
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

It's been a blah couple days.

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Guys, I have been so blah the past couple days. I've been feeling under the weather, unmotivated, tired, sad, and bored.

I hate that I am feeling this way during the summer. I should be living my best life!

Hopefully, I wake up tomorrow feeling like a new woman. Maybe I'll have some motivation to clean the house or even leave the house!

Do you ever feel blah for no reason? How do you cheer yourself up or get through it? I try to just hunker down and with time it passes.

Cuddling the cats helps too.


  1. Oh man we all go through those dips, I hope you find the upswing soon! I usually try to make myself leave the house to do something I like and then see how I feel. If I feel emotionally drained from being out then I just go home. Sometimes I also plan a future thing so I have sometime to look forward to. That could be buying tickets to see something, booking a weekend away or just ordering something I have been wanting and looking forward to the delivery. Cuddling Cecil always helps too!

    1. Cats do have a way of making us happy! I brushed Chrissy's teeth yesterday and gave the kitties lots of treats and lovin' because they don't deserve to be neglected just cause I am sad. It looks like a lot of people do what you do- plan something fun or take stock in the things you have to look forward to.

  2. Yes all the time! This too shall least that's what I keep telling my myself. I'm moving to a new state so I have a new emotion every 5 seconds. Excited, sad, nervous, name it!

    1. I saw you're moving to Boise! I can imagine all the feelings.... good and bad. Good luck with your move. :)

  3. Do you think it could be the weather? I heard it's been raining back there the past few days.

    When I feel like that getting outside really helps me and making a to do list
    I feel accomplished when I can cross things off it. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. It has been raining constantly and there is flooding. I am sure if it was bright and sunny out I would feel a little bit better. Paul and I would have more options of things to do if that were the case too. Thanks for listening. :)

  4. My stomach's been wonky on and off for the past two weeks. I really don't know why. All I can think of is stress right now, and maybe the heat. It's hotter in CO than in the past, and we have humidity this year. I moved up here to gte away from this summer heat.

    1. Oh man I hope the CO weather calms down for you so your stomach can feel better.

  5. *hugs* This is how life can be. I feel like sometimes we build things up in our minds, like summer or vacations or holidays, and it's almost like it sets us up for a disappointment? You have this ideal image of what your summer should be and it just never adds up (I'm not a teacher but trust me, I have the same issue and am sad I haven't hit every beach in the area this year, etc).

    Just give yourself grace... focus on the day to day and enjoying it. One thing that's helped me is making a list of things I have to look forward to, little things to keep me going on the tough days. It really helps to have things on the calendar like dates with friends, beach trips, day trips to somewhere new, etc.

    1. I guess I feel more like I am so lucky to have the summer off that being blah is in a way not appreciating it. Does that make sense? I DO appreciate it, but I should be happy.

      Thanks for listening, Amy! How close do you live to the beach?

  6. When I feel "blah" I totally pamper myself by getting massage or a mani/pedi. I also just spend time relaxing -- watching movies or working on art. Something to restore my soul! I hope you feel better soon, Megan!

    1. Thanks Susan! I have been doing puzzles, watching CNN, and eating cookies. I guess that is my version of pampering. :)

  7. That's a good idea, little goals. We cleaned the house today so at least I feel like I accomplished something.
