
Monday, June 11, 2018

Weekend Wrap Up!


Happy Monday!
This was my first weekend of summer!
I lived it up...

I barely slept the night before, so I spent most of the day in an exhausted cloud. But I didn't let that hold me back from getting stuff done.

First, I went out and about to run errands. I went to the West Shore Farmer's Market for the first time. I was actually a little nervous about going there because I didn't know how it worked. I ended up getting bananas and red onions. Then I sat at a little counter and ordered an egg and cheese sandwich from a nice Amish woman!

Then I went to the library to pick up a book that was recommended to me. I spent the weekend reading it. It was really good!

Next, it was a tour de thrift stores to find puzzles. I got several interesting ones, including this one that is like Tetris!

I think it is going to be hard!

Question: Why does Good Will arrange household items by COLOR!?

Look what else I found at Good Will! I didn't buy it.

Somehow I was able to run 5 miles that afternoon. I was so tired but I did it. I guess I should ask myself why I felt like I needed to run when I was so tired? I think it was because I haven't been running much lately and I have a race in a couple weeks...

That evening I went to a Traveling Vineyard party at my friend Jackie's house. I had a lot of fun trying new wines and meeting new people!

Then it was off to another party (I know, who am I!?). It was at Katrina's house again. It was fun to see coworkers and just UNWIND and have fun with them!

We got home so late... nearly midnight. My voice was shot and I was exhausted. Sleep came quickly!

Recital Day! Today was Opus 7, the seventh year for me and Debby's joint piano/violin recital for our private students. Everyone did an awesome job. Of course I loved seeing my students perform and I also like to see Debby's students getting better year after year. It was a great afternoon!

Since Ellie played in the recital, the whole family was there! Afterwards, we celebrated with a picnic at our place. Paul's parents came too. We laughed and had so much fun! I even got up on the roof and picked some mulberries for the kiddos.

Oh, Grandpa!
What a rainy day! I really wanted to go for a medium distance run and was hoping to do it in the blazing sun. I decided to go anyway. I parked on McCormick Road and ran my old stomping grounds... McCormick, Hertzler, Arcona, Klinedinst... I have such great memories from running with the Crispy Balance Running Club on those back roads.

 I poured the whole time and it smelled like summer!

The rest of the night was chill. I finished a puzzle and listened to some podcasts on Lizzie Borden!

I also had this huge salad... I promise there is lettuce under those spiralized sweet taters and cheese!

Tell me something fun you did this weekend?
Any farmers market tips?
Book recs?

Do you spiralize? Give me ideas!


  1. I hate how Goodwill arranges items by color. The do the same thing with clothes here and it makes no sense. The community thrift arranges things by size which makes a LOT of sense. Sigh.

    Hooray that you got to run twice and that the recital went well! I guess now that it is over, Summer is officially here for you. Our farmer's markets are outdoors and don't look like they are as large as yours but they do have food. Your sandwich looks delish!

    I love spiraled zucchini noodles!

    1. The clothes at our Good Will stores are arranged by size, but within the size, color. Growing up, our local video store arranged VHS tapes by color! Can you believe it!? Not alphabetically... by color!

  2. My biggest farmer's market tip is to buy pineapple! Unlike the semi-sour pineapple sold at the store, every pineapple I've ever bought from a farmer's market is sweet and perfect!

    Also if you like salsa but don't make it at home a lot, it's a great thing to get from the farmer's market because it's fresh and usually not salty unlike the salsas from the store!

    1. I know you love your pineapple! I don't eat it that often, I think because it is one of the fruits in PA that is on the expensive side.

      I freaking love homemade salsa. Good idea!

  3. I had no idea that you did a joint recital with Debby each year. Actually I had no idea she taught violin lessons. That is so cool. So I assume that you don't do lessons over the summer? Will you have the same piano students once school starts again or will you get new ones?

    I was sick for the entire first week of my summer break so I'm really going to try to make the best of it this week!

    1. Debby is an awesome violinist as well! She went to Lebanon Valley College. I do lessons over the summer although not as often just because everyone goes on vacation! My kids take over the summer and will continue into the fall as well.

      I hope you are feeling better! It sucks being sick.

  4. The West Shore market is the best!! It's one of my favorite places in the West Shore. Let me know when you are going next, and i'll show you all the good spots. They have asian food, mexican food, and BBQ that are delicious! They even have wine!

    Congratulations on the recital!!

    1. Actually, YOU tell ME when you are going next because I am free as a bird! Show me your ways!

  5. Megan - Did you read Ruth Ware's other books - "In a dark, dark wood and "the Lying Game"? both are good, the first one is kind of scary. Also recommend "Pretty Is" by Maggie Mitchell and "A Small Indiscretion" by Jan Ellison.
    your nieces and nephew are just so adorable - i love the pic of them with your dad! so cute!
    enjoy your summer - my husband is also a teacher and i love when he is home in the summer. Kristen

    1. Thanks for the book recs, I read your comment on my walk and reserved them from my library on my walk too. Yes, I'm the girl walking the neighborhood with her head in her phone!

      Was your husband excited for the end of the school year? What does he teach? I feel like it's math but I could be remembering wrong!

    2. yes, he was - although he will most likely do a lot of school work over the summer - he is kind of a workaholic! he is a high school tv production and media/communications teacher, so things are constantly changing and he has to keep up! enjoy! i admire all you teachers and you deserve the time off! Kristen

    3. Wow that sounds like a very interesting job! Thanks, Kristen. :) I hope you and your family have a super fun summer. Any vacations or big plans?

    4. He loves it and he's the bomb at it!
      not much - just relaxing - we live at the beach so i feel like i am on vacation much of the summer even though i work. have fun !!

  6. I love good farmers markets. I haven't been able to find one close to me, and I love getting all that fresh produce. The closest place for me is Sprouts, and they sell local, really good stuff.

    1. Fresh produce is the best. Plus it forces you to eat it in a timely manner.

  7. We went to '2nd Saturday' in Midtown (all the shops are open on the 2nd Saturday of the month, there is food and music on the streets) and that was fun.

    I love our Farmers Market, too. Need to go back!

  8. OMG I so want to do a Tetris puzzle! Looks like a blast!
