solo run on the trail and get my head on straight.

When I got home, I FIXED MY ICICLE LIGHTS! I replaced the first string (which I had done before) and this time it worked! Now I feel like my LIFE IS IN ORDER.

I had a ton of errands to run, so I showered and bopped around for a bit. Then we met our friends Katrina and Glenn at Pizza Boy Brewery in Enola. I had several ciders that were divine. It was so great to connect with our friends and just chillax!

I slept until 9 (yayyyyyyy Trazadone!!!!), went to the gym (was feeling jacked up in my left leg so I couldn't run), and then went home to get ready for Girl's Night with Andrea, Cat, and Karen.

I freaking love my girlfriends!!! It's crazy, we're all different ages and all at different points in our lives, but we have so much in common and are able to listen and connect with each other.
How was your weekend?
Does your pet eat weird things?


  1. Where are you taking the kids on their field trip?

    1. To The Whitaker Center to see Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet perform The Nutcracker. We go every year and it is MAGICAL!

  2. Nice weekend. Looks like a great trail run! Sorry your leg is jacked! I pretty much feel my whole body is jacked in the winter (thus the walking!). Since we have a 2 month old puppy, she tries to chew many things she isn't supposed to. Her big thing right now are leaves in the yard!

    1. How many times a day do you walk Annie and how far does she like to go?

    2. We are not doing walks, yet...she is too young and her harness is too big. Hoping another few weeks and it will fit her and then we can work on walking! Right now we play in the yard and in the house!

    3. That makes sense! See I never had a dog so I didn't know that.

  3. I'm having to give Allie hairball stuff since she's shedding, and I'm sure she's eating the Christmas tree. She even looked right at me one day and started pulling off the fake needles. I got a new ornament too this weekend, and it's high up on the tree so she can't get to it.

    1. I love when they LOOK at you and then do what they shouldn't be. Cats are the absolute best. :)

  4. Sushi and liquor/wine store sound like fun (btw that sushi looks good, and even if it was pricier, sometimes you get what you pay for). We also have a pizzeria/brewpub here and it's a great idea because the pizza and beer are both really good, and I rarely even drink beer, but this is craft beer.

    I hope your left leg feels better so you can get back to running!

    1. I agree, the older I get, I realize you get what you pay for with... everything. Thankful that now that I am older, I can afford to pay for better!

  5. OMG I love that drawing of Christmas! I would love to have such a beautiful drawing of Elly.

    I'm sorry that your leg was feeling jacked... my right one has been a little on the fritz too. I decided to take today off and just climb tonight/do core work.

    My weekend was pretty awesome. Frank and I went out to the San Rafael Swell and I went for a pretty nice long run on the rim of the "Little Grand Canyon". It was awesome!

    1. It's good to take time off to be careful. My wise friend Susan says you can always do MORE but you can never do LESS. What's done is done. I bet your run was gorgeous!! I'm jealous of where you get to run. :)
