
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Weekly Workouts

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It was an interesting week! I ran on road and trail. I ran in PA and NYC. I ran a race. I took rest days due to strep throat and I finally got in some lifting at the end of the week. Here's how it all went down.

Saturday- 9.5 miles on the AT with Kristen! She was doing 30 miles and I ran miles 10-20 with her in Michaux State Forest. It was a beautiful day- not too hot. And we just jibber jabbered the whole way!

Sunday- Chobot 15k trail race. I planned to just run relaxed, but I got a little annoyed before the race, so I had some energy to burn off. I finished just under 90 minutes. Recap here!

Pre race.

Post race.

Monday- Rest. I started feeling sick the night before (sore throat, headache, hot/cold) and didn't feel any better the next day. I had planned to lift but just didn't feel like it at all.

Tuesday- 6 morning miles before leaving for NYC. I still did not feel well and barely got any sleep. But I wanted to take on the day. It was a long day in the city. We ended up walking over 7 miles. Recap tomorrow!

Wednesday- 6 morning miles in NYC! First, I ran over to Central Park and ran North on West Drive with a couple little offshoots on side trails.

When I got to the top of Central Park, I ran a couple blocks up to 112th street so I could see the iconic coffee shop from Seinfeld!

Then I ran over to Riverside Park. I had never run there before. It was nice and shaded.

I'm glad I found another place to run in NYC. I woke up feeling terrible but was determined to do my planned run in NYC. You understand, right? We also walked over 7 miles in the city that day.

Thursday- Rest. As soon as we got home from NYC on Wednesday night, I went to Urgent Care and found out I had strep. Boy did I feel vindicated for how much pain I was in.. especially at night. I felt better as the day went on, probably thanks to the steroids I was given.

Friday- Lifting at Planet Fitness. I felt even better than the day before. Thank goodness for steroids! (For my throat, not for my lifting, hahaha!)

How were your workouts this week?
Did you ever run with Strep?
Did you ever run in NYC? Where?


  1. I am not glad you were sick but I am so glad that you still got your NYC run in! That view should not be

    I was sick for the first two weeks of summer break and was tested for strep. I did not have it so I just had to wait out my sickness whatever it was.

    1. Ugh that sucks that you were sick for so long. Especially during the summer. :(

  2. I am so sorry you got so sick. Strep...ugh! I have never had it but I have had some nasty sinus infections and the steroids + antibiotics are kind of amazing. Are you all healed up? My workouts were the usual run, swim, bike. I did have a 21 mile bike ride on Friday so that was wonderful--my longest ride of the summer so far!

    1. Wow! What made you decide to do such a long ride? How long did it take?

      I am feeling better except for a terrible cough that keeps me awake at night. I got OTC cough medicine so I am really hoping I get some sleep tonight.

  3. Why did you run if you were feeling sick? Did it help you feel better? Not judging, just curious how you find the motivation. I felt so sick this morning, and my body refused to move past the couch.

    1. Well the first day I ran because I was like, I won't feel ready to take on the day unless I do it. The second day, I didn't want to miss running in NYC.

      Normally I would not run. This was unlike me. I don't recommend it!

  4. I barely felt up to walking when I had strep! I don't know how you found the energy for running. The only good thing about strep is that the drugs start working quickly.

    1. Yeah I definitely wouldn't recommend it! I really wanted to run in NYC though.

  5. Oh damn,I am glad you felt well enough to run in NYC. What an opportunity!
