
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Weekly Workouts!

Since last week's was a little long, this week's is a little short! We'll be back on a regular schedule next week, friends!

I didn't run much this week because I was recovering from my 25k on Saturday and all the hiking we did in Vermont.

Sorry, no pictures. I suck. Plus no one reads this anyway. :)

Monday- Lifting at home! It's been a long time since I lifted and it felt good to get my pump on.

Tuesday- Rest. Sort of. We took the kiddos to Lake Tobias which meant lots of walking and lots of lifting kids up and down!

Wednesday- 2 deck of cards workouts. My right hip was still a little wonky from the race and I figured this would be better than the repetitive motion of running. I am going to try a couple miles tomorrow.

Thursday- 4 miles & a short lifting session. I parked at the gym and then ran over to Hampden Park while Paul worked out at Planet Fitness. But I got caught in a downpour. I would have kept going, but I didn't have any way to keep my phone dry! I ended up taking off my shirt and wrapping it around my phone and sprinting back to the gym. I finished my run with a mile on the treadmill, then did some lifting.

Friday- 6 SCORCHING MILES. The real feel was 97. I ran 4.25 miles before I started to feel HOT. So I went inside and drank a seltzer water in the a/c for about ten minutes. Then I went back outside to finish my run.

How were your workouts this week?


  1. I always read! Very nice workouts. Mine were the normal run, swim, bike, lift (I am very predictable) but Friday was HOT. Now this will make you laugh....normally when I run or cycle it's a cool/crisp 55 degrees, the sun is not up, the humidity is way low -- just how I like it. Well, yesterday I went out it was 70 (at 4 am) which is an extremely warm overnight temp. OK, so I get like 10 minutes in and I am thinking "this totally sucks". I was hot, my mouth was dry...ugh. I made it a 30 minute run and walked in the last 20 minutes. I was dying. OK, now you and all your mid-west or southern friends can totally laugh at me and call me a wimp! I know, I get it. But 15 degrees warmer was a struggle!

    1. I will NOT call you a wimp! It is alllllllll relative. And even with the relativity about the temps we're used to, some people just can't deal with heat and humidity! So we are getting a MAJOR heat wave these next couple days. Today, tomorrow, and the next day, the real feel is going to be over 100! I KNOW FREAKING CRAZY RIGHT!? I am going to a rally to unite families this afternoon and it will be crazy hot there, but that means I'm going to go do my run here soon so it shouldn't be as hot as yesterday's!

  2. You are not a wimp! I am super impressed that you went in and came back out to finish. Not sure I would have!

    1. I *really* felt like running because I took so many days off after my race. But that break was key.

  3. I always stop by to read too... might not always get a chance to comment though, unless I have a few minutes in front of my computer! Kudos to you - I would not even try running in that heat!!

    1. Thanks Lisa! I don't mind it as long as I am in the mood to run. Real feel is going to be 105 today....
