
Monday, July 9, 2018

Weekend Wrap Up


Happy Monday!
I hope you had a great weekend.
Here's what we were up to...

I woke up to a dreary day. Iced coffee and Morning Joe were on the morning to do list!

The dreariness and lack of plans made me feel blah. It's not like I was dying to have plans, but it's always nice to have something to do.

I ran 6 miles in the rain, then I spent entirely too much time on the internet.

Then it was onto a puzzle. 

Later, cards with Paul. 

And even later, trying to watch The Keepers on Netflix but we stopped because it was so slow moving.

I went to bed super early so I could get up and run on the AT with my friends Kristen and Anne the next day.

Paul and I met our friends Kristen and Anne for some Appalachian Trail fun! Kristen and Anne were doing 30 miles total (15 miles out, 15 miles back.) Paul and I parked at mile 10. I ran miles 10-20 with Kristen while Paul hiked alone. 

It was so fun to catch up with Kristen and babble away. Anne was doing her own thing, but I got to chat with her in the beginning. Anne is my friend I ran my one and only 50 miler with. She is a STRONG runner and a WONDERFUL person. She and I could talk forever. So could me and Kristen. Kristen is also a very strong and determined runner. She is training for a 100 miler! Not her first, of course. She went to the dark side long ago.

After our run/hike, Paul and I went home and cleaned up. Then we had some more outside time because we met my family at Pinchot Park to celebrate Clark's 2nd birthday!

He's a big, big boy!!!
I decided to run a trail race today! It was the Chobot 15k in Birdsboro (Rustic Park). I was pleased with my performance and ran faster than I had planned. I planned to just run relaxed but I got a little annoyed before the race, so I had some energy to burn off. (Recap tomorrow!) I finished in just under 90 minutes. It was mostly single track with 5 creek crossings!

When I got home, I saw that Paul broke out some birthday decorations! I turned 36 years old today!

I took advantage of being sweaty and did some yard work. I forgot there was a birds nest in one of our bushes, and when I went to trim it, a couple birds flew out and scared the shit out of me!

For dinner we cracked open a bottle of cranberry wine we got in Vermont and ordered junk food from a pizza shop. We ate while watching Seinfeld. Doesn't that sound like the perfect birthday meal!?

I went to bed early because unfortunately as the night wore on, I started to get a headache and a major sore throat. I hope I didn't catch something from that dirty lake on Saturday!

Fun Fact: I woke up in the middle of the night to turn our side porch light on (pictured). When I did, the red balloon popped. Then I realized I didn't finish my blog for this morning, so guess who was typing her final paragraphs at 1:00am? This girl. There may be typos... more than normal. I still feel crappy and am eager to get back to bed, so this is going to be it!
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!


  1. Happy Birthday, my friend! Here's to at least 36 more wonderful years of your adventurous life! xo

  2. Happy belated birthday!! It looks like you had a fun weekend, I would totally take pizza and TV for a birthday dinner, what really matters is what you're with people you love anyway (I'm not fancy). Glad you had a great run and trail race and got to spend time with family. It looks like you guys had wonderful birthday celebrations all around.

    1. Thanks Amy! We were going to get sushi but I was tired and starting to feel sick, so staying home was perfect.

  3. Happy birthday!!! It sounds like you filled your weekend with all the things you love most, family time, running, wine and cats! I'm not much of a drinker but I did drink a lot of wine this past weekend. I think I was channeling you in honor of your birthday!

    1. What kind of wine were you drinking?

    2. Moscato... always moscato :) It doesn't taste like alcohol which is why I like it haha!

    3. Ooh Moscato is good! You would like Buddy Boy Winery in Duncannon, PA. It has all sweet wines!

  4. Happy 36th birthday girl! That cranberry wine sounds tasty! Looks like you are really making the most of your summer. I'm going to try to be more active this month!

    I cant believe Clark is 2 already!

    1. I know he is such a big boy!!!! :)

      The cranberry wine was VERY refreshing. It tasted like a cross between wine, sangria, and just a sweet summer drink.

  5. Hope you didn't come down with anything. Happy Birthday!! Sounds like a great birthday (or otherwise) dinner to me!

    1. I'm sick today unfortunately. :( But at least I was okay for most of my birthday and I got to run that race!

  6. Happy birthday! What a fun weekend... and look at you, running a race on your birthday!
