
Thursday, June 7, 2018

I think I know what's wrong with me & Summer Goals

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Before I get into my Summer Goals, I wanted to share that I think I know what is going on with my body. I was having weird aches and pains that were jumping around, and then one day it just clicked for me. While running, my lower back starts to ache. Sometime it aches throughout the day. Then I was getting groin pain. Well I know groin pain is rarely groin pain, it's tight hips. Then I googled whether tight hips can make your lower back hurt and well what do ya know- it sure can!

I read a couple articles but this one resonated with me.

I know you're not supposed to diagnose yourself on Google but I'm going to try to start doing more hip stretches (even couch stretch which I stopped doing when I had that nerve issue last year) and lower back stretches to see if it helps. So far, it has, but I am only one day in so we'll see.

Yesterday I stretched and foam rolled  before my run. I stretched halfway through my run and after my run as well. I was able to run 5 miles without that lower back pain and just a tiny pull in my groin at one point. I think stretching is going to help. I hope so! I'm still not done researching so maybe I'll find some other things that could help me as well.

I'm rambling, mostly because I hate talking about injuries and bodies and stuff.

On to my summer goals!

Summer To Do Lists, Summer Bucket Lists, and now Summer GOALS? How many lists can one girl have!?
Do I need a spreadsheet to keep track of all of this?

The lists are very different. The to do list is chores. The bucket list is fun things. The Summer Goals are the things I want to strive to do for self improvement! I actually only have two self improvement summer goals. It turns out I am almost perfect and there isn't much to improve. JUST KIDDING. Here are my goals:

1. Go for walks. Walking is so good for you and I don't do it enough. Plus, it is something I can do with Paul.

2. Stop using plastic bags. I've been meaning to give up plastic bags forever, but the second I forget my reusable ones, it's over and I quit. (I'm an all or nothing type of person.) But I mean it this time. NO MORE PLASTIC BAGS. (I'm terrified I am going to fail this goal before I ever publish this blog post!)

Update: I went to Subway for lunch and they put my sub in a PLASTIC BAG AUUUUGH. I didn't even notice. Fail.

Second Update: I went to Dollar General, forgot my bags in the car, so I bought a reusable bag while in the checkout line!

Third update: I successfully remembered my bags for Weis!

What are your summer goals?
Do you try not to use plastic bags?
How often do you go for walks?


  1. Going for walks is my time to catch up with people and chat since most of my friends don't run. I love it!

    I always keep reusable bags in my car but it never occurs to me to Use them in places other than the grocery store.

    Good luck with your goals. How often would you like to walk?

    1. I would like to walk daily and not have it an all or nothing thing, which is how I usually operate. AKA a walk can be 10 minutes if that's what I'm feeling that day. Sometimes I feel like if I can't walk like 3 miles then what's the point. But then I end up not walking at all!

      I should come up this summer and we could go for a walk and then I could cuddle with Baylee. :)

    2. Yes! We'll have to fit it in between all your vacations!
      (Although Baylee may be shy for a few weeks cus her momma gave her a very bad hair cut)

  2. I don't use reusable bags nearly enough. Around here the latest thing is the no straw movement though, and I love straws. I will give up plastic bags but not straws. I feel like it's a reflex for Subway to put your sub in a plastic bag though.

    I should go for walks more often. I really wish my husband would go for walks with me, or I had a friend to just walk with. It's so weird to go alone even though I was always going on runs alone.

    1. Maybe you need a dog to walk with you! :)

      We bought glass straws. Now, I know that would be awkward to take with you places but maybe you could use them just for at home? Because I'm with you, it would be very weird to get like a fountain soda and not have a straw with it!

  3. I have reuseable bags, but I need to remember to bring them with me. It's funny, my mom and I were talking about this and she said plastic bags came out when she was a kid because they didn't want to use paper bags anymore to help preserve trees. Now the trend is plastic is bad.

    1. It's crazy how we learn more about the environment and thus do better. As I sip my iced coffee with a glass straw. :)

  4. I always remember to bring my reusable bags grocery shopping, but I never think about them when I'm doing regular shopping. I really need to get in the habit. I noticed in London that they charge you an extra fee if you want a plastic bag, which I think is something we could adopt here to get more people to use reusable bags! I went into a Boots (like a CVS or Walgreens) and the woman didn't even offer for me to buy a bag, she just left my items on the counter for me to shove in my purse. I was confused at first but appreciated in the long run!

    1. They charge for bags at Aldi! :) But Aldi is a European company anyway so that makes sense. I really want to try to do better with bags. I do usually bring a big purse...

  5. I walk my golden boy Gordon, but that’s a workout and a half-80 pound dog pulling little me when he sees a rabbit. He’s a work in progress! I walk for fun with Geri when we both can; nothing like exercise and catching up! My big goal for summer is to have more patience as I walk my dear boy and to have him calm and not pulling the leash! Now that school is out I hope having more time will help.

    1. Oh yes more time and more patience are two things you will have now that school is out. I wish I had a dog to walk!

  6. I am working on remembering my reusable bags! I do need the plastic bags sometimes, though, cuz my walking partner likes to take poops :) Rick and I don't take walks together but we hope to get some hiking done this summer. I always walk after my runs (with Macy) -- we used to go a lot longer but now that she is super old, blind and arthritic we can only go around the block and then to the park across the street from our house. She loves it, though...and so do I. Best walking partner EVER!

    1. Awww I bet she is the best partner! Yeah I don't mind having plastic bags around now and then. They are good for some things. Off to foam roll and stretch before I try to run!

  7. And BTW, I am glad you are figuring out what is going on with your back/hips/groin! I will for sure take a look at that video posted. My hips can be real jerks and get super tight!

  8. Matt and I are trying not to use plastic bags, too. We are also avoiding plasticware and straws. It's tough at restaurants sometimes, because you have to tell the server "no straw" before they bring your water, and a few times we've used the straws without thinking. But we've gotten better at it over just a few days!

    1. It's definitely a learning curve! And I'm sure once you decide to use less plasticware, you become more aware of just how often it is normally used!

  9. You need a couple of those and put one in your purse and a couple in your car so you ALWAYS have a bag handy.

    1. They look so handy! I do have reusable bags but not as cute.
