
Monday, June 18, 2018

Weekend Wrap Up!


Happy Monday!
I hope you had a great weekend.
Here's what we were up to...

The first thing I did Friday morning (after a cup of coffee and 20 minutes of watching Morning Joe) was put a new toilet seat on our toilet! It came with no directions but I was able to figure it out! Towards the end, I did have to consult Wikihow for one question.

Then I painted the decorative railing in our breakfast nook. I think this railing is one of the unique charms of our house, but some of the black paint on it chipped over the years. It didn't take me long to touch it up and now it looks super fresh.

I had quite the to do list for the day. I'm trying very hard to start the summer off productive because I know I'm going to get lazy really fast. I also want to make the most of my time and not let it go to waste. Having ten weeks off is a huge luxury and I want to respect that luxury by making good use of my time!

After checking some stuff off my to do list, I decided to go for a run. I wanted to explore the same route I did the day before. Paul and I discovered a park in Boiling Springs called Spring Meadows Park. It has a disc golf course and lots of walking trails. The walking trails even go through fields and connect Spring Meadows to another park as well as the town of Boiling Springs. I wanted to explore more, so I made the 20 minute drive.

I ended up doing 7 miles in the scorching sun and it was glorious!

Then I went to Lowe's for some paint and hanging baskets. I have been wanting hanging baskets out back for awhile but they were just so expensive. These were only $12 which means I'm sure they'll die in a week...

I also did some grocery shopping. Aldi was PACKED. But I remembered my usable bags so I felt like THE SHIT.

That evening, Ana came over for drinks and grub on the back porch! A couple years ago, we randomly met via our blogs and discovered we only live about 10 minutes away from each other. I'm glad we met and are friends!

This was the second night in a row that Paul and I stayed up super late binging on The Staircase. Don't worry, I will be blogging about my thoughts on the case in a future post!

Guys, I blogged for 3.5 hours straight this morning! Blogging every day is time consuming! But I felt very accomplished when I was done.

I was also kind of annoyed. Like enraged. Like I wanted to punch someone and scream really loud. WTF!?


I went out in the scorching sun and did two INSANE deck of cards workouts. The endorphins helped erase my enraged feeling. (I wasn't enraged about anything in particular.)

We met Paul's parents at The Pizza Grille for lunch. It was in honor of Father's Day. We had so much fun but I forgot to take any pictures besides this one of my mojito!

When I got home, I had STUFF TO DO. First, I took out two rusty vents from the wall, cleaned them off, then spray painted them with several coats of white paint. After they were dried, I screwed them back in. Well, I tried to screw them in. One of them won't screw so I had to tape it for now. DAD, I NEED YOUR HELP!

Then it was time to do some paint touch ups. Our baseboards, moldings, and doorways have nicks and such in them, so I just meandered around the house, looking for places to touch up. There were a lot of spots.

Then I clipped some fresh mint from the yard, made a cran lime mojito (totally made that up) and just chilled for awhile. Eventually, I made us dinner and we ate while watching The Staircase!

Cleaning the sun room was the last, looming thing on my summer deep clean to do list. Before I did ANYTHING on Sunday, I tackled the room. I started at 7:30am and finished at noon. Yes, it took a LONG time BUT I feel so good now that it's done. And it looks awesome! I checked my Garmin and I walked 2.5 miles just from doing that cleaning! Crazy!

That afternoon, Paul and I headed to Planet Fitness. It was time to get our lift on.

Then we came home and finished The Staircase. I went to bed at a decent hour and started this book...

Are you watching The Staircase?
How often do you DEEP CLEAN?
Have you ever installed a toilet seat?
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!


  1. Never heard of the staircase but I did see that book The women in the window when I went to download a book online at night!

    I am so impressed with all your house work. That's definitely the kind of stuff i like to do over the summer. In fact i did repaint my vents and molding last summer. I think I'm going to tear down wallpaper today and start

    1. I read about 120 pages (skimmed some). It's soooo slow and I don't like it. I'm quitting it!

      What rooms are you going to redecorate?

  2. I started watching The Staircase but haven't continued. We finished the first episode and watched about 15 minutes of the second and then I felt I needed a break because it was just so bizarre!

    I haven't installed a toilet seat but we have one we need to put on for potty training purposes. We bought a new toilet and the potty training seat actually doesn't fit our fancy new commode.

    1. You should finish it and then come to my house June 28. Betsy and some others who watched it are coming and we're going to drink wine and discuss. :)

  3. You were crazy productive this weekend... I don't blame you, if I had a bunch of time off work I'd try to be that productive too. I installed a toilet seat a little over a month ago because we got a new toilet... I had no issues but was so glad I didn't have to install the toilet since that was Clay's job. It's sad that our "date" that week was lunch out and then purchasing a toilet at Lowes haha.

    That mojito looks good! So refreshing!

    1. Omg I don't think I could install a toilet and I don't think Paul could either... I'd call my dad. :) Isn't it funny what starts to constitute a "date" once you've been married awhile? :) Honestly sometimes I'd rather go to Lowes with no makeup than get all dressed up and go out. :)

  4. You were a busy bee this past weekend! I hardly ever get urges like that to work on the house, but I wish I did. I do sometimes get that ragey feeling you are talking about where it seems to come from no where. If I think hard about it after it's usually because something is bothering me that's outside my control. Or I'm PMSing. Like, if a friend or family member is in a frustrating situation or I read something in the news that really upset me. I wouldn't be surprised if that was what caused it for you too!

    1. But you guys just bought your house and did a lot of nice work to it. See we are in that lull where we lived here awhile and some wear and tear is starting to show.

  5. Damn girl you make me look lazy!😉 I’ve installed several toilet seats over the years. Not too bad! I super cleaned under my couches and rocker-the dog hair really piles up! I also have some painting to do and mulching this week!

    1. See, you sounds productive too! I just know once I get lazy this summer there is no going back! :)

  6. Mojitos are awesome!!! We don't make them often, because we don't want to buy a whole lot of mint, and not use it.

    The trail by Boiling Springs looks really cool! if you drive by the lake, try out the coffee shop Cafe 101. It's owned and ran by a Mexican family and their Tacos al pastor are so amazing!!

    Enjoy the book!

    1. Well now you know where to get your mint. I will be your mint supplier. :)

      We went to Cafe 101 today! We got up early, ran/walked at the park, got bfast at Cafe 101, then went to the pool. OMG THEN WE GROCERY SHOPPED! It doesn't stop! :)

  7. I haven't installed much, then again I'm not adept at it. I do have a couple things to hang up, and I've been putting it off for such a long time. All I need is a hammer and some nails.

    1. You can def do hammer and nails. Don't think deeper than just hammer + nails. I don't think I am very adept at installing shit or figuring out house stuff either but... Paul isn't handy so one of us just has to GO FOR IT. Okay, I don't want to throw Paul under the bus, he has used youtube to replace my front lights on my car!

  8. Megan - I just had to tell you that I just started The Staircase last night and I am hooked. Might take me a bit to get through it - it is fascinating! Thanks for the suggestion! Kristen

    1. I cannot WAIT to hear what you think of it! I will be blogging about it as soon as I have the time to collect my thoughts. I hope you will share all your thoughts when you are done too!

  9. Did you make a pact with yourself that you HAVE to blog every day? ;) I mean, you could just blog when you feel like it.

    I like the hanging baskets for your backporch! Looks nice!

    1. I started blogging every day and just never stopped! Now I feel like I am on a roll and I shouldn't quit!
