
Friday, May 25, 2018

Friday 5: What is going on with my body!?

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today, I just have a short one for ya!

I have no clue what is going on with my body this week... 

On Saturday and Sunday, I ran 6 easy miles. Nothing notable. I felt fine. 

Then on Monday, my left leg felt a "jacked up" in my upper leg/hip area. I couldn't really pinpoint a spot, it just felt "jacked". Does that make sense? I did two deck of cards workouts. Jumping rope, burpees, bicycle crunches, and mountain climbers were fine... it was when I did donkey kicks that it got instigated.

On Tuesday I lifted upper body. Legs felt good.

On Wednesday, my legs felt fine again, so I ran 6 miles. Right away my leg felt a jacked but not near as bad as the day before. It did not get worse as the run progressed, so I finished my run, foam rolled, and stretched. Later on the day... ooh boy! I was finally able to pinpoint the pain. It was my left groin and left upper ITB. (Weird... it's usually my lower ITB that hurts.) My leg felt pretty bad and I had no idea why! I decided to take at least three days off running, maybe even a week.

Here comes Thursday... I woke up and my legs felt absolutely fine. I lifted upper body. But now it was my LEFT FOOT that felt weird. It felt like I was about to get plantar fasciitis! My heel didn't hurt, it was more like toward the ball of my foot that felt weird. I stretched my feet and calves in the morning and afternoon. When I got home from work, my foot started to feel normal. Was it a fluke!?

Guys, I am really hoping I don't wake up Friday morning (today!) with a rip roaring case of PF! Or who knows, maybe my foot will feel fine but another part of my body will hurt!? I am so freaking confused right now as to why I am getting aches and pains that come on suddenly and go away suddenly...
Has something like this ever happened to you?


  1. I get things that pop up but it seems for me, they are always "something". We've been friends for a long time and I can say this does happen to you from time to time and your body does this little freak out thing but then it resolves itself in about a week. I think this will be exactly it. A few random things coming up and then all of a sudden, you will be back to totally normal!

    1. Oh girl I hope so! Luckily, if I do have PF, I have really good documentation from the last two times I had it on how I eased back into running. I got it once 5 years ago and then the last time I had it was 2 years ago when we were on CO! Remember that? You were talking me off the ledge. I filled our hotel bathtub with ice, flung my feet over the side of the tub, and sat there reading "Death in Rocky Mountain National Park" while I iced my feet. :)

    2. I do remember that...I was so disappointed because Rick got so sick and we couldn't come and meet you guys in Boulder :(

  2. Whenever I have stuff like that happen, I look at it as a sign that I need to take a rest day or 2 and it usually resolves itself. I hope that happens for you!

    1. Yeah my body may be saying, woah girl, hold up! I rested lower body yesterday and today. I think if my foot feels good tomorrow, I will go for a walk.

  3. I definitely do have things pop up out of the blue, but usually I can pinpoint a source after some reflection.

    I hope you wake up feeling good today!

    1. I have been doing some reflecting and I have some ideas but nothing major is popping out!

  4. I have been dealing with an off and on injury for almost a year now. Ugh! Just when I think it has gone away, I do a typical run and it comes back. So disheartening. I hope your run today was fine, and you don't have PF.

    1. Thanks girl! I am sorry you have been dealing with on and off injuries. :( That sounds so frustrating. I did not run today and lifted instead. Foot feels good. It felt a little weird in the morning but I stretched it and did my lifting barefoot. I know that sounds weird but when I'm barefoot, it feels normal. I hope I don't have PF either so I'm gonna try to not run for several days.

  5. Yes this happens to me often, just random aches that are there one day and gone the next. Even if they never really turn into anything, it's worth mentioning on the blog or in a running journal so just in case it becomes a bigger issue you can go back and pinpoint when you started feeling it.

    1. Exactly! When I went to PT for my shoulder pain, I was able to look back at my weekly workouts and see when/how it cropped up and how long I rested it. All that stuff. Injuries suck, but it's good to have our blogs as data!

  6. Sounds like you may need a rest. Hope nothing was wrong today!

  7. Things will pop up randomly with me too. Of course I freak out with every little niggle, thinking it'll be a full blown injury. I take some extra rest and yoga days, and if it's bad enough, I get some dry needling.

