
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Weekly Workouts!

I know these workout recaps are boring enough but for MY records, I'm recording every niggle I have this week to see if I can find a pattern to my back pain.

Saturday- Zumba and a deck of cards workout. I was supposed to run the Bird in Hand Half Marathon but literally bailed on it with one minute left before the race started and I was standing in the corral. It was a crappy morning. My back hurt from driving to the race (one hour) but not during Zumba. It hurt more when I was sitting still. Like later on in the day while I was trying to relax.

Sunday- 8 treadmill miles. I was pissed and just wanted to see what my body could do. My back got a little tight around mile two but I kept going to see if it got worse. It didn't and nothing else hurt, so off I went, chugging along. I altered the pace and did some "fast for me" miles. One was at an 8 min pace and a couple were at 8:30 and below. After running 9 minute miles all summer through the heat and humidity, this was pushing it. I really needed to stretch my back after the run but later it it felt fine. My left hammy/groin was a little sore later that evening.


Monday- Lifting @ Planet Fitness. I matched! My workout felt AWESOME. My lower back hurt as the day progressed thanks to walking around work all day. Ugh.

Oh, I matched!

Tuesday- 6 treadmill miles. I pushed my pace so it was an effort. My back got tight but it didn't bother anything else. It felt better as the day went on. I walked 6 miles at work that day. THIS IS WHY I'M ALWAYS TIRED AND HUNGRY!

Wednesday- 2 deck of cards workouts. My back was a little sore when I woke up but it disappeared as the day went on, even though I wore heels to work! Maybe all my back stretching and foam rolling is working? I do it EVERY DAY.

Thursday- 6 neighborhood miles. Oh my gosh I haven't done a morning neighborhood 6 miler in forever. I had to get up earlier than normal and it was sooooo dark in the morning. I am always scared of getting raped and murdered on a dark, morning, neighborhood run. Which is ridiculous because I live in a very safe neighborhood and there are people out and about going to work, walking their dogs, etc. But still, when I get to a block that is desolate, I get scared.

My back got tight as the run went on and so did both sides of my groin. But after stretching, everything was fine. It did NOT hurt at work that day! The humidity was at 98%!

Friday- 3 miles and a deck of cards workout. My back got tight pretty quick. In fact, it was tight when I woke up in the morning, even though it felt fine the day before. Maybe I am sleeping wrong or need a new mattress!? I had my mattress for 10 years... Oh the humidity was in the high 90s again. Just September in PA, nothing to see here, people!

How were your workouts this week?


  1. I am really sorry about the sore back & the missed half. :( I'm really impressed with all the workouts you did considering your back has been bothering you!

    I'm pretty sure we need a new mattress, too, and yes, it can absolutely effect your back! Hope it feels better this week.

    1. Thanks Judy! I need to do some research but mattresses aren't fun to buy so I have been putting it off.

  2. Ugh...why is your back being such a jerk? Even with all of that, you had a really good week of workouts! My week was 3 runs + 3 cycling + 1 swimming. 3 days of strength. I think tomorrow I need to rest -- I looked back and I haven't had a proper full on rest day in a few weeks. Ooops!

    1. No clue. Just walked around the mall and it aches! I you enjoy your rest day tomorrow! Have any fun plans?

  3. Ugh so frustrating that your back is still bothering you! I hope you can figure out the culprit!

    During my marathon training cycle in 2014 I ran super early in the dark but now I refuse to because it feels so unsafe. I don’t even always feel safe in the daylight even though I also live in a great neighborhood. You just never know. For example, I can’t remember if I told this to you or Ali, but men ALWAYS stand in front of the entrance to the women’s restroom at the public park near my house, which is also the cleanest place to stop mid-run to use the bathroom if I need to. I always feel uncomfortable going in though because I have read stories of female runners being assaulted in park bathrooms in other states, and I hate that the men stand in front of the women’s entrance instead of over by the men’s entrance, like WTF.

    Well this morning I was going to stop and use the bathroom - it was light out already and a good amount of people were at the park. However one of my biggest fears was confirmed. As I was running towards the bathroom I saw one of the men walk into the women’s bathroom!!!!!!! Needless to say I did not go in. I hate that women have to deal with shit like this but I’m glad I’m always alert.

    1. Oh man I would never stand in front of the women's entrance. Seriously, why do they do that? Is there a better view of the park? I wonder if the men even know they make the women uncomfortable?

      So did you call the police on the man who went into the bathroom? Any idea why he did that?

    2. I know it's so frustrating. It's literally the same view. If I remember I'll take a picture during my run tonight.

      I didn't call the police but I did tell the park ranger! I'm not sure what happened though I didn't stick around to find out!

  4. Are you wearing super flat shoes to work? Maybe you need a bit more arch support. That can definitely affect your back. Scott seems to be going through the same thing right now. He went to the chiropractor this week but it didn't seem to help.

    1. I thought about that and wore sneakers a couple days. It didn't help. Ever since my trail race though and now it feels awesome! WTF? I just can't figure it out.
