
Monday, June 25, 2018

Weekly Workouts! (Vacation style!)

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Due to vacation, this workout post is a little later than normal. So I'm recapping 9 days of workouts. 

Tomorrow, expect a recap from my 25k in Stowe Vermont. Then lots of vacation and hiking posts!

Saturday- 2 deck of cards workouts. I made them REALLY tough because I was ENRAGED for no particular reason and needed endorphins. This is one of my workouts:

Hearts- Burpees

Spades- Jump Rope Rotations x10 (Example: 2 of spades is 20 rotations. Ace of spades is 150 rotations.)

Clubs- Mountain Climbers

Diamonds- Bicycle crunches x2 (2 of diamonds = 4 crunches, 10 of diamonds = 20 crunches.)

Sunday- Lifting @ Planet Fitness. Paul and I got there around 3pm and it was dead!

Monday- 8 mile run @ Spring Meadows Park. I keep going back to this place! Paul and I went early to beat the heat. He walked while I ran. Then we ate breakfast at Cafe 101 right in town. After that, we hit up the pool! The real feel was 103 degrees!

Tuesday- 6 neighborhood miles. Boy was I slow... partly because it was hot, and partly because I'm just SLOW right now! Later that night, we took our nieces and nephew to a carnival, which was honestly more tiring than any workout I have done lately! (Okay maybe that crazy deck of cards workout from Sunday was harder!)

Wednesday- 6 miles around my hood. Last run until my race!

Thursday- 3.5 mile hike @ Green Mountain National Forest. On our way to Montpelier, we stopped at White Rocks Picnic Area, hiked up to the Appalachian Trail, and then took the White Rocks spur to a beautiful vista. It was a tough hike up!

Friday- 5 mile hike to the summit of Camel's Hump. Besides The Incline in Colorado, this was the hardest hike I ever did! We trucked to the top of Vermont's 3rd tallest mountain. The summit was ABSOFREAKING BEAUTIFUL!!!! Expect a detailed recap of this hike soon!

Saturday- Catamount 25k Trail Race! Recap coming soon! Spoiler Alert: It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be!

Sunday-  Two hikes totaling 4 miles. I know I should rest after a 25k but there's no resting on vacation. Even though this was our day with a long drive home, we stopped twice to hike. Once was at Molly Stark State Park in Vermont to hike up to the fire tower. Paul was to tired to go up and I was too scared!

Then we hiked about 2.5 miles at the Harris Ski Jump and surrounding trails in Battlesboro. I climbed halfway up the stairs of the ski jump (I stopped because I was scared someone would corner me up there and murder me!) and then Paul and I hiked a nature trail around Retreat Farm.

How were your workouts this week?
Would you climb up that fire tower!?
What's the hardest hike have ever done?


  1. Is that a slide or steps? It looks like a slide.

    The view from Camels hump looks amazing! Did you start from the bottom of the mountain?

    1. I should have picked better pictures! The part that looks like a slide is a ski jump! Beside it are the steps that I climbed!

  2. Nice job...I cannot wait to hear about your race, girl. I am sure you killed it! Thanks for sharing all your pics--beautiful.
