
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Weekly Workouts!

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I had a wonderful week! Not only did I run 32 miles (which is the most I have done in awhile), but 22 of them were on the AT!

Saturday- 8 miles on the AT. I went to a group run with Appalachian Running Company. I didn't know anyone and it was a weird run because nobody talked! We just... ran. I tried to start convos with people, but they ended quickly. My back felt great until mile 6, then it bothered me. It was so windy and cold this morning but the trees provided some shelter.

Sunday- 8 miles on the AT with Allison. We parked at the top of Peter's Mountain and did 3 miles North, back to our cars, then 1 mile south and back out our cars. I forgot how rocky Peter's Mountain is. I've been running between Boiling Springs and Scott's Farm lately, which isn't rocky at all. My back felt fine during the run but I went shopping later so of course it hurt then. Two things will always make my back hurt: shopping and my period.

Monday- 6 miles on the AT. I parked at Sherwood and ran South. I wanted to go farther but turned around when I discovered a bunch of cows were blocking my only way over the electric fence! I made up the mileage by adding some distance going North.

Tuesday- Lifting at the gym. I incorporated a lot of my PT exercises for glute activation and engaging my lower abs. I also did thrusters and split squats! ITB feels good!

Wednesday- 6 neighborhood miles and a deck of cards workout. This road run didn't hurt my back at all! I kept waiting for it to feel tight but I did not. Score!

Thursday- 2 deck of cards workouts and 2 miles on the treadmill. It was a snow day so I was at the gym a little later than normal. I was noticing a lot of people doing exercises with terrible form. I normally don't judge people's forms but there were a couple guys who I really wanted to educate, but of course I didn't! Teacher always wants to be teachin'...

Friday- 2 treadmill miles and a crazy circuit. My circuit included:

1000 jump rope rotations
100 burpees
100 mountain climbers
200 bicycle crunches
100 kettle bell swings
100 hydrants
100 stability ball pull ins
10 thirty second planks

It took me nearly 40 minutes!

How were your workouts this week?


  1. Did you guys have off all day on Thursday due to snow? We actually got out early which was nice!

    1. Yup off all day. It got bad here around noon. I got home from the gym before the snow even started :)

  2. Wow--great job, Megan! Nice workouts. That last circuit. There are no words. You are so strong. Sunday - Wednesday workouts were in Mexico (I ran Saturday before we left). I run before the sun comes up and I still die from the heat/humidity. But I also love that they have an outdoor lap pool. Bliss. Now back to Colorado -- snowy and cold today.

    1. Wow, way to transition from CO to Mexico! You love your workouts and that's what it is. If you love how it makes you feel, you can push through the weather. Welcome home!

  3. That is a crazy circuit! And a crazy group one - I guess they were more serious about running than I am! Love all your AT runs!

    1. Yeah it was so weird! I kept wondering whether I should put in my podcasts but I was afraid as soon ad I would, someone would want to talk!
