
Monday, December 3, 2018

Weekend Wrap Up!

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It was a great weekend full of family, friends, and running. What more could a girl want!?

My day started at 5am. I poured some coffee, loaded up my phone with podcasts, and headed to the gym. I had a great lifting session and then headed to work. On the way to work, I ate two hard boiled eggs, and apple, and a Greek yogurt for breakfast.

It was a very busy morning. Stair duty, saxophone lesson, first grade class, third grade class, fourth grade class, then an extended chorus rehearsal. (Our concert is next week.) I ate my lunch in the car as I zipped over to the eye doctor to pick up my new specs! I will not be wearing them daily... only when I'm at the movies, the theater, or driving in the dark.

In fact, I won't be wearing them until I FIND them. As of Saturday afternoon, I could not find them! Maybe I left them at work!?

The afternoon was exciting. After teaching a first grade class, the whole school gathered in the gym for an assembly to celebrate our school building being open for 25 years. Some of my colleagues that retired attended the assembly and it was SO FUN to see my long lost friends! Of course they are loving the retired life! That will be me in just 21 short years...

Look what I saw in the stairwell at school...

Guess who I got to see on Friday night? BOB!!! Remember our friends Bob and Rachel who moved to Vermont? Well Bob was in town for a couple days so he stopped by. It was great to see him. 

I miss Bob and Rachel a lot. They were our best friends. Paul and Bob went out for sushi and had some boy time and I stayed home. 

I took a picture of Christmas...

And Paul got one of the two of us. I thought it was funny so I had to share.

Thanks to Trazodone, I got some very good sleep. I was up at 6, but it's okay because I got my eight hours. I spent the morning drinking coffee, doing puzzles, and watching the 11 Colberts that were on our DVR!

Chrissy cleaning!

Then I did two deck of cards workouts in my carport. It was cold, but I bundled up and was actually pretty hot! I hope I can continue the outdoor deck of cards workouts throughout the winter because it is nice to be able to be outside even if I don't run.

That afternoon I went for a walk with my friend Bree and her big puppy, Ursa. Ursa is a Newfoundland and is just the sweetest girl in the world. It was cold and rainy, so we ended up at a coffee shop and enjoyed some hot tea to warm up.

Later that night, I picked up my SIL, Debby, and we went to the Market of Curiosities in Carlisle. The Market is a craft show but it has very strange and interesting things you don't see at "normal" craft shows. Debby got a cool headband and I got some leather earrings.

The craft show was filled with feminist, liberal, LGBTQ positive items, but look what I found in one booth...


When I got home, I made myself a yummy pasta dinner and watched Sex and the City on Netflix!

This morning, I ran the Hex Hollow Half Marathon with my dad in Spring Valley Park. It was muddy and we took a wrong turn and got lost for a bit, but I am so thankful I got to spend 3 hours in the woods running with my dad! Race recap tomorrow!

My mom came along too, and after our first loop, we saw she had taken over the aid station!

The rest of the afternoon was spent doing my usual thing- grocery shopping and getting ready for the work week. I even made Meranda's Easy Peasy Creamy Potato Soup. I never made potato soup before!

Let's wrap this all up with one last picture of my baby...

What's your favorite kind of soup to make?

How much money would you have to be paid to hang that Trump clock in your house for the next year?

Which Sex and the City character are you most like? (I'm totally a Miranda!)


  1. What a great weekend. How awesome that you got to do that trail run w/ your dad! Fabulous. My favorite soup to make is chili! I love chili! I would NEVER hang up that clock. I am counting down until he is out of office. I am totally most like Miranda but I love Carrie (I know you can't stand her character but I just love her!). I might also have some Charlotte in me...but just a bit :)

    1. How do you make your chili? I know there are so many different ways. I wouldn't hang that clock for less than $30 a day. That's a sushi dinner! I could get sushi EVERY NIGHT. That's worth it, right? Carrie... omg she is a HOT MESS. But they all are, right!?

  2. I had no idea you were running a half marathon on Sunday! It was a lovely day to run. In fact besides that freak snow storm we got in November, I am surprised at how mild the weather has been. I dont mind this one bit. But then again I feel like I've said that last year too. Or perhaps this is just what the weather is SUPPOSE to be like and I just think cus its December that it should be below freezing every day
    ..haha. clearly I need to learn more about weather patterns!

    So glad that you got to make the potato soup and put your own spin on it. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I know, the freak snow storm is what freaking pushed back the race haha! I feel like it doesn't usually get bitter cold until Jan and Feb.... Paul LOVES THE SOUP. We are brainstorming a lot of ideas how to change it up to. We are thankful for your recipe because we can take all kinds of spins off it if we want to.

  3. I'm actually making soup tonight when I get home. We got snow over night and it's cold out there! I found this chicken pot pie soup recipe on Skinnytaste, and I'm making that along with Red Lobster's cheddar biscuits.

    1. Omg that sounds delicious! I hope you have a yummy dinner and stay warm. :)

  4. I am a big fan of potato soup too! I like to make any soup that I can cook in the crockpot, so I have several different recipes. If it's easy, I'm liking it :) I do have a really good potato soup that is delicious, but very labor intensive because you bake the potatoes first, then scoop them out for the soup. I make a ton of it at one time and freeze it since it's so much work! Looks like a fun weekend!

    1. That does sound like a lot of work so it makes sense for you to make a ton at one time! I am going to throw a soup exchange party this winter. Won't that be fun!?

  5. I'm gonna check out that potato soup recipe now! I could've used that this weekend because it was raining out all weekend long.

    Congrats on the half marathon with your dad- I love that your mom volunteered and that you had fun together as a family.

    1. Well she didn't volunteer per se. She was walking toward the part of the course where people either turned right if they were doing 2 loops and left if they were turning 1 loop. The RD suggested instead of just sitting at the turn to go up the hill and man the aid station. So she did! It was hilarious!