  8. I agree with what Wendy said above-I usually take those kinds of things as a sign that I need a rest day!

    1. Oh I see many rest days in my future! :) You ladies are smart.

  9. Oh no, I'm sorry that you had a rough week with your leg and then your foot :( I'm really hoping that you woke up today feeling better.

    1. Thanks girl! Nothing hurts or feels weird at the moment... Taking it easy!

  10. Sounds like you need to get a massage or have someone help work you out. THat sounds no fun

  11. I think you need a little fascial stretch therapy. Never heard of it? It's assisted stretching that works on the concept of stretching the muscles, joints, and fascia, to help balance everything out. Our bodies are connected by a layer of fascia that covers our entire body, including our muscles and ever our organs. That's why when you have a pain in your hip the problem can seem to transfer to your foot. FST finds those imbalances, helps to repair fascia, which can become "knotted up" due to overuse, dehydration,scar tissue, age, and many other things. It also uses traction, gently pulling while stretching, which helps release hips (that feel jacked up) and other joints. Check out for more information (and possibly find a therapist in your area).

    1. Wow that looks interesting! Thank you for taking the time to type that out. I will look at the website more carefully when I get home from work. Thanks Debbie!

  12. I've been injured for a long time. Back when I trained and had "niggles"- as in, something different hurt each day- I would take an easier week or get a sports massage and that seemed to clear things up. I feel like if different areas of your body tend to hurt, that's just because of the workouts you're doing- it's when the same thing hurts day in and day out that sucks!

    With that said, it's always tough to know what to do. Sometimes rest helps, sometimes it doesn't. Doctors don't recommend it as much as ordinary people do (typically a doc or a PT will try to find something else you can do in the meantime, or will prescribe exercises as rehab for an injury). If it's a bone injury, you definitely have to rest it. For things like soft tissue, it's more about trying to find the root cause because otherwise, it will come back when you start back running.

    I hope you will feel better soon. I know running and working out means a lot to you and you've had your share of struggles through the years with injuries. It goes with being an athlete, but the older we get, the slower our bodies are to heal and recover! Even at 32, I am experiencing it :(.

    1. You're right, it is so hard to know what to do! Like with my ITB, rest doesn't make it feel better. When my ITB hurts, it's either random, or due to having to sit for long periods of time. Of course biking and elliptical bothers it. Isn't that weird!?

      The only reason I am scared about these niggles is because they seem to feel A LOT worse than niggles. I don't know. It's just been a weird week! I'm going take some rest days ad ease back and see what happens. I'd rather be conservative than overdo it.

    2. I don't blame you; it is the end of the school year for you so maybe resting isn't a bad idea, just because you have stress with life as well. Every teacher I know is pulling their hair out right now.

      In the end, you know your body- you live in it. We can all give advice, so can doctors or PTs. But you know how it feels and what aggrevates your aches and pains, etc. Sometimes the hardest thing is when you have all the advice coming at you, you need to trust yourself on what to do.

  13. Oh no! I am experiencing something similar. I was hoping to get a massage soon but cannot get an appointment soon.

    Hope it gets better.

  14. Ugh. I hate mystery aches and pains. They are the worst! I hope everything falls back into place quietly! My PF came on with warning but I ignored it for too long.

    1. Thanks Coco! When I get PF it comes at me with no warning at all!!! Am I getting a warning this time? We shall see....

  15. Ugh, I hope you don't have PF! I got it last year during taper for NYC, and it's no fun. Hope you can figure it out and not have to deal with crazy aches and pains.

    1. Thanks Shannon! Me too. Honestly, I just hope they disappear!

  16. I can completely relate to this! My body does the weirdest things and I don't know why. When I try to explain this stuff to chiropractors or drs they look at me like Im crazy. My theory is that its because my back goes out of alignment and can mess with other areas. So if my pelvis shifts one way it might pull on my hip one one side and then the next day I'll feel something in my back on the other side. I hope that this all clears up for you! Its so frustrating. But I remember reading that when you have pain that moves around its better than having pain in one spot. It means your body is try to adjust itself rather than just feeding into whatever pattern caused the original pain.

    1. Hmm that makes sense about the pain jumping around and adjusting. I think sometimes my hips do get out of whack and that could have something to do with it.

  17. These kinds of things happen to me all the time! LOL
