
Thursday, September 13, 2018

A Day In The Life

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Here we go, Moooooonday!!!

I slept from 10:45-3:16, laid awake for awhile, and then slept from 4:30-5:06. My alarm wasn't set to go off until 5:30 but I got up anyway. It was time to face the week!

Fun Fact: When I can't fall back asleep in he middle of the night, I start thinking about all the different types of shoes I would want if money were no object. Then I start imagining an outfit for Julie Chen to wear on an episode of Big Brother. I have a pretty good one in my head. I wish I was good at drawing and could show it to you!

Some pictures of the cats before I left that morning...

I poured my iced coffee and sat down to download some podcasts for the gym. I was due to lift and was actually in the mood to go to Planet Fitness. Last year, I rarely went to the gym during the school year because I felt a little homesick in the morning and just wanted to lift at my house. But since I spent so much time lifting at the gym this summer, the gym actually feels homey to me right now!

I matched!

When I go to the gym before work, I shower there. I always have a bag packed in my trunk so I don't have to pack it in the morning or the night before. The showers and locker room at my Planet Fitness are very clean, so it isn't gross to shower there.

We were out of chicken, so I popped into Karn's after the gym to get some packets of tuna for breakfast and lunch. They were 4/$5, so I got four. It's always nice to have healthy snack options to keep at work. I also got some bananas.

I had a banana, packet of tuna, and a protein bar for breakfast.

It was such a dreary, rainy day! I arrived at work and just knew the kids would have indoor recess.

Have you ever wondered where I am Monday-Friday from 8:40-8:50? At stairwell duty at EPE. Living the dream.

Wow, the shadow makes it look like I have cleavage!

This school year has been so busy. I won't go into it because I'm sure it would bore you, but I literally have zero down time. I spend like 10 minutes eating my lunch, but other than that, I am either teaching or preparing lessons for the next cycle.

I also have goal of cleaning/organizing one cabinet per week. I am so ashamed at how disorganized I have let my closets get!

I forgot to take a picture of my lunch. It was a yogurt, tuna, and banana! I'm sure you can close your eyes and just imagine it in your head...

After work, I stayed to do some planning and learning with two of my music colleagues for 4th grade instrumental lessons. Yes, I'm teaching instruments this year. (Now do you see why I'm so busy!? This is on TOP of all of my other responsibilities!!!) We worked hard and I didn't get home until 6:00!

Can you read music? If so, you are laughing right now!

 Paul had a cider ready for me as soon as I walked in the door! I never had this kind before and I really like it!

After work, I usually need at least an hour of not talking or listening so I can unwind. Unfortunately, since I got home so late, there wasn't a whole lot of time for me to unwind. By the time I relaxed and had dinner, it was time to go to bed so I could get some rest and do it all again the next day...

Dinner: Chicken, black beans, tomatoes, cheese, CHIPS!!!

My cat is so fat!!!!!

Love him!!!!
Can you read music?
Do you have a favorite cider?
Where are you at 8:40 in the morning!?


  1. I need an hour by myself after work too. That’s why I run after work. I know so many of you guys are committed to morning runs, but IMO running after work is the perfect way to transition to home life! It allows you to be alone, de-stress and let your mind shed work thoughts and embrace home life!

    At 840am I am usually putting my Invisalign back in after breakfast haha. I have breakfast around 8am while I’m doing any new work emails that have come in since I last checked, then I clean/put Invisalign back in and start the work that’s harder than emails haha!

    1. I totally get it, I can see how running after work for a lot of people can be just the downtime they need. Personally, I am too tired after work. I walk 5-6 miles at school and stand a lot during the day, so my legs feel so heavy in the afternoon.

      Next time I am at duty, I am going to text you to see if you are putting your invisalign in! :)

    2. I actually thought about you being on duty when I was putting my Invisalign in this morning hahahaha!

  2. Wow, you do SO MUCH before work!
    I can not read music but I sort of wish I could do I would understand that joke! I know what you mean about having the hour of calm and quiet when you get home. I cherish those moments. I can also relate to " being home sick at the gym." I guess I didn't really get home sick but I'd rather spend my time with Baylee since I am away from her all day.

    1. I guess it sounds like a lot but really it's not. I mean, I did get up 25 min earlier than normal, so I guess that helped with the extra time? Also, I will mention my gym is on the WAY to work, so driving to the gym and showering there does not add on any time to my morning.

      I'm glad you understood my homesick comment! I'm the same way with the cats.

  3. I used to be able to read music, and now that goes over my head. I stopped band after sophomore year, so it's been 17 years since I looked at sheet music.
    One of the big reasons I listen to music while working out is I can tune out the world and decompress when I get home.

    1. What did you play in band? Did you do marching, concert, or both?

  4. Can't read music. Don't like cider. At 8:40 am most week days I am in my home office, probably on the phone, in a meeting!

    1. Hmmm okay but your 8:40 is my 10:40. SO I guess I should ask, what are you doing at 6:40 in the morning!??? :) lol!

  5. I can read music! I played flute for years in middle and high school band. I know it's stressful for you but it says a lot about you as a teacher and person to take on the extra responsibilities to teach the band/instruments. My old middle/high school no longer has a band and hasn't in years, and it's really sad. Props to Paul for having a beer for you as soon as you walk into the house too!

    1. Thank you Amy! I just really hope I do a good job. Today I put the trombone mouthpiece on the trumpet. OMGGGG I WAS SO EMBARRASSED!

  6. well, I used to read music (clarinet), but I'm pretty rusty now so not really!! At 8:40 I'm usually just trying to figure out what tasks I'll be working on the for the rest of the day at work. Or, if at home on my days off, running!! You sure are a busy lady! That's super organized that you lift, then head to work. Kudos on the awesome time management.

    1. I played clarinet too! I bet it would come back to you.

      The good time management is just being PREPARED and having a routine. I am such a creature of habit... But thank you for the kind words! Outer order, inner calm. :)

  7. I so wish I could read music! I played the trombone in HS band but never learned to play music! Isn’t that crazy?! I literally just learned the position it was on my trombone. But I’m so musical and always singing (like literally all day with my nanny kids. I always say I’m a real life Maria from the sound of music). So anyway I wish you could be my music teacher! My best friend tried to teach me piano several years ago but I just couldn’t get it :(. Maybe at 39 im just too old?! What do you think? Is there an age limit on learning music?!?!

    1. Aw I bet your nanny kids love you!! :) I sing to my nieces and nephew and they love it. I'm always making up silly songs. I need you to give me some trombone tips! I'm a bit rusty. I think learning to read music at a later age is like most things... prob easier when you are younger but NOT impossible AT ALL. I wish I could teach you piano. :) I have a feeling you would "get it".

  8. I am usually at work at 8:40 in the morning... but I go to the gym before work too and shower there (luckily, the showers are ok!).
    I love how your outfit matched the gym!
